Chapter 2. True Parents ..... 1465
Chapter 3. True Love...... 1481
Chapter 4. True Person...... 1498
Chapter 5. True Family....... 1513
Chapter 6. True Creation...... 1528
Chapter 7. Earthly Life and the Spirit World......... 1542
Chapter 8. Life of Faith and Training...... 1556
Chapter 9. Home Church and the Tribal Messiah...... 1568
Chapter 10. The Philosophy of Peace....... 1582
Chapter 11. Ceremonies and Holy ....... 1594
Chapter 12. Cheon II Guk....... 1608
Chapter 13. Peace Messages....... 1622
True Father's final prayer
1. . Let us live in service to You, our Father, carrying the banner of victory
My Father! We know that in the beginning You created all things of creation with a Will of goodness, according to the standard of Your original nature and as an unchanging being. But because humankind could not become the object of goodness to such a Father, we could not realize Your ideal. As a result, we know that the place where we stand is far from the standard of goodness that accords with our conscience. Furthermore, we know that this has caused Heaven and all things of creation to lament.
O Father! For us there still remains the path of providential destiny, through which we need to reach Your standard of goodness, even if we have to give our lives. Since it is our mission to walk that path to the very end, please, with Your mighty omnipotence, nudge us and hasten us along this path.
Elements of evil invade us through our body and block our mind, even as it tends towards goodness. Father, please guide us so that in this battle our mind, which seeks the good, will not be restrained and defeated by our body.
We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You will allow our mind to be led only by the power of goodness and the power of love. Please let us, as unchanging beings, find You and harmonize with You. Please let us resemble Your external form, as eternal embodiments who cannot be separated from You, and please hold onto us so we may attend You eternally, Father.
We are covered with scars from a long historical process of battling with sin, and yet the root of sin remains, deeply embedded in our bones and flesh. Though we have the responsibility to remove it from ourselves, we are inadequate to do so. Therefore we implore You, our Father who has the authority of life, the authority of power and the authority of creation, to please extend Your almighty touch over our body and mind once again and eliminate from us all elements of evil that entrap us in the shadow of death. Please allow Your touch to stimulate the heart of victory within us, and let this moment serve as an opportunity for Heaven to directly fill us with life. Please raise the power of resurrection within us. We earnestly hope and desire, our loving Father, that You will allow us to become Your sons and daughters who are able to bring about the work of resurrection as Your representatives in these present circumstances.
Please lead us, so that we will not be among those who lament that their position is unsatisfactory. Please acknowledge our qualification as Your true children through our victory in battle against the evil spirits who are our enemies, and who block our way as we make haste on the course toward perfection. Furthermore, please guide us that we may become sons and daughters You can be proud of in front of countless evil spirits. Beloved Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to carry the weapons that Your heavenly forces have always carried, so that we may fight on their behalf and be victorious over the myriads of evil spirits.
Father, this small group of people has gathered here at this time to kneel down, prostrate before You and tell You truthfully how unworthy we are. Therefore if we have any insufficiencies, please grant us penitent hearts so that we may repent of our own accord. Please give us minds of wisdom and understanding, and please allow us the eyes and hearts through which we can distinguish goodness from evil. We earnestly and sincerely hope and pray that at this time You will be with us and work directly through us so we may see and understand correctly.
Father, this is the time for us to present You with true gifts, but even if we have nothing to present, please allow us to offer You our original hearts in their entirety. We truly hope and pray, beloved Father, that You will remove all elements of evil from our bodies, stained with sin, and allow us to show ourselves candidly before You, our Father, with a body and mind that move according to Your command and befit Your desire and Will.
Please bestow Your promised grace equally upon Your many sons and daughters, scattered in all directions, who have set up their lonely altars this evening. Now that the Last Days are here, please allow Your works of inspiration, Your works of influence and Your works of power to be manifested wherever Your children reside, so the Will You have foretold can be accomplished. We know that many sons and daughters are setting up altars of prayer on their lonely journey to find the true altar. Please command that they may swiftly gather in one place and grant that they may receive the Will You have approved. Our beloved Father, we also hope and pray with all our heart that You will guide them to be children who are worthy to go forth carrying aloft Your banner of victory for eternity.
We pray that, wherever people are gathered at this hour to worship before the altar of Heaven, the sacred work of the Holy Spirit may come upon them, that they may be filled with inspiration and moved to repentance, so this people may fulfill the mission You have given them in these Last Days. Please guide them. With the hope that You will continue to lead us according to
Your Will during the remaining time, we pray in the name of the Lord. Aju. (March 6,1957)
2. Please allow us to achieve Your Will
Father of love! We have come to understand Your lament that there has been no one who could end the history of struggle, the sorrow of Heaven. Human beings have to pull out the original root of the Fall that our ancestors planted. Despite the long passage of history, we have been unable to pull out that original root of sin. We ask that You please allow us to uproot it.
All of us gathered here today earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to share Your bitter sorrow and make it our own. Please allow us to share the sadness in Your heart and to feel once again the hope You have long harbored. Please allow us to become brave people who can take responsibility for the history of sorrow, combat the countless enemy evil spirits, and emerge going forth as representatives of heaven and earth.
On the field of battle that remains, please grant each of us the power to take responsibility and go forth to accomplish Your Will, until we attain the garden of joy where we can share with one another the heart of love of our eternal Father. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that You will allow us to become Your dauntless sons and daughters who fight Satan, each one of us representing Your Will in its entirety.
At this time allow us to comprehend the goal in heaven our heart is headed toward, and the goal in the universe our body is headed toward. We hope and pray that You, our Father, will permit us to become children who can resolve Your sorrow and thereby bring You joy. As yet our body and mind are not embraced in Your bosom, so please look after us, work Your power through us and set our heart in the right direction. Please set straight the natural direction of our heart, and permit us to walk the path of hope You desire.
Please grant that we may profoundly experience the grace of Your joy within our mind and body, and please carry out Your work of re-creation through us. We earnestly hope and pray, beloved Father, that we may become children who, having taken hold of the root of sin and fought and won over it, can deeply experience Your love and return glory to You. Beloved Father, we sincerely hope You will not allow the countless evil spirits to accuse Your children gathered here at this hour; instead, allow us to be offered on Your altar as a sacrifice of glory.
Now, as we prostrate in front of You, Father, please grant that we may be aware of our shortcomings and able to confess them to You, truthfully and of our own accord. We earnestly hope and pray that You permit us to become children who submit as obedient and humble offerings before Your grace of atonement. Let us appear before You like the prodigal son who came back to his father. Please do not let this group shed tears of lamentation or take steps that will give Satan cause to ridicule us. Please be with us at least for this one hour. Let our mind and body be held captive before You, Father. We sincerely hope and pray that in this hour we may become an ideal offering in front of You, that we may joyfully receive Your grace of eternal life, grace of resurrection and grace of love.
Father, today is a sacred day. You have appointed it as a day to give blessings to all people. Therefore please bestow the grace of joy upon every chinch where people are gathered as representatives of humanity. Now that the Last Days are here, please drench us with the fire of the Holy Spirit, unite us as Your chosen children and enable us to victoriously combat the dark forces in this world. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to go forth and conquer all evil, representing six thousand years of sorrow, and emerge as Your sons and daughters.
Father, we pray that You will first bless the altar that represents this people, then grant that Your sons and daughters, who strive to offer all their devotion, their heart, and their loyalty to You as representatives of that altar, may become eternal offerings before You. Now, on the remaining field of battle, please grant that we do not incur indebtedness to You but rather that we care for the grace of eternal victory. Moreover, Father, we earnestly ask and pray that You grant us the ability to go forth and accomplish Your Will with an invincible warrior’s heart, until the ideal garden, in which You can pour out all the blessings You hold in Your heart, is built on the earth.
Our loving Father! Many of Your children were unable to come and take part in this evening’s gathering. Please work through them in the same way. Wherever they may be, allow them to proclaim in all directions the Will You desire to fulfill in the Last Days, and let them set up the altar of joy through which heaven and earth can come together in harmony. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to be Your children who will dedicate all our power, heart and energy solely to achieving Your Will.
I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (October 7,1956)
3. Please teach us to take responsibility for the heart of Heaven
Father, on this day that You have granted us, we are gathered before You on our knees, concerned that we are unworthy. Please allow us to fathom where our hearts are right now. We know that the life course You have pioneered has been so very solemn and sanctified.
Father, please look with compassion upon Your sons and daughters gathered here. We earnestly hope and pray that You will show Your awesome free among us. Grant us the standard of victory You have set up, by which You can seek and recognize us as Your sanctified people. We know that if the remaining providential course is one of sorrow, it is our responsibility to resolve this sorrow. We also know that one who cannot feel Heaven’s infinite sorrow cannot take responsibility to alleviate that sorrow.
Please let us become people who can take responsibility for the sorrowful heart of Heaven and the battles that remain. We are aware that, unless we profoundly experience sorrow to a greater extent than anyone else, and unless we become people who do not give up even when faced with great injustice on the battlefield, we will be incapable of handling this responsibility. Father, it is our earnest hope and prayer that You allow us to stand before You as people whose hearts are concerned over whether our bodies can be victorious sacrifices, worthy of being offered to Heaven.
Two thousand years of history have passed since Jesus came to the earth and left. Still, the altar of true victory that Jesus established on Mount Calvary, over which Heaven wept together with him, has not yet appeared on earth. We know that the time has come when Heaven and all human beings cannot help but move, when heaven and earth connect, and when the summit of Gethsemane and of the world-level Golgotha appear.
There should be many believers who are equal to this responsibility. But the more we realize that there are no groups that Heaven can happily seek out, the more we cannot help but weep as we look at this earth as sons and daughters who are concerned about Your heart. Father, please let us understand that the more eagerly You anticipate the day You have long hoped for, the more eagerly You anticipate the appearance on earth of those who will be loyal to You, Father.
Please allow us to become people who can take on all the historical sorrows, sons and daughters who can find our place in Your innermost heart and hold Your hand, offering You our entire mind and body today. At this time, please resurrect our mind and body through Your personal touch. Please pardon us for not fulfilling completely the responsibilities given to us during the past week and for not offering You our complete devotion. Please forgive us that we did not live each day overflowing with tears as we clung to Your heart, and that we have forgotten how hard You willingly toiled to find each one of us.
Father, it is our earnest hope and prayer that on this day, at this time, we may make a new determination and resolution, realizing how lacking we were in the past. Please grant that, controlling our mind and centering on Your heart, we may step forth as Your sons and daughters. Father, this is a sanctified day. Please look with compassion upon the 30 million people who are in a pitiful state. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will be their friend, that You will be their leader and that You will be the Owner who resurrects their lives.
We pray that You will become the center of their hope. We hope and pray that You will let them become a group, let them become a people and let them become a faith body that cannot move apart from You.
We sincerely hope and pray that You may bestow the blessing You have prepared for this people at this time. Please grant Your sons and daughters, who are responsible for the day of victory, the ability to handle their responsibility and mission. We know it is this people’s responsibility to fulfill Your Will and reveal Your glory. We know that the course to the fulfillment of this responsibility entails countless trials. Hence we sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who can go forth on Your behalf, taking responsibility even for this course of trials.
Please also bless the many people who are ignorant of Your Will. At this time, as people are being swept along by the tides of life and death, please allow many groups to appear in the midst of humanity that can catch hold of You and become Your sons and daughters. We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that from among the people on earth many sons and daughters may rise and stand before You, capable of taking full responsibility and thereby allowing humanity to avoid the rod of judgment.
If there are people who are unaware of this mission, this age and this responsibility, please warn them through us.
Furthermore, Father, we earnestly hope that You will allow them to become sons and daughters who can handle the responsibility and mission of the Last Days. Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will extend Your grace without restraint to those groups that are scattered throughout the countryside, appealing to You with lonely hearts. Please hold on to them so they will not fall behind in the course of battle to attain and claim the one day of victory You have permitted us.
We sincerely hope and pray that You will lead us personally from the first moment of this gathering to the last, Father, and that during this hour the powers of darkness may not be active. We surrender everything unto You. Please receive and take charge of our offering.
We pray in the name of the Lord. Aju! (March 15,1959)
4. Please grant us victory on our final, destined path
Father, Your children who have been fighting in the countryside have now gathered here in Seoul, the heart of the Republic of Korea. Father, please help them understand the nature of the heroic resolve they need to embody.
For whom have we gathered here today? Each one of us was victorious in battle and, based on this foundation, was able to stand erect as a living being. Nonetheless, we have selected first and foremost the solemn task of building the kingdom of heaven, and so we ought to examine ourselves objectively and assess our ability to fulfill this responsibility.
Father, we know that the issue lies not with our environment but with our attitude—whether we have the attitude of a person ready to take responsibility. This is why, after completing his three-year course, Jesus prayed three times in the garden of Gethsemane and met his final destiny, having become one with You.
Father, we now have the responsibility of restoring the city of Seoul back to You. At this serious time, Father, please grant that we may feel Your sadness and wretchedness when, leading us, You see that we are unable to grasp even one ten- millionth of Your heart. As such, we each ought to criticize ourselves mercilessly, analyze our own thoughts and reflect on how our position relates to the whole.
By doing this, we must realize how lacking we each are. We must also hope that our brothers and sisters of faith around us are better than we are. We sincerely hope and pray that You can help us feel again that we need to have a hopeful heart that desires to accumulate hidden achievements, find the connecting point through which we can serve Your Will, and take action.
Father, now the time has come for us to restore Seoul. For some time now we have had this objective. However, due to the peoples lack of understanding, they erected a wall we could not overcome, and for some time we could not act freely. Therefore our position was wretched: as we suffered storms of hardships, we were intent only on overcoming exhaustion and living hand-to- mouth. However, the time has come to launch an offensive that we couldn’t have conceived of.
By virtue of the toilsome trail You have blazed, the time has come to go on the offensive. Accordingly, we have to be victorious in the final battle and attain the position to sing Your praises, and pledge to bring You victorious results. We must not be people who have nothing to report to You. That is how it should be on the battleground. Furthermore, after being victorious, we must invest ourselves with a hundred times more youthful vigor so that when You look at us, Father, no matter what You ask us to do, You will be proud that we are people who do not fall short in any way. We must become such people.
Father, please protect Your children, who are spread all over South Korea. Father, I sincerely pray that the activities and organizations centering on us and focused on the final victory can be one with Your heart and the path You are walking, and that they thereby will help us become those who will gain victory in the final battleground.
Father, at this time, focusing on Seoul, please remember Your children all over South Korea as well as Your children all over the world. Father, please let us realize that You ceaselessly look down on our wretched selves with a heart of compassion and pity as we urge ourselves to go along this necessary final path of destiny.
Father, please grant that we may realize that when we are lonely, You share in our loneliness, and that when we face difficulties, You share in our difficulties and worry about us. Father, allow us to become people who keenly feel that our wretchedness does not end with us, but also becomes Your wretchedness.
Father, these days we often forget we are responsible for the solemn duty of achieving the liberation of three generations. Nevertheless, please grant that we, as those entrusted with the solemn responsibility of finding the path leading to the destiny of three generations, may feel like marathon runners in a stadium where all the saints and martyrs of history in the spirit world are watching us, where the people of this age are watching us and where even our future descendants will long for us to gain victory.
In this race, we have to overcome all obstacles, trials and suffering. Please help us realize that even though we may be sleepless, there is a final peak we need to overcome and go over. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that as we race toward the finish line beyond that peak, we may understand that, even if the adversity and difficulties on the track worsen, we must overcome and surmount all these aggravated difficulties, since that is the only way we can capture a victory whose brilliance will extend all over the world.
Father, please help us realize once again that when we go over the peak, the outcome will depend on the unity of the people responsible for this victory. Therefore, Father, I sincerely hope and pray that we may become those You can command without reserve and lead without worrying that they will fail to follow through. Please grant that we may become the people of unification who can go over the highest peak with no hesitation, bring down the final cross that Satan erects, and surmount the final mountain.
Loving Father, it is our sincere hope and prayer that You allow us to become sons and daughters whose concern is the final day. We will equip ourselves on our own with the things we need, invest ourselves with all our might for the day we will meet only once, and prepare ourselves to fight even one thousand times for Your Will.
I beseech You to be with us on this day, and I offer all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (July 27,1969)
5. Please enable us to march forward with new resolve
Father, on this earth there are many people who praise Your holy name and who claim they are Your beloved sons and daughters. But how few of them indeed are Your true sons and daughters in whom You can actually confide Your heart and share Your personal feelings. The more we think about this, the more we come to feel the wretchedness of this reality.
Father! Among the many peoples in various lands, You remembered this pitiful people who were driven out so many times. We would like to first thank You for Your holy Will that led You to select the lonely hills and mountains extending across this peninsula and to raise this nation as the center of Your providence. The more we realize the incredible value of the people who are totally loyal to this Will, the more we feel ashamed. However, when we meditate on Your loving heart that dwells more with a handicapped child than with a healthy one, we hope that You will forgive this people, whose historical background cannot but cause You concern.
Father! Unknown to others, Your children in the Unification Church have been shedding blood and tears until today as they fought for seven years to maintain a line of defense. At times they were driven out. Sometimes they beat their breasts as they wept or held their empty stomachs. At other times they shed endless tears as they contemplated Your situation, Father. All the past experiences began in this manner and with tears. However, instead of concluding with tears they ended in laughter. We have now ushered in a day when we can thank You for this. Furthermore, we cannot help but be even more grateful when we realize that we owe this conclusion to Your assistance and protection.
It is the united appeal of our hearts that the free heaven and earth where we can welcome You and fully sing Your praises may be realized quickly. Thus we bow and prostrate ourselves before You, with the earnest hope and prayer that You will welcome all our personal stories. Father, today is a sanctified day. Your lonely children scattered in all parts of South Korea are on their knees. They have directed their gaze this way and are making appeals with a sincere heart. Please receive their hearts. Just as You were our friend and just as You protected us whenever we told You of our sorrowful situations, we hope and pray that You will comfort them.
No matter what anyone says, we are lonely people who have nothing. Only You are on our side. You alone are all we have. We realize that the fact that we are living for You is a high and noble thing that money cannot buy, and we hope and pray that You will not let our hearts be disappointed.
The headquarters of the Unification Church connects to the world and is located in Seoul. Please remember Your children who have remained here. We know that this position can be a fearful position if we think it is fearful, a sorrowful position if we think it is sorrowful and a difficult position if we think it is difficult. However, if we are a group of people who are in You, Father, who are connected to Your heart and who live because of You, then we know You are eternally with us at the place where we stand and You personally guide and take charge of our lives. Therefore we offer our deepest gratitude to You, Father, for Your grace in allowing us to stand in this place.
Father! Please grant that we may be sincerely grateful that, even though we are so unworthy, we have been placed in this position today thanks to the merit accumulated by our ancestors throughout their lives as well as the merit of the age. Please allow us to be grateful not from our own personal position but rather from a historical position that extends through the past, present and future. Although we know You will recognize anyone who manifests such victory as worthier than any great figure in history, we earnestly hope and pray that You will raise us to stand in such a position.
Beloved Father! We are about to usher in a new year, and we hope and pray that You will allow it to be a year of joy, in which we can complete all heavenly programs planned for it and the kingdom of heaven You desire will be built on earth, so we can sing aloud a triumphal song of victory and return esteem, glory and praise to You. Father, please let all Your children, whose hearts are connected to one another’s, become brothers and sisters who can frilly manifest Your heart. We hope and pray that You will let us become Your sons and daughters, who can form the tribe of hope through the connection between parents and children of faith.
Please remember all Your children spread out in the world. There are many groups who are fighting even today from a lonely position centered on the connection to Your heart, so we hope and pray that You will remember them all. Please protect us personally until we meet again.
Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to become people who resolve and pledge for all of our lives to fulfill our duties of filial piety and loyalty before Your remaining Will, and to leave behind the record of loyalty You desire before Heaven.
With the coming of the new year, we will set out on the second seven-year course. Please grant that through the words we have heard at this moment we may make a new resolution and swiftly march forward. Since Heaven prevails even where cruel and violent winds rage, we know that if we set out with a firm resolution to follow in Your footsteps, our path will be shortened and leveled. We hope and pray that You will allow us to become Your children, who can set out on our second seven-year course, stepping strongly with a new resolution for the new year. We sincerely ask You to extend the glory of Your victory and grace to all things, and we humbly pray all these things in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (December 24,1967)
6. Let us become a group that offers utmost devotion
Beloved Father, even though the path ahead may be rough, when my heart of love and loyalty toward You urges me forward, even though my legs drip with blood, I shall be grateful for and value, even in my exhaustion, this path upon which I can be filled with reverence and enter the presence of Heaven, knowing this is all because of Your amazing love.
When I hear someone comment that I am over sixty years old now and talk about my having a successor, I feel sorry because I have not completed the course I have to go or completely fulfilled the way of loyalty to You. Thinking of this, I pray that I may go to the very end of the course that remains, with all my strength and energy. Beloved Father, please guide me so that I may conclude everything beautifully, even if it means ending my life on the path of suffering where I began.
I have no need for authority, money or knowledge. I need only the path through which this people, centered on Your love, may seek You in tears. I am only in need of that path, Your path of love, that all the people of the world may follow, forgetting everything and shedding tears. Regarding this tradition, while I am alive, in the short course of my life, I must bequeath the components of this tradition and prepare a point of origin so the water of life may gush forth from the hearts of the young people of the Unification family, not only in this age but also in future generations. Our Father, who knows very well the path we need to follow as we go out to fulfill our duty at this time, please remember the Unification group that is scattered across the world today.
There are people praying in tears and wishing me a long life as they think about how I am, here in this lonely land of Korea. The faint sound of their appeal for great fortune to cover the path of their Teacher does not arise from their wish to be saved by me. It is only to obtain Your cooperation for the sake of the victory of Your Will. I am a pitiable person and they too are pitiable people. Please remember them and extend Your blessings, so that instead of tasting the bitter cup of defeat in a cornered position, and becoming a group that betrays Heaven with lamentation, they may drink the cup of victory while glorious songs of welcome and praise for You are heard. Father, I ask that You render Your assistance so this may come to pass.
Father, please be with us in the battlefield now unfolding in the United States. This battle shall be one that can manifest Your glory and love, one that can display the dignified presence of the Unification Church, and one that can reveal the true image of the sons and daughters of Heaven as they go forth on their path. Because I know this, I am taking the lead without concerning myself with anything else. I do not wish to hear or see the prayers and tears of the pitiful, nor the sound of their prayers pleading in bitterness. I know You too do not wish for this. Please have pity on them and forgive the people of America so then- hopes can be fulfilled. I once again request that You bless the federal court and guide it so that it can distinguish that path of goodness.
Beloved Father, this time I stayed in Korea for twenty days. Many changes occurred and many circumstances arose during this time. But please ensure that this course does not end in a failure to bequeath Heaven’s love or a failure to leave behind a victorious foundation upon which the people can stand. Even if people curse me and look at me with disdain, I shall go forward on this path if it is the one to which Heaven will come and bless the future of the people of this nation.
In so doing, I know that this will block the path leading the people of the world to misery. That is why I seek Your understanding of the circumstances that compel me to grasp and pray about this matter. If the people are at fault, please forgive them. If the politicians are at fault, please forgive them. I know they are taking that path due to ignorance. I pray that Heaven instruct them and enable them to take action. If they do not take action even then, the laws of Heaven will reproach them. If they do not listen even after knowing that what they have heard is true and knowing what they should do, they will be rebuked. Such is Your Will. Yet I fervently, fervently wish and pray, Father, that You see and understand my heart, which longs for Your Will to be applied to this people and this nation.
I earnestly wish and pray that tens of thousands of blessings will be upon those who hear the news about me, look forward to the day of victory, and pray with their hands pressed together. Father, may You know and protect this altar. The people whom I leave behind have pledged to engage in a fight that will be remembered in history as having been a fierce battle. Father, I sincerely wish and pray that You allow this group of people to become individuals who hold on to a single person and struggle, shed tears and lament for that person. Let them invest their complete devotion to pioneer a trail over the peak of resentment on their own, and move beyond it with tears. I pray that You protect them until I meet them again. Please remember all the Unificationists in Korea and around the world. Please keep the future of this nation and its people in Your heart.
I pray that You protect the democratic world and blaze a trail of victory into the communist world. Thus I pray that Heaven’s glorious day, a foundation pulsating with Your ideal of love, can be manifested on this planet Earth. I thank You for this time You have permitted. All this I pray in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (November 22,1981)
7. Let this be a victorious year and turning point
Beloved Father, a new year has dawned. May Heaven’s blessings be upon the earth on the morning of this New Year’s Day. At this hour, as we receive the new year, let the historical and heavenly ties connect heaven to the earth. Please allow Heaven’s blessings to be connected with all religions and all humanity centering on the Unification Church group. And may these blessings be expanded to one family, one tribe, one people, one nation and one world revolving around the single heart that serves as Your center.
Father, at this hour the democratic and communist worlds have climbed to their final summits but, unable to occupy those positions, are in a state of confusion. This is the case with both the United States, representing the democratic world, and the Soviet Union, representing the communist world. As for the Adam, Eve, Abel and Cain nations that You intended to establish within the democratic world, they also are placed at their summit points, just like the democratic United States and the communist Soviet Union, both of which are at the top of the world today.
I thank Heaven’s grace for connecting the goals of the United States, Japan and Korea, centering on all the erudite scholars of the world in this age. You have thereby reinforced the new organization for victory over communism and thus enabled Korea to become a new global point of origin, empowering it to prepare a foundation from which it can leap toward a new world. Now that I know that the fate of the world is swayed by the activities of the Unification Church, I ask that You please bless it on its path. I sincerely pray that You permit us to reverse history and establish conditions so we can praise today’s victory, obtained through the infusion of all manner of blessings, and enable us to dissolve the bitter sorrow You held for six thousand years.
How much suffering have You endured since the time of the Fall, through Judaism and Christianity, until the advent of the Unification Church, offering Your helping hand for the sake of providential history? You paid so much indemnity. Such a bloody history remains, in which so many people who followed Heaven’s Will without fully understanding it, offered their lives. All these achievements made in blood have come to fruition today, ushering in the year 1984 as a turning point when we are able to bring about a global and historic liberation of bitter sorrow centering on the Unification Church. Father, please let Your unique and full authority be manifested.
I know that the day approaches when those who have been trampled upon will stand up, and when those who revere Heaven but have been driven out will become exemplary and glorify Heaven. Continually until this day, Unificationists have been driven away. Numerous nations, peoples, families and individuals have chased them away. Now the path of the setting sun has come to an end and the shining morning sun has risen, focused on the Unification Church. I sincerely pray that You permit this to be the year in which the world gazes upon the light of the Unification Church and welcomes a new world amid the bright sunlight.
I sincerely pray that You allow us to welcome the age when those who have been pursued may come back, lick their wounds and offer You their thanks. At this point in time, there is a son who stands in the position of a sacrificial offering. I sincerely pray and hope that an opportunity may come about through this son, as a living offering, to create the victorious kingdom of heaven.
I sincerely pray and request, Father, that Your power descend from heaven to the earth with Your omnipotent and full authority, allowing all religions to become one and all nations to unite as one, in the realm of heart that revolves around You, the one and only God. Now, centered on the Unification Church and representing the nation, the time has come to be strong and to take courage. The final time has come to resolve to draw the line of justice and righteousness with blood. I sincerely pray and request Your permission for the Unificationists to take a strong stance toward these issues and be able to advance on a straight path toward Heaven and toward the blessed land of Canaan.
Father, may You bless anew this entire year and allow it to be a year of victory. Please allow us to make 1984 a year in which we establish a new starting point in the battle against Satan, based on the legal sphere, and have a celebration with the Father. This year is also the thirtieth year since the founding of the Association. Therefore, Father, I sincerely pray and hope that You will grant Your blessing so that, based on the number thirty, the victorious nations may make a new beginning, and that a period corresponding to Jesus’ three-year public course may come about.
Please grant that all the children gathered here with their heads bowed may greet the new year and be able to make this resolution of heart all in the same way. I sincerely pray and hope that You allow this to be the time when all here may strengthen their internal and external resolve to embark upon this expedition as the elite force of the heavenly nation for the creation of a new world. Please allow this to be a year in which all the sorrowful incidents and inadequacies of the past year may be harvested before You, Heavenly Father, as the fruits of victory.
I sincerely pray and hope that You guide this year to victory, so a decisive and epoch-making line may be drawn to mark a turning point for heaven and a turning point for the world and the universe.
All this I pray in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (January 1,1984)
1. Please awaken humanity from its slumber
Father! We know that the only thing that remains for us to accomplish is to fulfill the Will of heavenly principles. And we know that the center of that Will is You, Father, and the True Parents. Furthermore, we know that the people living on the earth must become the true sons and daughters of the True Parents. And not only that, we also know that what You want of us is that we become one as brothers and sisters, and to have all people become Your true sons and daughters.
Father! We also know that the sin of blocking the way of and violating the people who want to stand in the position of the sons and daughters You are hoping for is a greater sin than any on this earth. Violating the true sincerity of another person is also a sin we cannot accept, but since we know that causing true sibling love to be lost is an even greater sin before heavenly law, we earnestly hope and desire that You will guide us and not let us forget this.
Father! We sons and daughters who are gathered here have been in a deep sleep, and the heavenly law is trying to wake us up. If someone says he is not able to get up because of another brother, how can he say that the Shepherd is leading him? Please do not let us remain in such a position. Let us take responsibility for our brothers as well, and please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to prepare hidden altars as representatives of the heavenly principles.
Please establish the ideal of the eternal son and daughter that You desire, and please let us realize that Your gaze is always upon us. Please allow us to feel the touch of Your love, and please allow us to hear Your voice appealing to us. We also earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow us to experience Your heart that is admonishing us even as it aches for us to resemble Your feelings, and to follow the example of Your inner nature, and to become the head disciples of Jesus Christ, who can be grateful, bowing down to You even if we die countless times for the Will.
At this time, we have heard words that made us feel in a new way about the many enemies that block our way to relieving the bitterness of heavenly ethics and to address Your Will anew. Please let us engrave these new facts we have learned in our hearts, and know that today’s words must not stop at changing our feelings on the individual level but have to go on to connect everything to the Will of heavenly law representing the nature of history and the nature of the universe, and that we have the mission to bring this about.
Beloved Father! Please let us fight with hearts of righteous indignation and hearts for the common good representing heavenly law, facing the many enemies who are blocking the way. Please let us go forward enduring again and again in order to offer You the day of victory. On greeting the day of victory, please allow us to be able to report to You the sorrows that we endured during that time, and please lead us so that we can go to the place where we can cling to Your precious hand and receive comfort.
Please allow us to awaken all people upon the earth, for they are sleeping. Since the entire world that You created is in the realm of lamentation, please mobilize us and let us restore this, and please grant all people the wisdom of heaven so that we may become citizens of the kingdom of heaven by each one fulfilling their responsibility. Please let us become sons and daughters who are able to go forward without hesitation no matter what course of struggle lies ahead. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to become heaven’s elite troops who are able to go forth for the Will alone even if we have to give up everything we have. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (May 19,1957)
2. Please make us into the vessels You desire
Beloved Father! Together with all the things of creation that You made, we hope to offer before You, who oversees heaven and earth, praise of Your glory and majesty. Father! We know well that while passing through the eventful course of history, You have come through a history of re-creation that was extremely full of suffering in order to restore the mistake of our original ancestors. We realize how much misery and suffering filled the historical indemnity You paid in order to have each of us individually return to Your original position by passing over the path of the servant of servants, the path of the servant, the path of the adopted son, the path of the child, and even the relationship of true parents.
As people who deserve punishment because we sinned, we have walked a miserable course of sorrow-filled suffering, and though You had nothing to do with it, You took responsibility for everything, taking the lead and overcoming all sorts of difficulties. We offer our sincere gratitude in view of the mighty accomplishments You attained while carrying out the work of re-creation.
Father! We have come to understand that there is not a single person who has not been touched by You, and we know that there is no country whatsoever that has not been led through Your hope. And furthermore, we know well that going beyond national borders, You are guiding all people to the present point in order to lead them into the original world of Your ideal.
When we think that in the world that must remain in the end, there will be only You and Your beloved sons and daughters and the heavenly forces of angels, we see that in this world the power of Satan and the people of Satan are far too great. We know that we Unification Church members are in a position where we cannot ask You to resolve this. We realize the fact that our Unification Church has the extremely precious responsibility to uphold the name of the True Parents and the name of the True Children and praise that family, and achieve on earth and in the spirit world the original state of the angelic world that is able to attend that family. When we think about this, we also remember that we are in the position where we have to inherit the great task of sons and daughters and, at the same time, inherit the great task of becoming parents, and then inherit Your original ideal of creation.
Therefore, we have to become children who are solely born of Your flesh and blood, and who are embraced in Your bosom, and who are loved as Your sons and daughters. Now that we are in a position where we can be embraced by You once again, we have to think about the fact that we need to go forward to the position of the heart of love, which is not inferior to the love You gave to Adam and Eve when You created them and raised them with hope. How can we possibly go forward to that standard of heart as descendants of the Fall. The only thing we can do is think about the wonderful fact that, the more we stand in the position of having made efforts in our yearning for the original attitude we should have, the worthier we will be when we appear before Your toiling heart, especially since You have overcome a path of suffering for our very selves. At such times, we can imagine, however little, Your heart, as our Father who is endeavoring to establish us before His original heart.
Father! Your young children, who have become hardened, must pass through Your touch and become the material for re-creation in Your presence. We have already understood that we must become like clay, surrendering ourselves to You to be molded as You wish, just like the time You first created us by mixing soil and water. We are not in a position to have our own opinions. Since we have understood that the only kind of mind we can have is one that admires absolute faith and adores Your absolute love and a mind that seeks to become a faithful servant of Your absolute will, O Father, please accept us and take dominion over us.
Make us into the vessels You want. It is not up to us to demand that You make us into pottery or into valuable vessels or into earthenware, so we sincerely hope and pray that You will shape us so that we can become whatever objects You need. The Bible says that those who are not like children cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. We know that children are those whose lives depend on their parents. We know that a child relies on their parents for their livelihood. A child appears before You as an object partner who represents the whole, but that child does not know it. Similarly, people who live on the earth today are in a position where they do not know You. In this regard, we cannot but think that we stand in a position of ignorance even greater than that of a child.
When we look upon such a group of people, we see that the requisites of their original nature through which they can be connected to You are all defiled, and that they have become isolated beings who are in a most difficult position to communicate with the heart of Heaven. And You, Father, have the responsibility to move them with Your loving heart and thaw them, to disentangle any knots there may be, and to soften them if they have become hardened, thus guiding them to a position where they can know You. Taking this into consideration, we realize we didn’t know the fact that the mistake committed in a day, the mistake of the Fall, has brought about this bottomless pit of sorrows that cannot be resolved even after passing through such a path of suffering.
As for the original position that You demanded, our limbs went on a path of opposition, and our eyes that see did the same, and our ears that hear did the same, and our mouth that talks did the same. When we realize that we have been such people, we cannot but sincerely hope that, for thousands of times, You will allow us to look in the direction You are looking in and listen to Your words, and that You will bless us to speak with a mouth through which we can whisper to You. In spite of the fact that we should follow You with our own limbs, wearing ragged clothes if need be, or crawling on our stomachs if there is no other way, we have instead become disloyal and unfilial people who are self- pitying and cannot be forgiven because we thrash and say we cannot go even when Heaven is guiding us. Since we know this, Father, please expand Your heart of mercy and Your heart of love.
The eternal ideal has been bequeathed because there still remains the originally created connection that cannot be forsaken, and since we know that the ideal desired by You cannot be forsaken as well, we cannot help but raise both our arms toward Heaven and clamor for You to save us. So, Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will bear with us. Please hold on to our feeble hands and guide us to the originally intended world that You desire. We did not know until now that You have had to overcome hardships, whipped and scorned all the way, so please allow us to understand Your suffering, the suffering our Parent is going through. Allow us to feel it, allow us to be awakened to it, even if only in our hearts.
Please let there be many people who understand how much Heaven has had to endeavor for them, repent of such a history, struggle to take responsibility for this age and walk the suffering path of the cross instead. Since we know that all such people are members of the Unification Church, and there is no one else, and we are gathered here, Father, please look after us. You have already spread out members of the Unification Church, not only in Korea but also across the world, and we sincerely hope and pray that Your loving touch will be extended to wherever they are, as they give all their devotion and all their loyalty and all their adoration to You.
We have set the third seven-year course, and it has already been a month since we declared it after passing through the second seven-year course that You permitted by Your Will. When we look back on this morning of the first day of February, we see that the past month has been a busy one, and we hope that You will allow a bright victory to unfold in the land of Korea through that month, that You will allow a bright victory to unfold in Asia, and that You will let it ring out before all peoples. Not only that, but we also sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will permit a history of joy, which has long been yearned for by the innumerable spirits in the spirit world, and through which they can be liberated, to be established as quickly as possible.
On February 8, we plan to hold a wedding ceremony of virtuous men and women from all over the world before
You, Father. That historical and global day is approaching, and yet there are groups of people who oppose us with all kinds of words and actions and who are trying to block that path and destroy it However, this son of Yours has taken responsibility for this path and is guiding others with the knowledge that everything will be concluded as You see fit, so please take charge of this period of eight days and let that day be glorified. I, Your son, earnestly hope and pray that that day will be a day on which Your glory and prestige can be praised by all peoples and all nations.
Thank You for being with us during the forty or so days of my stay in Korea. Don’t let anything that we do cloud Your glory in any way. We earnestly hope and pray that our work will become a foundation of victory on earth, where songs of welcome arise and sounds of joy arise on the path of Your personal coming and going that is escorted by heaven and earth and welcomed by all.
Father, when that event is concluded, the International One World Crusade, which is currently in Japan, will visit the land of Korea, and we have a huge amount of preparations to make before they come. We need to build up our international reputation, and think by ourselves how we can fulfill our mission as the homeland and the hometown and what we should bequeath to them. We have to examine ourselves. We, Your children in Korea, should show ourselves as having nothing to be ashamed of before
Heaven, thereby becoming a focal point of confidence and popularity as the clan of Heaven recognized in all parts of the world, and be aware of the danger of becoming a focal point of criticism instead. Since many people do not know this, we sincerely hope and pray that You will admonish them and educate them.
We have nothing and we possess nothing, but help us show that we love Heaven as we offer devotions to Heaven, and that, even if we are dressed in rags, Heaven is embedded deep in ourselves and deep in our hearts. We know that this alone is the responsibility of Your children living in Your homeland today and the mission they should fulfill. We have nothing else to show except this, and when we think about it, we sincerely and earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to become a group of people who are upright and tenacious, hardened through perseverance by which we can overcome paths of severe suffering in our lives, knowing the preciousness of our internal value.
On this morning, please bestow blessings on Your children spread out across the world, and we request again and again that You will be with the young ones in East Garden and the youths of America who represent the world and who are getting ready to come here. Please protect them and guide them and personally lead them on every part of their course of visit so that they can experience the beauty of victory. Father, we hope that we can live this one month together in Your name. In Japan, our members are preparing for the rally that will be held on February 13, so please be with them. We earnestly ask that You will lead us, guarded by angels and the innumerable heavenly forces of the spirit world, so that we can raise high the new banner of unification in the world and adapt our minds and bodies to the new echoes of Heaven. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (February 1,1975)
3. Please enable us to restore our subject nature
Father! Since spring indeed symbolizes liberation, we have to once again long for the joy of being held in the embrace of Your love. Since spring promises a new beginning, we need to make a new beginning while held in the embrace of Your love. Just as all things in nature are in harmony in spring, please allow us to be able to restore the nature of a subject partner that can harmonize with the entire universe while being held in the embrace of Your love, Father.
Spring evokes relationships of song and dance, and we yearn for the time when we can do that centered on Your love and in the bosom of Your love. As though this spring were a foundation for Sabbath, centered on Your Will, please allow us at this time to become people who can rest after being nestled in Your loving embrace, Father.
Father! By, inheriting all Your internal circumstances in this way, please let us long for the original human beings who could have made a new beginning with hope in the garden of Eden, and who could have been immersed in Your love, bursting with hope. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to feel that kind of connection as we welcome this spring, and let us offer eternal thanks to You. Let the gardens of our minds be like that.
At this time, we are here to offer bows before You, Father, so please personally come to wherever Your name is praised and be with us. Please cause all the essential conditions of spring to appear once again in the gardens of our minds, and please allow our minds to be places where You personally dwell. It is not the liberation of humankind alone, it is not the beginning of humankind alone, and it is not the harmony of humankind alone. Rather, it is Your liberation, Father; it is Your beginning, and it is You who must become the central being of harmony.
Indeed, we must uphold You as our Father who can put aside His lofty prestige, extend His arms and dance and sing. Since we must become people who can prepare an eternal foundation for You where You can rest, please allow this to be a time when we can gain this wisdom through this spring. Though the time is short, let every moment of this meeting in which we offer bows before You be a time that can arouse the connections of the heart that we can never forget, and please establish the one condition by which we can be deeply embraced in Your bosom of love. Aju! (April 21,1968)
4. Help us to put our resolve into practice
Our loving Father, You created Eden with the ideal You cherished from before the creation of the world, but the original ancestors, who were meant to become Your original object partner, fell instead and thus all beings on this earth could not live there, and we have come to realize that this became a sorrowful world that cannot form a connection to that place. This is truly sad, not only for You, our Father, but also for all created things. And we have come to know that the ringleaders who brought about this sad consequence were none other than the human beings You created, that is, the ancestors of humanity, Adam and Eve.
Though the sons and daughters born in Your direct line, Father, should have been good, they failed to fulfill their given responsibility and left nothing but bitter grief in human history. The more we contemplate this, the more we come to realize that, though great may have been the worries of human beings until now, they could in no way compare with the greatness of Your labors to save humanity. We earnestly hope and pray while we trace and measure those labors in our hearts, we will feel acutely once again what pitiful people we are before our Father.
Since the day that You lost Adam, how great have Your efforts been to find the one person in whom You could believe? And how much have You sought a person who would take responsibility and fight for You? How much have You longed for and sought one person who could inherit Your full authority? We cannot help but feel again, painfully, that it was Your anguish, Father, and the grief of human history, that there was no such person on the earth. Father, You have walked a path of constant tension and anxiety through a long six thousand years of history.
In sorrow, You endured from the position of taking responsibility for everything. You have continued doing so to this day without a moment of rest. Human beings have been struggling along a dark night path, but please let us bring to mind that You have been in anguish over the providence of human history in a darkness much deeper than that. And we are earnestly hoping and desiring that You will awaken us to the reality of our dishonorable and miserable selves. And please let us realize how frill of grief Your way has been as You wandered and searched along the back alleys of history for six thousand years.
When we come to understand the fact that Your toiling footsteps trace a path of Your being driven out by so many nations and peoples, and Your wandering and searching in this country and that, in this city and that, and that You have arrived today here in the mountains and rivers of Korea, we feel once again that we are truly ashamed of ourselves in front of You. This people did not know the fact that centered on the Korean Peninsula and its 30 million people, You were reaching out through Your providence. Even our good ancestors who lived in this land and passed on did not know.
But now we have reached the time when we can understand the fact that You have reached out through Your providence centering on this people. When we think about this, we cannot help but confess that from the past until today this people stands in shame before You, Father. Even though we are unworthy to even dare to relate to You, You reached out to us in compassion and love, and You established us in the realm of the grace of Your love. Therefore, we sincerely request that You will let us become Your children who humbly bow to You representing this people, these mountains and rivers, and all human beings. In the course of history, the era You hoped for has passed, and now we are standing at a parting of the ways where we can usher in a new day of history, so please remember Your sons and daughters who are taking part in today’s gathering.
Please have dominion over the minds of each and every one of us, and if You find any shortcomings there, please let us put an end to them here and now. Please allow us to examine our past, in which we failed to make efforts to bring about a substantial victory before the new Will, as we sincerely hope and pray that You will allows us to become Your sons and daughters who can usher in a new year when we can make a fresh beginning toward the promised world.
We know that those who are unworthy cannot stand before You, Father, but we have prostrated ourselves before Your knees through the grace of Your love, so please accept us at this time. We earnestly hope and pray that You will do so. If You don’t acknowledge us, Father, who on earth would be more pitiful than we are? We endured even when we were cornered and chased around in this world. Even when we were persecuted, we revered You, Father, and appealed to You, so please look upon us with compassion once again at this time. We set the seven- year course, unknown to anyone else, and have undergone fierce struggles on this path. Father, there may even be some people who, during that period, could not endure the severe persecution and avoided this path, weeping tears. Such people could not but feel ashamed before You, Father, so please look upon them with compassion when they blame themselves in their heart. Even if they cannot hold up their heads high before You because they do not have a clear conscience, we sincerely hope and pray that You will remember them as they call out for You, Father, with nothing but faith harbored deep in their hearts.
Though we are so unworthy and foolish, thanks to Your protection we have been able to come this far today. Therefore, Father, guide us to persevere and go forward until we reach the day You have promised us. We earnestly hope and pray that You will allow this hour to be one in which Your children, who have worked hard until now for this Will, can pool their hearts together and offer You their gratitude. Please supervise everything we have to do on this day, and we sincerely hope and pray that You will let this hour be one in which we can resolve and pledge to begin anew on our way toward the new promised world in this coming year.
Father! In that the twenty-one-year course we passed through was a very long time, when we think about Your long, sad historical course of six thousand years, we come to realize once again that there is no one who is more pitiful than You or who is lonelier than You, Father. We regret our past, in which we promised loyalty to You but failed to fulfill it and we promised filial piety to You but failed to fulfill that either, and we beg for Your forgiveness. We sincerely hope and pray that, from now on, You will allow us to become Your sons and daughters who can practice our resolution to be loyal and filial to You.
Father, Your sons and daughters, who remember and celebrate this day and who pray before You with all their hearts and will, are spread out across this nation, so please embrace them deep in Your heart. We hope and pray that You will embrace them with Your heart of love. Your sons and daughters are gathered here at this time, so please look after them. We also hope with all our hearts that You will, through Your words, personally look after those of Your sons and daughters who could not come today. Please let everything become one with Your Will, so that there will not be even the smallest little thing that is not suitable to Your Will, and please let us begin only from the Will and achieve results only through the Will, so that we can reveal only the glory of our Father.
Thus, we sincerely ask that You will let the glory of Your Will be revealed on this earth and be with us forevermore. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (December 31,1967)
5. Please allow us to establish the tradition of the parents
Beloved Father, in the face of Your sacred Will to block the flow of history and raise the shield of victory, we once again go down on our knees and beg You to forgive the shame of our ancestors. The history of sin stemmed from Adam and Eve and has extended down to the innumerable human beings of the present, and when we think about the fact that You have continued a history of struggles in the total darkness amid vicissitudes unknown to anyone, harboring the sorrow of billions of generations, to save this situation, Father, we truly feel ashamed of ourselves before Your toils.
We come to think about the fact that, though You are more than justified in repeatedly abandoning such offspring of the Fall, You have continued to grope Your way through the course of restoration based on the Principle because You are the creative subject being who cannot abandon them. We have also come to realize that, though many people have come and gone in that process and many people have passed through this earth in the midst of the vicissitudes of grief and struggles, when they go to the spirit world they continue to stay in sadness where they cannot hide their shame before You.
There was no one who could comfort Your heart, which could not find joy on earth or in heaven, and there wasn’t the one son or daughter who could become the companion of Your heart and hold on to You and share their stories with You. Moreover, there was no bridegroom or bride who could build a nest in the site of Your love. Moreover, beloved Father, there weren’t the parents who could boast of knowing what Your love is like, and there weren’t beloved children before those parents. In short, there was not one person on earth who could relieve the afflictions in Your heart, caused by the fact that the history of sadness coming from the failure to complete the four-position foundation could not be resolved.
No one knew the fact that the human beings living on this earth are the descendants of the Fall, who need to make their way back through all these atrocious environments and bring this matter under control. Beloved Father, we have come to know that, right before Your eyes, many people have died, and many, who tried to inherit the blood that flowed from the martyrs of old and block the path of historical crises and resentments, made everything worse.
Your sacred Will in establishing Judaism was the grounds of hope through which You desired to see the beginning of the end of this sorrowful history at the time when Jacob wrestled with an angel at the ford of the Jabbok and built the victorious base. However, when we trace back the ups and downs of the history of two thousand years, we can see that our ancestors failed to fulfill their responsibility. Thus, through the process of two thousand years after Jacob, and at the center of Your Will, centering on the standard of the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation, You sent the Messiah on the external standard of the nation. Nonetheless, You had no choice but to watch the misfortune suffered by Jesus Christ.
Not one person knew the fact that Your Will to bring the brightly shining victorious realm of Rome under Your sovereignty and make a unified world for thousands of generations to come, was left only as wretched history due to the one day of Jesus’ misfortune. Many Christians today praise his death on the cross as the basis of glory, that through it he paved the way for his resurrection, and that it is the banner of liberation. No one knew how great Your sorrow was as You tried to enlighten us about the sorrowful truth, and how deep were the vicissitudes of the bitterly regretful heart of Jesus Christ.
You have personally witnessed the sadness of history, in which Christianity was considered to be the enemy and driven into a corner by the Roman Empire and the chosen people of Israel, and the fact that they were unjustly brought down by the swords and guns of innumerable mounted soldiers; these and other sad events have left behind many twists and turns of grief. And even as You watched such scenes, You still had to lead them, so You retreated with an anguished heart and fell into despair thousands of times. Yet each time You had to stand up again in pursuit of that one day of the ideal, biting Your tongue and suppressing the pain in Your heart that choked You with tears, to find that position once again, with no one knowing Your circumstances.
Father, even though the historical eras flowing by have split up in the form of sovereign nations and many of the sovereigns of those nations have been replaced, the center of Your heart of love could not change and the Principle of Creation You established could not change. We come to realize that, the more the changeable environment expanded out in all directions, the greater was Your loneliness as You stood in Your unchangeable position. At this hour of this day, if it is Your wish to forget the woeful history and the many hardships that still remain before You, please look down upon us at this time, when this unworthy son is declaring the victory of the conclusion of the third seven-year course before You, our Father, on this morning of this day at the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of Parents’ Day, and if You can be comforted by us, we hope and pray that You will be comforted.
However, we also know all the stories and the many complications that compose the sad historical eras in the face of Your Will, and the tragedy of how You had no choice but to lay down the foundation for victory while in the background, defending this son of Yours. The sad truths, that Christianity was made an enemy, that the free world was made an enemy, and the communist world was made an enemy, and that they were all driven into positions from which they pointed their guns and knives at us, all emerged because the Korean people failed to fulfill the responsibility of this age, and because of the ignorance of human beings, who do not know the course of indemnity according to the Will established by Heaven. We know that this was why we had to go through such twists and turns in history.
Father! Now is not the time to blame anyone. Instead, we think about the reality that, along this path of suffering, the world, which should have been newly established after making up for the sad reality in Adam’s family, the sad reality in Jesus’ family, the sad reality in our family, the sad facts about the people of Israel, the sad facts about America centered on Christianity, the sad facts about Korea, and the sad history that has emerged all over this world, became the base of sadness rather than the base of blessings before Your heart and Will, Father. We, the children who know Your Will, must become the Unification Church, and become the members of the Unification Church who can pledge repeatedly and make effort to do whatever it takes to wash away the ignominy of history, and bear this even if all of us need to be sacrificed. We sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to realize this truth today.
Father, please bless this hour of this day. Now we have declared that the first three seven-year courses have ended. The second three seven-year courses have now been begun in heaven and on earth, so please let us establish the new tradition of son and daughter, the new tradition of husband and wife, and the new tradition of parents. By so doing, let us remember the fact that the historical tradition, the new tradition of grandfather and grandmother centered on the new tradition of parents, still remains for us to establish.
We have fought our way here until now in our yearning for that day, so the Unification Church should inherit all the traditional facts that others do not possess or even know about, and on this day and at this place, centering on Home Church, we should pray with joined hands and embark on the world historical course of indemnity and lay down the foundation on which we can assume the new form of son and daughter and, starting from there, complete the form of bridegroom and bride and of parents, and then perfect the four-position foundation through the form of grandfather and grandmother. This is the one central altar on the world historical and cosmic level rather than the level of the people, and we are truly grateful for Your grace in allowing the Unification Church to have this external foundation on earth today.
Through it, all spirits in the spirit world will undergo returning resurrection, and the liberation of the sorrows of Jesus will be achieved through that family, and Your Will will be fulfilled as You desire through this base of the kingdom of heaven on earth. This fact is encompassed in the motto, “Home Church Is My Kingdom of Heaven,” centered on which we began the 1980s. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that, centering on this foundation, You will resolve all the thousands of difficult circumstances in Your heart, that You will raise the heart to take an aggressive stance, through which all the sorrows and mortifications in Your heart can be restored through indemnity, and expand Your basis of victory; moreover that You will work through us so that the realm of liberation can be established from New York to all parts of America and the world, and furthermore, to the spirit world.
Including all those who are praying for this day, all the members of the Unification Church who are praying with clasped hands for this place, and all those who are praising the victory of this day before You, our Father, remembering the name of True Parents in their hearts, all the spirits who passed away as believers of the Unification Church, all the spirits who passed away as believers of Christianity, and all the spirits who passed away as believers of Judaism, should be brought together as one under a single system and, centering on their portion of responsibility henceforth, in the second set of three seven-year courses, should stand at the forefront and move and lead the blessed families of the Unification Church and Christianity on earth. Father, we are sincerely offering You these words today so that we can make this historical beginning at this hour, so please allow us to do so. Hoping that the love and grace of thousands of generations will be with You for all eternity, we have humbly prayed all this in the name of True Parents. Aju! (April 15,1980)
6. Please watch over us until we become Your beloved sons and daughters
Beloved Father! Up to now we did not know that if there is a traveler headed toward a faraway country, that wayfarer is You, our original Heavenly Father, the eternal subject being of the cosmos and the original substance of the ideal of love. Father, You have cherished the relational bond toward the earth in Your heart without forgetting this for even a single day. No one could know of Your loneliness, not having anyone to share the stories of millions of people that were tangled and snarled within Your heart.
I myself, who have the name of True Parents, am really ashamed to stand before You, Father. In spite of the fact that there have been billions of times in the deep night when I could have comforted You, whose heart was being pierced with such stories, I instead passed or lost those times because I was overcome by my own tiredness, seized by sleep. When I think of the many times that happened, I cannot but think once again how extremely unfilial I have been.
We are so extremely unfilial. The more we come to know, the more we cannot hold up our faces, and the more time passes, the more we cannot but feel ashamed of ourselves. We are so extremely unfilial that we cannot escape from having the name of the successor burdened with the sins of our ancestors. We know only too well how accursed and scorned we are by the grievous fact that we cannot escape from the position of the successor burdened with the sins of our ancestors. If we are in such a situation, and still are often called close to the position of our Father’s heart, how can the suffering people, who are living in this world as wanderers who do not know anything, possibly understand Your heart?
I had intended not to speak seriously to the Unification Church members gathered here, but I did in the end. Please let them engrave those words in their heart, and do not let them forget those words. Today is the first Sunday after the cosmic event. For this son of Yours, October 14, 1982 is the day on which I met liberation and cast off the day of sadness thirty-two years ago. We know that, on that day, the one moment was found in which heaven and earth could offer praises in joy.
We knew that there needs to be the day of heaven that You, our Father, have desired to see on the earth, and we know the wish of all people who pool their hearts together as they wait for the hopeful, explosive opening. If there is one place where the mind of Heaven, the minds of the good ancestors in the spirit world, and the minds of those who follow the way of righteousness and heavenly law while living on earth, can be brought together in one focal point and be celebrated and praised for the first time in history, we know that that place is where the historical foundation of victory has been prepared by bringing together the youths of some eighty nations at this time, through which the sorrow of Christ and the sorrow of Adam can be appeased before Your prominent Will.
Breaking away from the deplorable environment of the spirit world, where You could not communicate freely with human beings in Your incorporeal form, we have prepared an environment on the horizontal plane of earth on which we can have the name of True Parents in Your stead, our Heavenly Father. In such an environment, where they can eat the same food and live in the same situation on the horizontal plane, the world humanity, that is, the many peoples divided as Cain and Abel, can come together through this period on the standard of the heart of the sons and daughters and stand in the position wherein they can inherit the foundation of resurrection. Thus, they can form a relationship of the heart with Heaven, and with a value greater than that of the environment of the marriage of the Lamb centered on the bridegroom and bride anticipated for six thousand years, they can form a connection of heart in the land of Korea and go out into the world. It is truly amazing that this historical beginning has been brought about
Father, please forget the grief of the Old Testament Age. Please forget the tragic cross of Jesus of the New Testament Age, and please forget all atrocious scenes from the history of Christianity, when believers were killed, vomiting blood, boiled in oil, or tom to pieces.
At this time in which we were born, after all such background circumstances had been put behind us, do not let us have anything to be ashamed of in the path of pilgrimage we are destined to follow before the heavenly law. I am in a position where I need to give out the command of full mobilization so that we can fulfill the responsibilities of individuals, the responsibilities of families, the responsibilities of the church and the responsibilities of this nation, in order to set right and fix the connection of tradition that could not be established, and then link it to a new tradition before all people in the world. Therefore, please look upon us with joy, and since we have pledged to become the members of the Unification Church who have resolved to march forward without resting and with cherished hope, we earnestly hope and pray that You will receive us with a joyful heart.
Please let the grace of all generations be with us, and allow us to keep true to what we have pledged and resolved of our own accord. Please watch over us until we become not only Your sons and daughters who felt Your heart, but also Your sons and daughters whom You can raise, be proud of, and love. Father, we request again and again that You will spur us on and guide us to walk that path. We offer all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju! (October 17,1982)
7. Please permit True Parents' love to be be present in great abundance
In the world until now, there could not be found a true religion, and because there were no true husband nor true wife, no true parents, no true people, no true nation, and no true world, there could be no true kingdom of heaven in heaven. To restore through indemnity the responsibilities that all children on this earth failed to fulfill, True Parents came to earth and fulfilled all those responsibilities by themselves, and thus the victorious royal authority was instituted and at the same time the realm of liberation was established on this earth.
Until now, because of the defensive works of the devil, the good ancestors in the spirit world were unable to return to earth. Through the declaration of the name of True Parents, however, through the foundation of the mainstream religions, every person can inherit the privilege of becoming true children on a level plane. By so doing, the domain of victory could be established on the level plane through which the ancestors of our clans can be connected to the realm of mainstream religions, and inherit the basis of the meritorious deeds performed by all good people, thus becoming able to return to any place and cooperate.
Now that this time has come, True Parents made a declaration that only I could make on this earth. This was not done only to find and restore my own country; it is based on the sacrifices made by Heaven until now to find my world and connect it not only to the kingdom of heaven on earth but also to the eternal world. Therefore, we should know that it is the wish of the people who have sacrificed themselves in the course of the hardships of millions of generations, and that we have now ushered in the moment of the fulfillment of the wish that good people have cherished before Heaven as they followed the path of the cross.
Beloved Father, now centering on the motto of this year, “The Unification of My Country,” we should stand at the forefront in unifying my country with a sense of awareness that we are the leaders in unifying not only my country but also my world, and this hour should be one in which we can make this declaration before heaven and earth and go forth. To this end, I have spoken today on the theme, unification of my country and world peace.
Since we have clearly learned that it is only when the world is connected to this place that the liberation of the unified homeland can be carried out, please receive all of our resolve. We also earnestly request that You will accept these words spoken today, the words that mark this declaration made in heaven and on earth, as the condition for victory that can pass through the spirit world and the physical world and mobilize the people on earth and those in the spirit world, so that they can fulfill the standard of the perfection of the unified parents, resolve all that was caused by the invasion of the angelic realm, and accomplish the liberation of the universe. Please let the righteousness of True Parents and the realm of love of True Parents, which mark the victory of all eternity, be abundant in the entire cosmos. We offer this prayer and this declaration in the name of True Parents. Aju! (July 8,1990)
1. Please grant that we may proclaim Your heart
Father, many groups desire to know what Your Will is. Many people wish to know what Your holy work is. And many people are waiting impatiently to receive the one person You will send them.
Please bless this hour of this day. We know that the person who can inherit all of the unfinished work of Heaven is not necessarily one who has practiced his faith for a long time, nor the one who attained great results serving others. We have come to know that when we believe, we need to anchor our faith in a true heart, and that when we live for others, it will not be adequate unless we share our heart with them and by so doing bring great results. We also understand that You are looking for a true person from among the myriads of people, and that it is Your Will to establish one true person in the midst of the multitude and bequeath Your unfinished work to that person.
Today, as we unworthy people come before Your amazing Will, Father, we should first realize how clearly undeserving we are. We should feel deep in our flesh and bones that we are descendants of the Fall who dare not stand before Heaven. We have come to understand that, no matter how much we search within, we have nothing we can present with pride before Heaven. The blood lineage from our ancestors is the lineage that betrayed You.
You even could not embrace all of the prophets in Your heart of eternal and joyful love, because they inherited the flesh and blood of our ancestors and had within them the bitter root of sin. Likewise today, we too are aware that we are people unworthy of Heaven’s approval. When we come to understand the injustice of the situation that, although You created us with exceptional goodness, we are living on earth with aspects and elements that You cannot help but dislike, we cannot but lament bitterly.
Now we pledge to push aside, trample underfoot, and mercilessly cut off our horrible evil nature and the elements of evil that lie latent in our flesh and blood and in each one of our cells. We cannot help but confess that we are grief-filled descendants who have been unable to form our destined relationship with Your holy original nature and inherit original heart, original lineage, and original flesh and bones.
Among people such as us, where can You find sons and daughters whom You
can raise and bless in the midst of the garden that You will leave as an eternal handiwork? Nevertheless, please allow us to become sons and daughters who know how to bow down, lower our heads, and shed tears in the presence of Your mighty grace. Allow us to raise our inadequate selves to a position without sin, by reducing it here and there through conditions of forgiveness and tolerance.
The more we come to know Heaven, the more we realize that we are shameful beings before You, and the further we go, the more we feel afraid of bowing our heads and revealing ourselves before You. However, we know that this is the path of following Heaven. We know that Your sons and daughters who have gathered here today are not worthy of being called Your sons and daughters. Nevertheless, since we know it is Your Will not to cast us away, please watch over us.
Father, please cover all the flaws of these people who have lived in perilous places and have been wounded. Even though Your destined relationship of flesh and blood with these children was cut, we know that through their original hearts they are in a position where You cannot deny knowing them, and that You seek to remember them as Your true children. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You will bless this day and remember it.
We are establishing this day as a new historical day. Thus we earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to offer our hearts, minds, and bodies to You, so that we may approach the justification and glory of being Your children.
Father, we have nothing we can dedicate to You. Of all the physical things that belong to us as insufficient people, what could be glorious before our Father? However, while recognizing our insufficiency, we cherish the concern for Heaven we harbor in our unworthy hearts. We are trying to form a connection with You, our Father, and to establish a condition together with You. Therefore please look upon us with compassion.
We are aware that You always have known only too well that this foundation of mind and heart cannot be exchanged for mountains of gold. For this reason, out of a vast populace, You chose and raised a group of people who harbor their bleeding heart in their bosom and persevere and shed tears for the Will and glory of the one day. We know that the people You choose are the Israelites, and that this path is the one trod by the historical chosen people. These people are the traces of the chosen people, established through the lineage of blood during the two thousand years after Jesus came to earth and departed from it.
Father, please be with us at this hour. Though we have nothing to give You, please let us realize once again at this time that we need to become a people who can offer You our sorrowful tears first. We then need to go out into the remaining battlefield with a new resolve and offer our flesh and blood ungrudgingly before our Father.
Father, on this holy day, please bless all humanity. At this moment, countless human beings are roaming about, not knowing where to go. Even though the wave of death is approaching right before their eyes, they do not realize it and do not know that You, who have dominion and sovereignty over life and death, exist. We have the mission to enlighten these people and bring them into Your bosom and Your embrace. We sincerely hope that You will let us be sons and daughters who can proclaim Your heart in all directions with our hearts high, vast, broad and deep.
Although we have this responsibility, we have failed to fulfill it. Hence, at this time, we bow down before You with hearts afire with shame. Father, we earnestly and sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to shed tears before Your sorrowful heart and sing songs praising our relationship with You while shedding tears and involving ourselves in Your circumstances. Then we can call You “Father,” and we, the sons and daughters, can be called Your sons and daughters.
Father, please share more and more with Your new sons and daughters scattered in all corners of South Korea. We know that those who follow in the footsteps of the people who walk the path of persecution are also liable to be targets of the arrows of persecution, and those who follow in the footsteps of the people who shed lonely tears in places where they are trapped are also placed in the same position.
Father, until now, every time we were in such a position You comforted us, every time we fell down You looked after us, and every time we felt lonely You held on to us. As You did this, You showed us the garden of hope. Since we know that You are our living Father, we earnestly hope and pray that, if any of Your sons and daughters is facing persecution at this hour, please touch them with the same grace and embrace them.
Please personally receive the devotions they offer You, Father, as they remember this hour and this day, and please hold on to them and establish a living relationship with them. We sincerely hope and pray that You may do so.
Since we know that these circumstances and this situation are not in accord with Your desired Will, we cannot even begin to fathom Your sorrowful heart. Please forgive us for being unable to fulfill our assigned responsibility and, as You take into account our hearts filled with concern, we earnestly hope and pray that You will cover everything.
Father! Please bless these pitiful people, the millions of believers in the spirit world, the millions of believers spread out on earth, and other innumerable people as well. We know that the one day of joy is coming, when the authority of life will shine like the bright rays of the sun, and heaven and earth will harmonize and sing. We are waiting eagerly for that day with joy and anticipation. Therefore, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become Your sons and daughters who can endure and struggle until that day comes and remain until the end.
Our loving Father, we stand at the altar at this permitted hour, so please be with us. Though I do not wish to say any words, I stand here because of Your Will, so please be with us. Please eliminate all human words and everything else from us. Please manifest Yourself before us and allow us to feel You in our hearts and resonate with You. We earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to bow down and repent of our past while shedding tears before Heaven. Please allow us also to find new impetus in life and establish a relationship with the work of resurrection.
Eternal Father, please let the hearts of those who convey Your Word unite with the heart of Heaven that urges them to do so, so that they can understand the Will of Heaven and the Will to disseminate Your Word. Thus they can become Your sons and daughters, worthy of raising high the banner of victory and singing of Your glory in Your blessed garden.
Beloved Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will bless us so that we may be worthy of being Your sons and daughters who uphold the teachings of the chosen people of Heaven, and who can live forevermore while attending You on the foundation of Your blessed grace. Hoping that You will be with us in everything, and that You will allow this hour to be one in which Satan cannot take advantage of us, we offer these words in the name of the Lord. Aju! (November 27,1960)
2. Please urge us on this path to achieve a world of unity
Father! Each time we bow down and pray before Your sacred majesty, we consider even more the fact that You are not joyful, and we feel more ashamed and remorseful. Father, in the vastness of heaven and earth, there is no group of people more unworthy than the Korean people. Nevertheless, You have chosen us. Among the many peoples of the earth there is no group less worthy, yet You have come to us.
When we consider that You have protected and kept us from harm hundreds and thousands of times, even though we were behaving so foolishly, we feel once again that You love this group of people, that You love us unconditionally. You have come to this immature and ignorant people and granted us the concept of the blessings of heaven and earth, which are so hard to fathom. We are grateful that You have allowed us to have this day when we can call You, “Father,” with hearts that overflow like never-ending springs on a foundation of holy grace that others cannot even imagine. We feel all this as the caress of Your love.
When we consider how You have raised us up until now and what You have done to have us become standard-bearers who can carry out Your commands, and when we consider what Your path must have been like as You went forth to prepare the way of restoration, never complaining but enduring the sorrows of the past, we cannot help but repent once again for the past when we were unworthy children millions and millions of times.
Please establish in front of this nation and people a movement that, even as it is driven out, is able to go forward and overcome the obstacles that You have overcome to this day, and reach the standard of final victory that You have reached. Please let us become people who are able to feel ashamed before You and urge ourselves on. When we realize again that You have come bearing Your mighty Will, we earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to feel on our own that there is no way for us other than to offer gratitude and more gratitude, along with hymns and more hymns thousands of times before You, our glorious Father.
We should henceforth march forward, ready to risk our lives for You, Father. We should know that this moment in time is precious. We should feel once again that our bodies are covered with all the filthy, ragged clothes of history and that our minds are enslaved by crudity that prohibits You from dwelling in us. In accordance with the teaching that we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless we are like children, we need to become children once again. We should find the position of the original children, the position from which we can yearn for You, our Father, yearn for Your embrace, and yearn for Your water of life, just as a child yearns for its mother’s embrace and yearns for its mother’s milk.
Father! We were a people without a country. We were refugees who lost their nation. We were beggars who were starving, trying to find the nation we lost. Since we have come to understand the truth, Your Will to find and establish a new hometown, the land of the original homeland, we have to find that lost original homeland and the original family, and redress accounts with Satan.
We will not stop there; we have realized that we need to reverse and indemnify everything, no matter what kinds of difficulties or suffering there may be. We have to combine every authority we have inherited to facilitate heavenly blessings of which Satan cannot take advantage. We will face Satan, who is our historical enemy, our enemy in the present age, and our enemy of the future. Therefore, Father, please give us strength. We earnestly hope and pray that You will give us the ability to offer all of our loyalty and filial piety to You.
As You gaze with lamentation at Your children born in the midst of death, since we are Your children who are struggling to find the connection of life, we earnestly hope and pray that you will not allow us to be scattered. We that You will not let the work we are trying to do be in vain, and that You will allow all our accomplishments to be brought together before You as worthwhile results.
Father, we know that You are calling us thousands of times, and we know that even at this hour, You are urging us along the path we should walk. The direction we need to follow will lead us to all kinds of places. We will have to walk the path of cold frost, the rough path along the shore, and the path of hardships where our enemies will obstruct us. Please allow us to become people who can experience Your heart, even when You are forced to command us to follow a path of crises with vicissitudes we have never experienced in our lives.
Even if we have to bear the cross thousands of times, please grant that we may become those who struggle along that path gladly and with gratitude. We sincerely hope that You will allow us to become the representatives of Jesus, who called for his Father from the top of the hill of Golgotha, and be Your sons and daughters who can stand in Jesus’ position as he staked his life in the garden at Gethsemane and offered his final prayer.
In so doing, beloved Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become Your true children who will plant the flag of victory at the summit of the hill of Golgotha and who will affirm that we will shoulder the responsibility to turn the world around and launch it toward the new world You desire. As today is a sanctified day, please bestow blessings on this people and please bless the numerous religious denominations and religious believers. Please take special care to protect Your true children, who are working hard without others being aware of it to prepare a foundation on which You can dwell.
We earnestly hope and pray that, in the Last Days, You will call them all to gather at one place for a common purpose, and urge them on the path toward achieving the unified nation and unified world You are hoping for. Please let Your children gathered here today brace themselves once again before they usher in the new year, and let them become a ray of light in the new year and throughout the seven-year course. Father, we earnestly hope that You will allow us to become Your sons and daughters who can strive of our own accord. Let us make energetic effort to own the world of the Sabbath, to be children who know how to race toward Your presence, Father.
Father! Please remember the many brothers and sisters of the Unification Church who are praying for this place from all corners of the earth. Please allow them to establish the nation of hope they desire to build as quickly as possible and allow them to restore the world for which they are longing. Please allow us to punish Your historical enemy, Father, to punish the enemy of this age, to punish the enemy of the future, and to punish the enemy of all humanity, so that we can sing aloud a triumphal song before You and live in peace attending You.
Father, if the people who are trying to build this world are too weak, please add Your strength to them. If they are fatigued, please give them strong legs and knees energized by hearts that overflow with the desire to run toward the enemy camp in Your stead. Please allow us to become such children.
The remaining days are observing us and calling us. Therefore, however difficult the path we are traveling may be, please work through us so that we may endure and move forward, and please do not let us tire of fighting this battle. We earnestly pray that You will let us become Your sons and daughters who can march straight toward our goal.
At this point in time, when the seven-year course is about to end, we are truly grateful that You have called us to participate in Your work of establishing a new history for this people and the world. We earnestly hope that You will receive all that You have granted us with joy, and that You will bless us so that we can build a new, proper foundation for this people.
Beloved Father, please grant that each of us may make a new resolution in our heart through the words we heard during this hour. Father, we earnestly hope that You will let us be Your children who can newly resolve and pledge in our hearts to conclude all that we should conclude in our lives and know how to pioneer our lives of our own accord. Father, please take charge of and have dominion over all that comes after this hour. We humbly pray in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (December 18,1966)
3. Please enable us to express our resolve with a new mind and body
Father! During this time, please allow our minds and bodies to be permeated by Your heart. Please allow us to feel that we are being pulled into Your heart that is permeating our original minds. As we face Your joyful self, please grant that the heart that yearns to rim toward You and embrace You may blossom within our minds and bodies.
We have come to realize that You are a Father who appears faintly in a dim setting, and that You do not move until we fully expose our hearts. Although our minds may have been defiled, our true hearts head faithfully toward You. Therefore, Father, please come to us and command us through our hearts. Please allow earnest hearts to well up, hearts that can call You “my Father” while shedding uncontrollable tears, based on the realization that our past lives were disloyal.
We have come to know that Heaven does not hesitate to protect and befriend those who seek Heaven. Moreover, we have come to know that Heaven enjoys appearing as the friend of those who shed tears, wailing to Heaven. And as the Father who will live with us eternally, You take delight in appearing before us.
Father! We long for Your voice that counsels us quietly, and we long to feel the gentle embrace of Your amazing love. By virtue of this heart, we long for a moment when we can call You “Father.” Moreover, we want to raise our hands and proudly proclaim that You are our Father.
We thought You were a Father who was far, far away, but it was a joyful moment when we discovered that You are in our hearts. When we said You were far away, You were in our hearts, and when we were confident that You were in our hearts, You were the Father who had called to us from afar. However, humanity today does not know how to keep in rhythm with this. Please grant that we may repent at this time for not knowing in the past that the place where we thought You had abandoned us was the place where You were close to us, and the place where we thought You were not with us was the place where You were together with us.
We did not know Your mind, which does not want to leave Your sons and daughters, whom You want to call “my beloved son” and “my beloved daughter' in places of suffering. As people who have not known the complexities of Your heart, we thought You were a hardhearted and cruel Father for sending us on the path of trials. During those times, we often complained before You and felt bitter. Since we did not know about the complications that block the way between You and us, Father, please bear with the fact that we have felt bitter toward You, have rejected You, have been coldhearted toward You, and have not had faith in You. We have come to know that it was because of the sin that our ancestors committed during the Fall, as well as the bloodstains of passed-away saints and sages, wrought by enmity. Today, are our minds at a higher level? Please purify those minds with fire. Are we waiting impatiently to parade our bodies, boast of our prestige and take Your place? We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who, realizing that You are in a miserable position, are able to call You “Father” and are able to strike our humiliated bodies in front of Your majesty.
Father, we have realized that many words are not necessary. We have seen that when those who heard Your Word did not practice it, it caused Heaven to look at them with sorrow. It made the one who conveyed the Word appear to be a liar, and Your sadness increased by the day. Heaven knows this sad situation, that the Word needs to be spoken again, but the people on earth are not aware of it. Father, we should understand once again that, although You know this truth, You couldn’t leave humankind in such a state. So You are in a position where You need to worry about us and look after us yet again. We earnestly hope and pray that You will bear with us.
We have gathered here on this holy day. Have we gathered here expecting to receive Your words, or have we gathered here anticipating the grace of Heaven? Since we know that we have all come here yearning for something, please allow us to become people who can yearn to find our true selves. Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will guide us to become people who can obey the words and commands coming from our true selves.
Father, You know that, as I followed Your Will over the course of the forty years of my life, never have I plunged into despair when I came across sad situations, and never have I been defeated and forced to retreat when facing hardships. Father! When I realize that times of suffering will occur repeatedly along the remaining path, I cannot help but report my disloyalty of today to You with my head bowed. I pray that You will allow this one being to bear the sorrow of history. Furthermore, please allow Heaven to tread upon and go over all the suffering that remains, having taken this being as a sacrifice.
I long for the moment when You can rest and cast aside all lamentations, Father, and we can have a moment of joy embracing each other, when I can call You my Father and You can call me Your son. As long as we are living on this earth, no matter how miserable we are, no matter how resolute we are or how much we sacrifice, please allow us to become Your sons and daughters who can at least establish sincere hearts of unbending loyalty on earth before we ascend. Since we have resolved to follow that path, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You will drive us out and lead us until we have mastered that way. We earnestly request, Father, that this will be a time when we are able to pledge and determine ourselves with new minds and bodies.
Beloved Father, what should I say at this hour You have granted us? It is my intention to convey to others all that You are trying to manifest. Therefore, Father, please allow me to convey Your entire heart to others. Furthermore, we earnestly and sincerely ask that You allow this hour to be one in which I can harmonize with the hearts of those who receive my words so that we can become one in heart, be embraced in Your great bosom, and sing of Your glory. We humbly pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (March 29,1959)
4. Please grant that we may enter the world of love
Beloved Father! Countless events occur in the flow of history, none of them without a relationship to Your providence. We did not know that in the course to overcome what was aligned with Satan within the history of sorrow, there was a destined path of restoration through which the walls of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos had to be torn down. Our Unification Church members have come to know that for restoration to come about and tear down these walls, we should develop a realm of heart such that ideal love can begin to flow through this world—a world in which the seeds of fallen love were sown and have taken root.
Jesus, who came with this heart, taught us that members of our own household would be our enemies. He also proclaimed that we are not his disciples unless we love him more than anyone else, and that anyone who does not deny himself, carry his cross, and follow Jesus is not one with him. He also said that if we do not love our neighbors as ourselves, we cannot be saved. If we are in a position to attend the true Heaven, we know that it is the hope of Heaven and of the Parents that we love the world even more than we love the Parents, because the world is our neighbor.
We know that Heaven loves and desires to establish, as the representative of all the heirs, the filial child who, while attending his or her parents, loves all his or her siblings with a heart of even more love than their filial piety toward their parents. Therefore, with the foundation on which they can sever the root of Satan and put down new roots by loving the True Parents absolutely, all the children of the Unification Church who are here now need to take the position of filial sons and daughters who love humankind more than they love True Parents.
In that way, we will swiftly tear down all the walls that guard Satan’s realm of heart in the spirit world and the earthly world. Furthermore, we now proclaim that we will become sons and daughters who are not ashamed to inherit the kingdom of heaven victoriously. Therefore, we earnestly request and desire that You assist us not to be lazy in training ourselves, so that we can deserve to receive Your blessing.
We have clearly understood that a person who does not love True Parents and the world cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, for this endeavor, we need to take a position from which we can love and absorb everything, even if Satan’s world opposes us. We know that our efforts will not be sufficient unless we accomplish that. Therefore, we earnestly request that, as You test and assess whether or not we have become such people, You enable us to fulfill, with an unchanging heart, the duties of heart, loyalty and filial piety through Home Church.
We clearly know that only the person who has accomplished this is the final victor who can participate in the final glory with the right of inheritance based on complete love. Such a person stands in a position to be blessed. Please bless us to be able to sacrifice everything and dash forward along that path.
Thank You for instituting this day. We earnestly hope and pray that our ancestors in the spirit world and people on earth may climb over the wall dividing them. We also pray that all spirits in the spirit world may receive the benefit of returning resurrection and thus be liberated from all their sorrows. In this manner, according to their spiritual status, may they directly descend to earth on the religious foundation of their descendants and fulfill their promises. To enable them to do so, Father, please enforce the merit of the age. Command them to act on their promises, and bless them that they may follow the one way that leads to the world of love.
We thank You for this hour of grace You have granted us, and we humbly pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (February 1,1986)
5. Please enable us to become sons and daughters who remain loyal
Father! Through Your words, we have come to know that heaven and earth are like one body. When we recognize that heaven is the subject partner and we are like branches and leaves, we realize that we cannot live even one day or one moment without receiving heaven’s sap of life and love. Furthermore, although we are meant to live as branches and leaves of heaven, we have not in fact sustained our existence by receiving the sap of love flowing from our eternal Father. We ask You to forgive us for not having lived like that.
Father! We are in the Last Days, the harbinger of the Day of Judgment, and we ask that You enable each of us to be grafted to Your love, with Jesus Christ, the perfect root, at the center. We know, Father, that You long to gather from each of us the fruits of love produced through the love of our eternal Father and through the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. However, we are too inadequate, imperfect, and immature to reach that point on our own, and we worry that we might be obstacles when You gather the harvest.
Since we now commit ourselves to You, Father, please raise us and take care of us. In the midst of trials and tribulations, place us in pulpits and allow us to become complete as mature fruits. Furthermore, please allow us to become people who bear fruit and who realize the eternal kingdom of heaven by holding onto Your love, our dear eternal Father. Please let us become workers who reap the harvest for You.
Father! We know that this work we are doing was not proclaimed for the first time at this hour, but it was foretold in the Old Testament Age and again at the time of Jesus two thousand years ago. Knowing this, each of us should bear fruit today, be the harvest that can be reaped before Heaven, and be people who can bring the Sabbath to Heaven. However, if we were to evaluate ourselves, some of us would feel that we are not yet fully mature. In that case, Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to become children who lament for our deficiencies, repent before You, our Father, grieve about our shortcomings, and suffer the sorrows of Jesus Christ in his stead.
Father, since we have gathered here today, as the sole center of the entire providence, please take complete dominion over our hearts and govern us. In so doing, please do not tolerate any evil ideas, teachings, or opinions, for they are not in accord with Your Will. Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow this hour to be one in which the people gathered here can be consecrated over and over again, so that Satan's work can be brought to an end and we can be Your fully consecrated children, through whom You alone can operate and intervene.
Please grant that we recognize that You are now pressing for the realization of the day of Christ through us. Please enable us to understand that this is the time when You want to manifest the love of Christ by raising us up. Furthermore, please allow us to realize that You have been raising us, and that You are waiting for us to embrace the sufferings of Christ and go forth. Father, please lead us, that our steps running toward the castle of heaven not be self-centered, and please do not let us focus our prayers on ourselves.
Please allow us to come forward and kick away all the elements that evil can invade. To fulfill the Will that You desire and pursue, we earnestly hope and pray that You take hold of us, Father. Help us endure and persevere even along paths on which we cannot help but despair, collapse, and struggle immensely.
We know that, since we are not people of this world, we cannot receive the glory of this world. We are also aware that, just as You foretold through Jesus Christ, no citizen of heaven or son or daughter of heaven during the last two thousand years of history was welcomed on earth, regardless of the century or age they lived in.
Father! Today, we stand as representatives of Jesus. When we, who are engaging in the work Jesus could not complete, are persecuted, please grant that we may endure the persecution. And when we live for the sake of Heaven, even if we are insulted by people on earth, have difficulties and experience anguish, please enable us to overcome everything capably and persevere to the end. Six thousand biblical years have passed and, as Jesus longs for this day of harvest, he is calling us. Therefore, please use us to wipe away the stains of blood and tears lingering from the cross and the historical anguish, and lead us, that we may become the shields of victory.
Please do not allow us to forget that Jesus, who was the incarnation of hope, is waiting for us to be qualified to take dominion over Satan. Accordingly, today we need to harbor the joyful Will of our Father in our hearts and fight on Heaven’s behalf. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become sons and daughters who are determined to subjugate the enemy Satan. If we are unable to complete the mission even after having dedicated our lives to this work, then grant us the determination to complete it even through our descendants.
As we are about to usher in the new year, we should be preparing deep in our hearts to walk the path of the battle between life and death. Father, we sincerely hope and pray that we can be the sons and daughters who do not succumb, regardless of the enemies that oppose us, and instead maintain our loyalty to You. In so doing, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to become Your sons and daughters, the ones who can appear before all things in the world as the sons and daughters who represent You and represent heaven and earth.
Please reveal to us the power of the words You have granted us today, and allow our hearts to connect with one another’s. Furthermore, we beseech You to allow this gathering to be one in which spirits can move other spirits and we can be molded once again through the touch of Your power. I offer all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (December 30,1956)
6. Please enable us to race forward with a heart of love
Beloved Father, we did not know that the path desired by the Will leads to such a high and precipitous mountain, with many ascents and descents. This son standing here set out on this path in silence. I dedicated my life to it, living through boyhood and manhood by passing through a complicated environment and an age in which I held onto the church as I struggled. However, as I walked this path, whenever I stumbled under the persecution of this nation and its people, You took hold of me, and therefore I did not collapse or fall to ruin. When I look back on how You protected me in the past, I am truly grateful to You.
I am now in the position of the spearhead of the democratic world, the position of the son of God, where all eyes are turned toward me. From this position, I am going forth, disregarding everything, to give proof of the appearance of Your exemplary son. I would like to thank You, Father, for protecting me and guiding me.
There were several times when we thought we would perish. However, we did not perish but survived. When we think about this fact, we should become members of the Unification Church family who firmly pledge that, since we now truly know how terrible the Fall is, in our generation we will never walk that sorrowful path of the Fall again.
Now that we understand how the sickness began, we have the responsibility to love Heaven with a strong conviction, more than we love anyone else. We now know what fallen nature is like. It began with a self-centered desire to possess. Then it proceeded to lies, to the path of defiling chastity, to the path of forcibly plundering everything that belonged to Heaven, and then, in the age of the sons, to the path of murder.
When we think about the fact that all dictators in history were people who lied, followed the path of illicit love, seized everything and killed good people, we cry out that we will never walk this path of historical stains. We hope to become sons and daughters who can inherit the tradition of Heaven, which absorbs all such things with love. We want to be people who fight to be victors and not victims, even if we have to go unaccompanied to fight battles that are more strenuous and intense than any ever fought in history, and thereby raise high the banner of the love of Heaven.
Bless us to become Your sons and daughters who, as principled parents, can build good fences that rebuff Satan's accusations. Let us have the conviction that such men and women should come together in union at the position where the ownership of love is decided according to Heaven's desire, so that their children will be born as the sons and daughters of
Heaven. The matter of deciding ownership is a really serious one.
As for ownership centering on love, we make the family the basis. After that, the right of ownership of all things passes through the original course of inheritance centering on the family of the new True Parents. The historical resentment over what decides our authority of ownership remains. You have come to understand all this.
As the time in which we can go beyond the levels of the people and nation and measure up to this task draws near, we arrive at this solemn hour when we stand on this stage. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will bless and guide us so that, even if we are in circumstances comparable to those of historical orphans who have appeared before this altar, we can become sons and daughters who can cling to Heaven and struggle with all our intellect and heart and cross this summit without sustaining any injuries.
We have pledged before You, our Father, to dedicate mind and body entirely to You. We sincerely hope that You will allow us to become people who do not hesitate to race forward with a mind burning with a heart of love on the path of devotion to Heaven. In retrospect, we can see that there have been many sorrows and sad incidents in history, but we are grateful that there has also been a path of solace we could walk for the sake of Your love.
Please allow us to look back on history with gratitude, to engage in self-evaluation with gratitude, and to welcome with gratitude the day of victory that is approaching right before our eyes. We sincerely hope and pray that You will permit us to become the sacred people of Heaven and the royal family that can begin with gratitude, go through the process with gratitude, and arrive at our destination with gratitude. There, allow us to shed tears of gratitude, hold on to one another’s hands, dedicate our spouse, children, and everything before Heaven, and be registered as victorious families before You, Father.
We sincerely hope and pray that even if there are many remaining issues, You will allow us to become bold and brave sons and daughters who can digest everything and race forward devotedly, focusing only on the purpose of the day of victory based on love. We may harbor resentment for having to walk a dimly lit path. Yet, if we resolve to take steps that leave behind traces of our tears of love, we know that the path will lead not to ruin but to a warm welcome.
We earnestly hope and pray that You will permit us to become a group of people who can unite completely as one flock and one body representing all families. We pray to become a group of families, a group of tribes and a church centered on love that can save this nation, go out into the world, and inherit the privilege of the blessed chosen people.
I sincerely request that You allow us to become husbands, wives, parents, and heads of tribes and peoples who have nothing to be ashamed of in the remaining days. I pray this in the name of True Parents. Aju! (October 27,1982)
7. Please grant that we may become children who praise the love of our Father and our connection with Him
Father! Your noble, precious, and holy providential history has traced its path through the long history of humankind. Father, today once again You have raised us up. Please let us feel how pitiful and lonely Your situation is, as You seek to take responsibility for the world.
We know very well that You are our Father of love, who cannot sever Your connection with any of us but wishes to live with us forever. We realize that we need to hear from You that You love us, more than we need to embrace You and tell You that we love You.
We have come to realize that, instead of repeating tens of thousands of times that we love You, we need to hear You say that You believe in us as Your children and we need to be given such a position. Therefore, please raise us that we may become such children. We are aware that, no matter who blocks our way and persecutes us, when we stand in the position where You acknowledge us, we are not pitiful or lonely people.
Father, working in advance through the world, You have been laying the foundation based on which You could comfort us before we shed tears of loneliness. When we think about the fact that You, concerned about our sad situation, expanded that foundation to comfort us on the world level, we pray that You will let us feel all the more that there is no way we can repay You for all You have done for us.
Father, please comfort Your children spread out around the world. We earnestly hope and pray that You will extend Your touch of boundless blessings to Your children who are offering devotions as they yearn for Your Will to be planted in every place through which You have passed.
Father, even at this moment there are people around the world who, out of concern for this Teacher, are earnestly appealing to You with tears, and are longing for this one distant corner of Korea. When we think about this fact, we come to realize clearly how fearful and awesome is the position of this headquarters.
Although outwardly we may look unworthy and shabby, our hearts, which yearn to hold on to Your heart and call You Father and serve You truly, are sincere and earnest. We know very well that our appearance, situation, and circumstances do not matter at all if we are Your sons and daughters who can sing praises of Your love, of our relationship with You, and of the fact that You raised us up.
Beloved Father! Please pour down Your blessings on Unification members who long for Korea. These children respect Korea as their homeland in their hearts and are shedding blood, sweat and tears for this land. When we think that countless people united through the Unification teachings wish that at least their bones can be buried for the sake of this land, we realize we have to unite them into one, establish the one nation that You desire, and achieve one worldwide ideology. Accordingly, until we realize that Will, we have to endure and endure and continue enduring. Following Your example of silently enduring the wearisome six-thousand-year course of history, we too should go forward enduring in silence.
During the thousands of years we were separated from You, we yearned for You with our minds and bodies. Now, however, all those days of yearning for You and appealing to You are history. Now that we have met again, we stand in the position of embracing Your internal situation, discussing matters with You, bracing ourselves for the future, and facing Your situation in Your stead. Therefore, if we should have a teacher, You alone should be our teacher. If someone is to take charge of Your Will, we ourselves should take responsibility for the commands You give. Beloved Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become such people.
We can fathom the sadness of Your situation in the long course of history. When we look at the many nations of the world, we cannot help but think that there still remain vast stretches of land You need to recover, and a long, laborious path You need to walk. Therefore, we should feel in our hearts and bodies that we have the responsibility and mission to race toward the world without resting, heeding neither the blood nor the sweat we shed, and that we must fulfill our responsibility and mission.
Father, these people have been in situations that made it impossible for them to do otherwise than become a pitiful people. But we thank You for letting us know first that the Will of Your providence, which is worthy of praise across the globe, dwells in the midst of the Unification movement.
Father, please grant that we may understand the hardships You have had to overcome. Are any of Your children offering devotions in their hearts? Please bestow on them blessings that are thousands of times greater. Moved by their longing for You and feeling Your heart, members of this Unification movement are embracing the people. Please do not allow their earnest hope and struggle to be in vain. Please enable them to overcome this age and be liberated to leap forth toward the world. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire that You allow them to become the Third Israel that can build the kingdom of heaven throughout the world.
Please comfort Your children gathered here and please allow us the joy of meeting and forging a new relationship with You. Father, please watch over us when we return home. We earnestly and sincerely hope and pray that You can grant us Your hallowed touch in every task You entrust us with, and in every moment of our every gathering hereafter. I earnestly pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (May 2,1969)
1. Please enable us to resemble Your image
Beloved Father! Since You know the heart of Your children gathered here, please allow even the cells in their bodies to move toward their compassionate Father. Please permit all of their minds and bodies to be captivated by Your touch of love. Please allow them to appear collectively as elements in harmony, and at this time, please consecrate them as warriors of Heaven who can race forward, risking their lives to testify about Your Word.
Father, look upon Your children gathered here with compassion. Since in our destined course of restoration we still need to rise to a higher level by relying on the Word of life You have permitted us, O Father of love, please extend Your hand, hold the hands of Your inadequate children, and guide us. Since we have bowed down to You with united minds and bodies, Father, please embrace us, lead us and raise us up. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire that You will transform our minds to become heavenly minds.
Please bless the many people who are present here today, and please allow Your works of life, works of inspiration and works of resurrection to be manifested through them. Today we have placed all the ideas we have about the present age before You, and since we have come before Your majesty with the hearts of gentle, mild children, Father, please bring about Your work of re-creation through the touch of Your grace. Please reveal the fire of the Holy Spirit. Beloved Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You will show us Your love and, in these Last Days, allow us to open the door leading out of the realm of death, which has been blocked, and reveal the glory of our Father’s victory.
We know that, henceforth, there is no need for many speeches. Even if the children gathered here have not received many words, please allow them to receive the grace which You have permitted them and befits them and grant that they may be equal to what they have been given. Heavenly Father, since we have promised and pledged before Heaven at this time to achieve the Will You have promised and granted, if there are empty vessels, please fill them all Please accept us as children who, intoxicated by Your ample grace, are able to return glory to You and be grate- fid. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow us the grace of finding that we are children whom You, Father, can love.
Please bind together as one the hearts of those who give and those who receive. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow our mind to be inclined where Heaven is inclined, our body to move in accordance with Heaven’s movements, and our mind and body to follow the example of and resemble Your image, Father. We also hope and pray that in the remaining time You will touch us with Your words and compassionate commands. I pray in the name of our loving Lord Aju! (July 1,1956)
2. Please carry out works of resurrection
We cannot help but feel that we found the path of life and were able to bow down before You only after having wandered aimlessly. How can we ever repay Your grace in giving us a position where we can call You “Abba, Father”? And how can we ever repay Your grace in enduring endless hardships that we did not even know about in order to protect us, purify us and lead us to this place? We have nothing with which to repay You. At this time we cannot help but feel that even if we gave You our body, we could not repay Your grace and that even if we all offered You our entire heart, we still would be lacking and could not raise our heads before what You have achieved through Your suffering.
Heavenly Father, we know that it is Your desire and it is Your situation that You who have led us to this point have the responsibility to save us and have the need and desire to see a day of glory through us. And when we think that, as You see us, You hope to find comfort through people like us, we cannot help but feel ashamed in Your presence, our Father, who have placed Your hope in our inadequate selves and have endured the peaks and valleys of the course of history.
If our flesh and blood could sympathize with Your heart, and if our bones could assume a form and constitute a personality, then we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You would allow that being to become a substantial form capable of testifying to Your unchanging self. How much have You longed for a holy, glorious being who could be part of You and return glory to You even with each and every cell? In the course of history our ancestors could not attend You in that way. We know as historical fact that they followed Heaven and were proud of being in the realm of the chosen people, but then at times they felt resentment, at times broke their promises, and then gave up.
Father! Since we have inherited this spiritual lineage filled with grief, we confidently say today that we have faith in You. Nevertheless, we are people whose position is close to the evil world, capable of betraying Heaven tomorrow. Father, please have compassion on us although we are like this. Father, please hold on to us. We earnestly hope and desire that You will carry out Your work of resurrection, which will fill us with new life. Although many people have come to this earth and have gone, and even now many are coming and going, there have been no people who grasped Your situation, grasped Your heart and wept. Therefore please allow us to become people who are able to grasp Your situation and heart and weep.
We earnestly pray that You will allow there to be many sons and daughters on the earth whose minds are filled with a desire to live for You and attend You, and who feel indignant with heaven and earth, history, and our fallen ancestors. Whom did we come here to see? It was neither to see some well-dressed person nor to meet some beautiful person. We all have come here so that our bodies, with ugly stains and wounds, can come to resemble our venerable Father’s external form. Therefore please do not abandon us, and instead please embrace us.
Since You know that our hearts and minds are lonely, with no place to depend upon, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You will comfort us at this hour. Please manifest Yourself with such a heart and guide us as the subject of eternal life, and please bestow on us the words of life that can saturate our bodies and minds. Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow this hour to be one in which we can express our gratitude for Your grace and offer bows to You.
We wish to hear and receive the Word at this hour. Therefore please be here with us, Father. Please grant that we may understand that, if there is a gap between those who convey and those who receive, that gap may become a path for Satan. Furthermore, please allow us to realize that that very gap is the realm of death Satan is aiming at. Accordingly, we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow this time to be one in which the hearts of those who convey and those who receive can become one and be connected to, influenced by, and settled in Your heart.
Please look after Your sons and daughters spread out in all parts of South Korea who are on their knees appealing to You in loneliness and undergoing hardships. Since You said that salvation comes to those who endure to the end, Father, we earnestly and sincerely ask You to guide them, that they may exalt Your glory through their perseverance and be more than equal to testifying to You before this people as Your substantial embodiments. Please bestow blessings on all the countless denominations at their gatherings as well as on the myriads of people. I humbly pray in the name of the Lord. Aju! (September 6,1959)
3. Allow us to yearn for the call for our re-creation
Beloved Father, in the course of history, there never was a truly responsible person who affirmed that he would accomplish Your Will even if the world came against him. We are also aware of how invaluable the Christian believers were who loved You even when they were targeted by the arrows of persecution, and who shared the deep Will rooted in Your heart.
The common course of human life is to be born into this world and then, inevitably, to leave it in the end. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will not allow us to become pitiful people who are born as human beings but are unable to obtain goodness by ourselves, or are only able to receive vain honors when we come seeking You.
We know that in order to possess a treasure others cannot have, we need to go through a course of trials that others do not experience. We recognize from our relationship with the world of creation or our professional life that one cannot raise one’s standard without going through trials and tears. Please allow us to obtain the name of holy devoted children who have fulfilled our filial duty before You. Please allow us to hold the treasured position of persevering representatives of heavenly value who represent the whole of history centered on Your heart.
Although this task is an extremely precious and worthy one, please grant that we do not forget that in order to fulfill this task, we need to have a resolute heart, go through bloody battles and expend effort. Just as the saying “Your efforts will be crowned with success” suggests, we understand that only through our effort can we offer something of value; without effort nothing of value is produced.
When we think about this, we are truly grateful that You love the people of the Unification Church.
Once we were targeted by the arrows of the thirty million Korean people and had to endure their vilification and attacks. They pointed a finger of scorn at us, calling us a group of people who defiled this world, and they spat on us and pressed us into the margins. However, we are neither resentful nor angry at what they have done to us. This people, instead of repaying You for all Your hard work, trampled on Your hallowed name, which represents heavenly law. They made You suffer, though You were blameless. When we consider the abuses You have had to suffer, we can hardly bear the pain.
However, You have endured for many, many years, and You have commanded us today to light a new beacon before the people who betrayed us. Therefore we cannot help but offer You our gratitude for Your love in sending Your beloved messengers to those people who were wandering in the dark. Father, we know that You are looking for the true person who can soothe, with Your touch, the pain of those who were beaten and abused as well as feed, on Your behalf, the starving children of the enemy.
We thank You today that the people of the Unification Church were able to walk that way through the crises of the past, that they voluntarily set out on the path of tears unknown to anyone else and stepped into the back alleys of the cold age in accordance with Your Will. And since we are people who are moved by Your heart when You call for us, Father, and have the heart with which we can resurrect our relationship with You, please allow us to become children of the Unification Church who know how to be truly grateful for remaining in Your precious providence, a providence that cannot be exchanged for anything else.
In the center of our hearts there are no trees or grass. It is the most hollow among hollow places, the emptiest among empty places, the driest among dry places. However, in that place there is one thing we have, and that is the heart that calls out, “Father!” It is the heart that wants to meet You, and the heart that wants to attend You. This heart is so precious it cannot be exchanged even for heaven and earth. Therefore we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to have hearts that will assume and maintain the whole of that value until the very end.
Our Father of love, when You look upon these pitiful people, do not allow them to remain mere observers. Let the blood that flows in our veins move us so that we cannot help but embrace one another and weep bitterly. Furthermore, please have dominion over our feelings so that we can adopt an earnest attitude that compels us to watch closely over others. Since we know that You expect such things from us, Father, we sincerely ask that You will embrace us when we show ourselves to be such people.
We human beings are the ones yearning for our Owner, our Parent and our Leader, the One who can stop His hurried footsteps and embrace us as we stand on the path of ruin. Until now, the history of fallen human beings has been one of deploring their condition as they languished on the path of ruin. When we realize that this has been the path taken by fallen humanity, please grant that we may become Your children who can repent for not befriending those in the back alleys and healing the feet of the injured, thereby leaving behind satisfactory results.
When we consider how we have lived in the past and up to the present, we reflect on for what purpose we have used our hands, for what purpose our hearts have suffered, and where our faces and bodies are heading. We know that, before we can assume our true selves, who are being called by this people, we need to become true sons and daughters of Heaven who can critique the past and lament the present. Knowing this, how many times have we resolved and pledged before our Father to become such sons and daughters? Since cold winds blow in our hearts, that which You desired disappeared, and we ended up as pitiful people, condemned to live in Satan’s world. That being the case, how great is the sorrow of heaven and earth, and how Your heart must ache as You fight Your way forward, embracing heaven and earth! Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will not allow us to become ignorant people who forget this.
Whenever we realize we are walking such a path, we want to repent deep in our hearts for failing to rise above it to comfort You in Your sorrowful historical course. When the people of the Unification Church realize that we have failed to become such children before our Father, we are too ashamed to call You “Father.” Therefore, Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will forgive us.
Have You sought us because You could not find those You were looking for anywhere in the sorrowful course of history? Have You sought this people because no other people remained? How often did this lonely and scattered people fall down before our Father, people who had been called to relieve His suffering! How great was Your grief when You watched them with tears because they failed to reach the standard You hoped for! We can hardly fathom the heart of our Father, who, with a heart of love for His young ones, gazed at this people in their pitiful state and had to endure this sight hundreds and thousands of times.
We are the sons and daughters who were born inheriting the blood and sweat of our Father, and we are the people who can resolve to make Your wish come hue. That is why, when we look upon this people struggling on the brink of death, we must resolve to become Your children who can advocate the path this people should follow, even if it means staying up all night to the point of exhaustion.
Father, even though we may look shabby, please allow us to understand how precious we are because You remember us, and grant that we may not despair and grieve on this path. We earnestly hope that You will allow us to share Your determination as You look upon the various parts of South Korea and agonize over this nation in Your concern for the Will.
Please allow us to proudly speak of the love we have received from You, Father, when You raised us and complimented us. However, if we should fail to serve and attend You, even when we know of Your endeavors, then do not show us Your love, Father. Having celebrated Children’s Day, we now usher in the second Sunday of December. Since only twenty days remain in this year and this is the time when we need to let go of the past and welcome the new year, please, beloved Father, let us reflect once again on our past in anguish, express greater concern for our Father, and yearn for the call of re-creation that creates the future.
We sincerely hope and pray that You will permit us to become true children who can feel by ourselves that, even though our situation today is difficult, in the past this land endured the pain of childbirth and bloodstained movements in order to secure victory one day. When we usher in that one day of victory before our Father and say, “Father, receive this glory!” You shall weep loudly. Since we know that Your heart yearns for that day, we earnestly hope and pray that You will not let our resolve to race toward that day change in any way.
Since this people has shouldered the responsibility and mission to save all the peoples of the world, whereas in the past they only received from and depended on others, they should now give to and lead others. Therefore please grant that this people may assume that responsibility and spread out across the world in all directions. Moreover, we earnestly hope and pray, Father of love, that You will not permit us to forget that we have the responsibility to lead others in establishing the heavenly environment and daily life.
Father, please remember Your children who are holding service in the countryside in commemoration of this day, and please remember the many people spread out around the world. Though they know You, Father, they have not yet met the Teacher. We truly, truly hope and pray, beloved Father, that You will not leave them where they are, but permit them to come into the place in which life can sprout and heavenly relationships surround them, a place they can stay only if their hearts are loyal to You and they love You.
Please take charge and have dominion over everything about this day. We sincerely ask that You will allow us to become people who, feeling sorry that the time has come for us to part and to head out to face the remaining battles, can make efforts to bring precious gifts before Heaven when we meet again. We hope that You will allow, through the remaining course of grace, the one day of victory to be chosen as the center of Your Will. I humbly pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (December 11,1966)
4. Please grant that we may become faithful children
Our Father, You chose the people of Israel and toiled to raise them. As we reflect on Your fervent heart as You commanded the Jewish people to accomplish Your Will after You had raised them, we come to realize today that we must fulfill the responsibility of the Christians to complete the next stage of Your Will.
Please allow us to know how to attend You, our Father, who have toiled throughout the long course of history, and please allow us to know Your situation, as You fought against Satan while worrying about us for such a long time. Please allow us to become people who know the heart of our Father, You who have been concerned about guiding us to the place of glory and about embracing Your sons and daughters who were chosen as the hope of tomorrow.
Please allow us to understand that our existence today is not due to our own will, that the glory of life that we enjoy does not come from ourselves, and that we are able to rejoice in the presence of our Father today not by virtue of our own efforts. Instead, may we understand that all these come from the grace mercifully bestowed by our Father, as You have toiled throughout the thousands of years of history.
Do we have anything for which we can stand before all people and boast? Are there any among us who feel they can command the universe with the truth? Please allow us to realize that such endeavors are not the responsibility given to us today. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who can reveal the entire Will of Heaven by representing the people of the world and by simultaneously representing the power of Your grace.
Please do not allow us to focus on our own selves of today. Please allow us to become Your sons and daughters who are not ashamed before the Will of heavenly law, and who represent history, the entire universe, and the world of the future. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow us the glorious joy of proudly speaking about having become such sons and daughters.
Father! Have Your sons and daughters who are gathered here today sincerely revealed themselves to You? Have they freely prostrated themselves before Your altar? Have they become living offerings that are able to indemnify historical sin by sacrificing themselves? Have they become new offerings that take responsibility for the sins of the present? And have they become children who follow the example of Christ, whose character led him to carry the cross and ascend Golgotha? Having fought with
Satan in Your stead for the glory of the future, do we have any victorious and glorious achievements? Father, please grant that we may become such sons and daughters and may sing songs of Your glory. Furthermore, we hope and pray that You will allow us to become faithful, upright children who can follow You for the sake of the one Will.
Now that You have permitted us this one day, please watch over us with compassion, and please do not abandon us who are gathered before Your Will. Father, please bless the many denominations that represent this pitiful people, who have lost their center, and please bestow blessings upon this altar and upon the people. Father, please allow the grace of Your compassion on the pitiful people and denominations that do not know where the fire of life is blazing, and please bless all of humanity. Please allow new blessings to be bestowed on this earth and on this people as quickly as possible. We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You will allow a new flame to appear through this church.
Father, please eliminate the human tendency to focus only on reason, and please correct all ideologies that emphasize only humanism. Please let us become people of character who uphold Godism, through which heavenly law is established. Furthermore, we hope that You will allow us to rise in the place of this people as Your sons and daughters who can obey the Will of Heaven with reverence; who can receive Your love,
Father; who can carry out the duties of the high priest; and who can raise this people as representatives of Your Will. Beloved Father, we also earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to represent the many churches.
Please permit us to rectify all the mistakes we have committed during the past week. We earnestly request that You allow this hour to be one in which we can be immersed in the new words of Your command and the new grace You have granted us. We request that You will allow us to plunge into Your Will, our Father, as You instruct us and bestow great love upon us, so that we can be proud of You, Father, before all created things in the universe and offer bows of glory to You. Hoping that You will take dominion over everything, from the beginning to the end, I pray in the name of the Lord. Aju! (June 23,1957)
5. Please permit that we may go in a new direction
We keenly realize that, since human beings lost the land of Zion, they have needed to go through a history of hard work to find that land again. That land failed to become a place where the true people of original heart could live, and evidence of the original heart could not be established there. Therefore, Father, as You hold on to these people and continue to fight, dreaming about the original world, please grant that we may become sons and daughters who can comfort Your sorrowful heart at this time.
Father! When we recall Your sorrowful historical course, we cannot suppress our fearful mind, and each time we relate to the majestic self of our Father, You who have toiled so hard, we cannot suppress our awe-stricken mind. At this moment, please raise these people as sons and daughters who are able to take over Your toil by offering their minds and bodies as sacrifices.
You have eagerly awaited the coming day of victory when we can sing about liberation from a position of joy that You are able to enjoy. However, You are not the One to realize this Will of liberation. We know that we unworthy human beings, struggling in the realm of death, must be the ones to do it. Please bear with this people on earth, who, despite being in such an important position, are languishing along the course of death unaware of our own value. In order to recover our original heart, please awaken now within us an earnest mind that holds new values for restoration and is capable of singing the praises of Your heart of glory.
Please allow us to have an original internal nature and original external form, appear as true sons and daughters, and be able to sing of Your liberation, Father. We realize that You know that this has been the hope of Your children for thousands of years. Father, we know that there will be a day of victory. Therefore, we bow our heads before You and offer this prayer in the place of this people, who are moaning in their pitiful situation. We earnestly hope and desire that You will lead us to victory and guide us that we may become sacrifices before the great Will that You wish to entrust to us.
Now that we are gathered in Your presence, Father, grant that we may open our hearts and release all personal issues from our body. Please allow us to comfort You with a sincerity that wells up from our true hearts, and permit that our hearts may be moved at this time so that we can bow down our heads with modesty when we face You, Father. Please raise within our hearts a sincere feeling so we can repent of our past, feel our way through the reality of our present, and revere Your sacred grace. Furthermore, please take dominion over that feeling in our hearts. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to realize in this hour that we must take a new direction by stirring up a new feeling and sensibility.
Father! Please allow us to prepare a living altar by bringing together our inadequate devotions. Since You urge us to become sacrifices for the victory, please eliminate from us all that does not please You. Furthermore, Father, please extend Your almighty hand and lift up a new authority of re-creation. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You may grant us the original internal nature and external form of re-creation that allow us to eliminate from ourselves everything that is not Yours.
Father, please awaken now the thirty million Koreans in slumber and lead all people into the garden of Your original homeland, the garden of goodness of Your ideal, by gathering humanity, who have been wandering in misery, and bringing them together with Your own hands. Even if humankind goes through persecution and misfortune, we earnestly hope and desire that You will quickly lead them into the garden of Your desire.
In order to do this, Father, please command Your beloved sons and daughters so they may fulfill their portion of responsibility. They have the responsibility of finding and restoring sinful lands and people. Therefore, please raise them up and command them. We pray that, at this point in time, You will allow them to resolve to be commanded and to be sent to any place You desire, as diligent workers and chosen warriors of Heaven who are able to build the garden of victory.
Father, we sincerely hope that today You will extend Your glory and love to Your lonely sons and daughters, wherever they are gathered, so that, having felt Your touch of love and glory, they may offer their entire hearts, unite as one heart and one altar, and dedicate themselves to You as one being. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray that You will bless the many denominations gathered here today as representatives of innumerable people and that You will let this land be a place of joy where the day of victory has been realized and Your happiness has been restored.
At this moment, please take full charge of us. If anything goes against Your Will, we are concerned that it may become a condition through which Satan will try to take advantage. Therefore, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will eliminate all conditions advantageous to Satan, embrace everything with the power of Your grace, personally give commands, and hold everything in Your arms. We sincerely hope that You will have dominion over us so that we may belong to You and only You, from the first moment to the last. I pray in the name of the Lord. Aju! (June 28,1959)
6. Please grant that we may be able to fight on to the end
Beloved Father, when I reminisce about the past, my twenties, the springtime of my life, come to mind. That period in my youth, when I carefully braced my heart and prayed to connect Christianity to Heaven, remains one of cherished memories from the past.
Had this people become one before Your Will in the 1950s, today’s Korea would have become a great nation and would have leaped forward, with the world within Korea instead of Korea within the world. It would have become an amazing country with a strong economy, abundant resources, and a high production capacity. However, because it failed to fulfill its responsibility in the midst of crises and hardships, it had to make many sacrifices and face a destiny of grievous misfortune.
Today this is occurring not only in the outside world. If I fail to fulfill my responsibility as the leader of the Unification Church today, then such problems will recur as even greater conditions of indemnity in our age. So please grant that all of us in the Unification Church may clearly understand this fearsome truth. We have learned about our portion of responsibility. We have come to know that this includes the mission of bringing an end to sorrow through indemnity. We now realize that we are called to pay the price of sacrifice by shedding our tears, sweat and blood to pass through the one intersection that allows what was below to go above and what was on the left to go to the right.
We know that, for these things to cross over, we must offer a price for the sacrifice of Satan’s world as a condition greater than that of any historical age. Father, please look upon the young children of the Unification Church in this country with compassion. We thank You for remembering these immature children. All of the regional leaders, district leaders and church leaders are now gathered here. Once they go forth with burning hearts to fulfill their duties of loyalty and filial piety, this Korean peninsula will be too small for them.
Father, I cannot forget the seriousness of my heart as I received Your command to set out for America in 1971. When I set foot upon the plains of America, which were like a wasteland and a wilderness, I felt like a grain of sand flying in the air. Nevertheless, I invested myself, rushing from one place to another, knowing that Heaven was there and believing in its commands. I rushed along without considering whether it was day or night and forgot to eat or sleep. As a result, we are able today to look upon this amazing historical realm of victory in which, together with Your glorious blessings, the world can dwell right before our eyes. When we consider this fact, we come to understand that, even though we were sad, Heaven suffered so much more pain. We now realize that, while we wept, Heaven left behind stains of blood.
With historical events now taking place in America, the young people gathered here in Korea must establish the condition of taking at least five percent responsibility for the outcome of those events, and fulfill it with their whole mind and body. Because, beginning at this hour today, we have the historical mission and command to solemnly fulfill this historic destiny and the destiny of this nation, as well as to end the global battle between the democratic and communist worlds, we have made a pledge before our Father with raised arms and bended knees. Please do not forget this.
Please allow us to become a group of people who promptly greet the morning sun as it rises in the eastern sky, who pay attention to all that moves in nature and everything in our surroundings. Let us strive to attain the position of heavenly
children who have nothing to be ashamed of, who can fulfill our task without a moment’s delay, focusing on the promise of Heaven. And let us become children who, even if we stumble on our way, do not fall down.
children who have nothing to be ashamed of, who can fulfill our task without a moment’s delay, focusing on the promise of Heaven. And let us become children who, even if we stumble on our way, do not fall down.
Thus, Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will let us become a group of people who feels anxious with each and every hour that passes as, with bloodstained hearts, we endeavor to make this victory Yours and this one day of glory Yours. I know only too well how hurtful has been the betrayal of Heaven by the free world. I know how many conditions of indemnity have been fulfilled by Korea. We know that if Korea is made to stand in the fateful position of having to pay more indemnity, it can only go to ruin. Accordingly, we sincerely hope that You will let us become sons and daughters who resolve to set ourselves straight, enter the final holy of holies before Heaven, and engage in the battle of judgment.
We sincerely hope and pray that at this time You will allow us to engrave deep in our hearts the fact that we must become Your glorious embodiments who go forth, saying, “Let there be only victory, Aju!” and ready ourselves to go to war as warriors living for a bright tomorrow. Father, when we consider this nation and its people, we know that Your providence requires them to fight, in the not too distant future, against violent waves while buffeted by severe winds. Therefore I sincerely request and hope that You will let them become Your children who can remain steadfast even when their Teacher has gone away and can guard with then- lives the great enterprise You have left and fight their way to the end.
And if the day comes when the nation can rejoice and praise Your glory, and we can meet again, the day when those in higher and lower positions can become one before Heaven and all heaven and earth can return glory to our Father, celebrating Your victory with tears and boasting that that nation and sovereignty belong to our Father, that day will be at the end of the path we need to walk with tears, sweat and blood. We sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become a group of people who do not forget that such a historical destiny awaits us.
Since we all hope that the shining, global gates of blessing will open in the direction of Korea, we pray that all spirits in the spirit world will be forevermore with the young people who have inherited the spirits’ divinity and volunteered to become living sacrifices and substantial offerings. We also earnestly hope that, after passing through Korea, Your future blessings may convey the essence of Your glory and be bequeathed to all nations. Do not let the blessing You have granted leave us. In return, we have pledged to defend to the death the promise You made us. Furthermore, we beseech You to let the spirit world cooperate with us and to carefully protect and guide us so that we can become sons and daughters who do not make mistakes or fall, but rather prevail and receive Your love.
Please do not allow us to become people who hesitate in going forward toward the world of the future and before You, our Father. Bless us, that we may stand in the position in which You can say to us with pride and a loving touch, “My children, come!” We sincerely ask that You will allow us to become warriors who pledge to march forward, aware that our lifetime is the stage of our life’s activities. We are grateful for this hour You have given us, and we request that You will bless the whole of the remaining time as well. I pray all this in the name of True Parents. Aju! (November 10,1980)
7. Grant that we may understand Your circumstances
Father, please grant that this may be a time when we can frankly open our hearts before You and can ask and receive answers to our questions, one by one. You raised us individually and loved us truly. Please forgive those who were unaware of this. At this time, Father, You are truly loving us. Therefore, before anything else, we want to become people who can receive Your love. This relationship of love cannot be exchanged for even heaven and earth, and please allow us to cherish it with our lives.
In doing so, permit us to know, as we five our lives hereafter, that You love us eternally with the unchanging love of a Father. Before such a Father, is there anything we could give that could possibly ![]()
repay You for that love? Do we have anything from our past, from the current stage of our life, or even the heart that brought us to attend this gathering? Do we have anything that can show our love for You, be it even a note that expresses that love?
repay You for that love? Do we have anything from our past, from the current stage of our life, or even the heart that brought us to attend this gathering? Do we have anything that can show our love for You, be it even a note that expresses that love?
If we do not have such a thing, we should bear in mind once again that we are the ones who violated Your love, we are the treacherous sons and daughters who betrayed Your love, and we are the traitors who sold Your eternal love to Satan’s world. Have our hands ever returned love to You, Father? Have our feet ever done so? When we come to realize on our own that our bodies cannot do this and that our minds have failed to become Your eternal resting place, we come to feel that we are not qualified to love You, Father, and to serve You as our Father.
Father, please allow us to feel once again that, because we are in such a position, we are afraid to tell You that we love You. Our eyes have tried to gaze at You, Father, centering on our own ideal; and with our own perception, faculty of knowledge, and standard of intellect, our mouths have told our stories and made entreaties before You. We have tried to pursue our own ideals before You, Father, but when we consider the fact that You cannot stand in the position of our ideals, Father, we earnestly pray that You will allow us to repent for our ignorance.
At this time, allow us to realize and feel on our own that, though we made
our way here with complete devotion and a loyal heart, thinking that You were above us, the truth is, Father, that You are under our feet. Therefore, please allow us to realize once again that we must become people who experience, deep in the marrow of our bones, a faith that brings us to lament over the shame we feel and cannot hide. We know that You have become a pitiful Father who cannot stand before all people and guide them. We are also aware that there are many people who are calling out to You thoughtlessly, not knowing that You are walking with weary steps, immersed in despair, with nothing to lean on.
our way here with complete devotion and a loyal heart, thinking that You were above us, the truth is, Father, that You are under our feet. Therefore, please allow us to realize once again that we must become people who experience, deep in the marrow of our bones, a faith that brings us to lament over the shame we feel and cannot hide. We know that You have become a pitiful Father who cannot stand before all people and guide them. We are also aware that there are many people who are calling out to You thoughtlessly, not knowing that You are walking with weary steps, immersed in despair, with nothing to lean on.
We must absolutely know that, even so, Father, You forget about Your pitiful and desperate situation and go forth, overcoming everything to save even one life. Please allow us to understand that Your many difficult trials, which cannot be fathomed or felt through our emotions or in our cells, are buried within this history. Furthermore, allow us to realize once again that we are undutiful children who cannot be easily forgiven, even after thousands of years, because we failed to reveal the stories of Your hardships. Please grant that we may become Your children, who can resonate with Your internal emotions deep in our hearts and, at the same time, grasp the many buried secrets of history.
Father, when we come to know about these circumstances related to You, we should become children who feel ourselves unworthy to handle Your situation; children who are eager to offer our entire selves before Your compassionate love, Father; and children who can call You “Father” with a sadness surpassing that of losing our parents, losing Heaven, and losing everything in the world. Otherwise we cannot enter the realm of Heaven’s restoration, and we sincerely and earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to know this clearly.
Paul told the Ephesians, “Grace be with all who have an undying love for our Lord Jesus Christ.” Have we ever been unchanging? Though we spent the last decade within the gates of the Unification Church, crying for the heart of our Father, it was our habit to change constantly. In a single day, we changed tens of times and hundreds of times. Because we could not help but be so faithless, we could not sympathize with You on Your path. Therefore we sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will allow this hour to be one in which we clearly realize that we need to become children who can lament our past, who can ask You to bind us again in heart with You, and who can raise ourselves toward You, Father, whenever we stumble.
Father, before we speak of Your love, allow us to understand what Your circumstances are like at this time. Before we speak of what Your present situation is like, allow us to become children who are aware that You faced countless situations in the past that were even more wretched. When we look at ourselves, permit us to know how shameful we are before You, our Father, and we sincerely hope and pray that You will grant us the understanding that we need to become people who can comfort You.
This has been a time when the members of the Unification Church have set out on their march under our new historical motto toward this city of Seoul and toward other parts of Korea. Therefore we earnestly ask and hope, beloved Father, that You will form a new and strong historical bond of heart with them, and that You will allow them to newly determine deep in their hearts the direction they should follow and the guidelines they should live by from now on. We entrust all that remains after this hour to You, Father, and earnestly hope that You will take personal dominion over it. I offer all these words in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (May 25,1969)
1. Please allow us to become good ancestors who establish the order of love
Father! In light of this world-level holy wedding ceremony, we are making a new beginning to achieve the extensive and great Will that You have allowed and hoped for, and we pray that You will take charge of everything. Until now, in the course of history, there has never been the union of a man and a woman centered on You. We all know that it is because of Your hidden good works and Your meritorious hard work that such a thing, which has never happened until now, could be accomplished in the Unification Church.
When we think that the course of history up to the present existed in order to find one man, we come to understand that the ability to open the doors of a new history centered on families and the Unification ideology has been the blessing of Heaven. We sincerely appreciate the grace of being given this amazing blessing by virtue of Your efforts amid hardship, Father. Now please allow each of us to offer all we have before You.
When we think about marriage, we can’t help but be reminded that it is an issue directly linked with the Fall of
Adam and Eve. When we who were born with the blood lineage of the fallen parents think about the amazing event called the Blessing, centered on our Father, we sincerely offer our gratitude for Your grace. Being as we are, we should know for a fact that we must become men and women who can first be offered substantially before You as sacrifices that are centered on true goodness.
However, we come to realize that we are people who can’t reach that position as individuals. We know that we can’t stand in that position as fallen descendants. Nevertheless, since we now have the name of children through our relationship with the True Parents, please lead us, Father. We earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to clearly understand that such grace comes only in the place where our work begins through a relationship with the True Parents.
Now every man and woman here has offered him or herself completely before You, Father. Please keep them as Yours forever. Please grant them authority and please allow them to become good ancestors by becoming good examples in establishing the order of Your love in Satan’s world. Father, please take charge of this special workshop, which was begun after we made a promise before
You and were entrusted with this great enterprise. We have set this period of nine days until next Tuesday as a special period and we dedicate it to You, Father. Therefore please do not let anything that takes place during this period be in any way contrary to Your law.
Father, we must fulfill our mission by uniting our minds and bodies and at the same time achieving oneness with You. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow these people to know that they may participate in this gathering only after having proven themselves as true children through a relationship with True Parents centered on You, and after having attained solid conviction. At this moment, as we start out on the date we have set, we sincerely hope that You will bestow Your boundless grace on this hour. Moreover, since we know that our responsibility and that of the headquarters are important in carrying out this work, Father, please supervise and watch over everything we do as we make all the necessary preparations.
Please grant that the final decisions of goodness be appropriate to Your Will. We hope and pray that You guide us so everything can bring about beneficial results. Please establish Your children on the public foundation that is separated from all private connections. By so doing, we sincerely hope and pray that You allow this hour to be one in which we can examine ourselves and dedicate ourselves so we can remain forevermore as public figures. Please grant that we may cherish the amazing grace of this Blessing that has been realized together with Heaven so we can become good ancestors to our descendants and future generations for thousands of years to come. Accordingly, we earnestly ask and desire that You help us do so, and not let us become pitiful children who lose the standard of good ancestors.
Please have personal dominion over all that takes place from now on. There are almost four hundred people gathered here. Please decide the fate of each one of them with Your own hands. We sincerely request and hope that You allow us to accept the one, ideal object partner each of us can respond to, then join our hearts and work as one to fulfill our mission and achieve Your Will. We humbly bow before You and ask that You may protect us with the heavenly forces and angels especially guarding this environment so we can make this period a time of joy for You and bring it to a successful conclusion. Therefore, Father, please take charge of us, have dominion over us, protect us and look upon us with compassion. Placing everything here in Your hands, I offer this prayer in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (March 23,1970)
2. Please remember Your children
When we think about Your profound guidance, Father, in making the people of the Unification Church pass through a historical era of suffering because You loved us specially, we are truly grateful for all the days of our past. We earnestly hope You remember Your children who are still walking the path of suffering today, because they do not yet know Your Will.
Father, please allow us to make our way through this path, no matter what difficulties may come. We sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You connect the many spirits in the spirit world with the spiritual mediums of the present and that You bless the people who have come forth yearning for the true path and the true vision this nation should head toward. We know that, though we are so unworthy, You have called us and brought us together because it is Your divine Will to resolve such a historical relationship. Though we may not look like much on the outside, please grant that we may become Your children who know how to be grateful that You have called us especially to fulfill this historic and epic mission.
Father! In Your presence we are as naked children. Therefore You need to dress us, feed us and raise us in Your embrace. However, up to the present we have not been able to relate with You as sons and daughters. Please allow our minds and bodies to stand in that position, and please bless us, that we may become Your sons and daughters. We don’t own anything in this world, we don’t possess even one thing and we have nothing we can proudly show others; nevertheless, we do have this relationship with You as sons and daughters who can grow up in Your embrace, for which we are grateful.
We know that this kind of relationship is a privilege that represents the authority of victory, and we must know how to be grateful for it. We are not much to look at, but please allow us to become sons and daughters whom You can treasure and be proud of. Even if we go a difficult path, we go together with You, Father. Even if we have a sorrowful experience, we have it with You. Hence even if we stand in a difficult position, please lead us, Father, that we may be able to comfort You. Please allow us to embrace the day of hopes and dreams deeper and deeper in our hearts and allow us to become Your true sons and daughters who are able to fuel and lead the advance toward tomorrow.
However thorny our path, please allow us to resolve anew never to become a burden. We have come to know You, Father, and we know which direction You are going. Accordingly, when following Your path, even if we become injured and need to carry a heavier cross, we know that only in such times can we comfort You. Therefore we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to become Your children who go forth with all our devotion. Despite having endured numerous ordeals, this pitiful people, in this small corner of Asia, have not perished, because they have had Your special protection. We are truly grateful to You for this, Father.
Father, please enlighten this people about the path they need to follow henceforth. We are worried that a time of unrest surrounding this nation is approaching us from all directions and that a time of difficulty is approaching this people. Please extend Your guidance to us. We can’t help but think about our solemn responsibility. We have to accomplish the mission of restoration for You, Father, by adopting the proper attitude, dressing in white, building an altar and offering bows before You. This is something we cannot entrust to others or commission others to do. We should wholeheartedly devote all our energies to it and must dedicate our entire minds, bodies and will to fulfill this responsibility. In so doing, we must manifest Your love and sympathy.
We should realize that it is only when they are centered on such a bond that this people can overcome the hardships of Golgotha, which they need to transcend. We know that now is the time to do so. The more we think about the fact that all the paths of suffering this people had to walk were related to Your Will, the more we must strive to become the people You desire us to be, since we have set forth after pledging to take responsibility for the historical mission You entrusted to us. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You will not allow us to become pitiful people who bring You sorrow, but rather people You can be proud of before the world.
In the course of history, no one has known You, Father. No one has known Your wish, Your Will, Your heart or Your situation; no one has known how Your ideology can flourish. Be that as it may, please allow us at this time to become true sons and daughters who can understand everything about You and who can yearn for You with a heart of compassion and mercy. We earnestly hope and pray for this.
Since we know that on this morning the lonely people of the Unification Church, spread out across the entire Korean Peninsula, are on their knees entreating You, please be with them and please connect them through Your profound love. Even if the ropes of hardship are tied together and strain against us, our relationship with You must never be severed. Even if everything is eliminated, please leave us Your love, and even if everything is put aside, please leave us Your power. We pray that we may welcome the day of liberation that is approaching the people. Furthermore, allow us to become Your children who know that, however much we have cherished the hope of tomorrow in our hearts, we can never be accepted before Your Will.
We should not accept our present selves and how we have lived so far. When we think about the fact that, no matter how we look at it, our beginning stemmed from the Father, we must return the fruits of our life to You. We must move things for You, Father, with this kind of mindset, whether we live or die.
Accordingly, we should learn how to harmonize all relationships in front of You, and we should commit ourselves to the hope of tomorrow. We earnestly hope and pray You will allow us to know clearly that only when we stand in such a position can You be with us in a solid relationship. We also sincerely hope and desire that You grant us the awareness that we need to shed tears of remorse with all our heart and lament bitterly and endlessly when we realize our immaturity, and become filled with so much shame that we cannot show ourselves before You.
Father, we have called out to You endlessly. Now we should become mature children who can call You, knowing clearly whether You are a Father of joy or a Father of sadness. To this day, we have known You as the Father who gives us blessings, the Father who comforts us and the Father who delivers us from our difficult ordeals. However, allow us to know that we have the responsibility to comfort You, to rescue You and to take charge of the world. In doing so, Father, we should become children who can forget ourselves and shed tears of sympathy for You whenever we see that You are lonely, or in a difficult and pitiful state.
Please grant that we may become children who can go forward acknowledging that this is our life philosophy and life course. We sincerely hope and pray that, if there are any such sons and daughters, You will grant them more of Your profound and virtuous love, and please praise them for being sons and daughters with whom You can share the remaining circumstances of restoration. Up until the present, when we have felt sadness, we have often grieved for ourselves. However, we earnestly hope and desire that now, when our sorrows go to extremes, You allow us to become sons and daughters who grieve thinking of our sorrow as Your own.
Please allow us to know that, no matter how wonderful tomorrow’s hope may be, if there is no solid bond between You and us we cannot pin our future hopes on even the best wishes and ideologies. We sincerely hope and ask that You allow us to become Your sons and daughters who know that if You, the One who sought us out and with whom we have a bond, are in sad circumstances, we should shoulder the cross of Your sorrow.
Since we know that Your Will, which came before us, is noble and precious, please allow us to go forward again and again, knowing that the mission we have been commanded to carry out is the mission to destroy the camp of evil, dedicating every last bit of our energy and life while wholeheartedly endeavoring to overcome all hardships. Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become children who spare nothing when we prepare ourselves for such a task. Please do not abandon Your sons and daughters who are praising Your name today, who are yearning for Your embrace and Your deep heart. Thus allow us to bring about the sacred day of glory, the one hour of glory, the one hour of grace and the one moment of resurrection.
Just as it is now springtime, please grant that the 1970s be the springtime of the Unification Church. Accordingly, allow us to march forward toward a summertime that overflows with glory. We sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to be children who can make a new resolution to that end. A small number of people have gathered here. They have not come here to go this path for the sake of a specific person; rather, they have gathered here because they wish to draw near to You and wish You to give them the remaining mission. Therefore we earnestly ask and hope that You bless them.
Please protect Your children who are working hard in all parts of the world. Please guide the Japanese church members as they follow their path while shouldering their historic and monumental responsibility. We humbly request that You extend Your divine protection over the various events scheduled to take place in Japan in the future as well as over all the events we are planning here. We humbly pray all this in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (April 19,1970)
3. Please grant that we may become true filial sons and daughters
Father of love! We thought Jesus came to earth solely to find us, but that was not all he came for. We thought he came for the sake of our families, but that was not all he came for. And we thought he came for the sake of the chosen people of Israel, but that was not all he came for. Neither did he come for the sake of any one denomination.
We have come to understand that Jesus was simultaneously the hope of the created world and the representative of its entire value. Father, what is the state of our mind today in relation to Jesus, who had the mission to restore everything? Please do not allow any of us to become people who die clinging to their family. Please do not allow any of us to become people who die clinging to their people, their nation or their world.
We earnestly hope and pray, beloved Father, that You allow us rather to become people who can live risking our lives for the sake of the life and death of the cosmos, that is, people who represent heaven and earth in life and in death.
Please grant that no outcries of lamentation among the things of creation remain, due to the failure to accomplish the restoration through Jesus. If such laments remain, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You allow us to become true sons and daughters who are able to resolve this, to bring You and Jesus relief, and to penetrate Your heart through an eternal relationship with You.
And please work together with us, Father, that we may resolve all historical sorrow and that You may receive the comfort of that liberation. Furthermore, please grant that we may go forward together with You. We earnestly hope that You allow us to become true dutiful sons and daughters who are able to forget everything and praise Heaven. I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (March 23,1958)
4. Please grant that we do not forget the love of our Father
We know that today is a day when all people should bring their hearts together, offer a bow before the Father and praise His boundless love, honor and glory. We also know that the time of hope You wanted to realize centered on the ideal of creation of heaven and earth has not yet appeared on earth. We know that Your joy was immense when You created all the things of creation and humankind. However, up to this point there has not been a single person who has understood the heart of the Father, who yearned for the family of goodness, realized through eternal life and eternal love centered on humankind, and there has been no one on this earth who has profoundly experienced this.
We should realize how grievous, frustrating and disappointing it has been that our first ancestors could not attend You, Father, and be embraced within Your Will. Father, we have prostrated ourselves before You on this morning. We must acutely feel in our mind and body that You are our deeply grieved Father, one who has worked so hard to find His children throughout the course of history. Father, You have shouldered the responsibility of history while immersed in sorrow and have sought to find us. Therefore we must truly unite our mind and body and fulfill our duties of filial piety and loyalty to You to be able to call You Father and the central figure of goodness.
When we objectively examine whether there was ever one moment in the past when our joy could be remembered in Your heart for all eternity, we cannot help but censure ourselves for having failed to do so. We should realize that the place where You want to meet us and exchange life stories is not the current environment where we have lived till today. Rather, it is in on the higher level of Your world of heart. Please allow us to understand that this world of heart does not come about through the tangled circumstances of the Fall, but that it is realized centering on Your heart, Father, who long for the hour when You can move through the original relationship that transcends all circumstances.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You grant us the ability to comprehend with our hearts, not only through words. We can’t help but raise our heads and praise Your greatness, and we cannot enter the presence of Your grace without tears of gratitude. Guide us, that we do not forget Your great and precious love, Father. We earnestly hope and desire to become Your children, who can feel Your life in the blood flowing through our own veins, who can sense Your breath in the sound of our own breathing and who can feel Your touch of infinite mercy upon our own skin.
Father! Please allow us to realize what sorrowful people we are since we have not, even for a single hour, had the hearts of innocent children whom You can comfort and who are completely immersed within Your profound, high and merciful heart. Nursing the sorrow of the Fall, we walk the path of restoration destined by history.
Those presently living on this earth are pitiful people covered with scars. They are far away from You and cannot relate to You, Father. When we reflect that we must lift ourselves out of this tangled environment and sad circumstances and return to the world of our original nature, where we can receive official recognition and bring a new beginning to this earth, we come to feel once again that we are really a great distance away from You, Father.
We come to know that we are people who must make a deep internal connection of heart with You, build a new relationship with You as Your eternal sons and daughters, and begin anew from this place under new commands and promises. Even though You are calling us, how many times have we found ourselves sad and pitiful people who cannot come to You because we are still in our lowly position and we still have a long way to go? Father of love, we earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become sons and daughters who clearly realize this.
Please allow us to become Your sons and daughters whose anguish increases the more we feel that the place we live in today is not the place we were originally meant to be. We know You cannot dwell in such a place. Father, You have been wounded, rejected and abandoned by innumerable people as You have continued to take responsibility for this sad history, and we are worried that if You come to us where we are You may have to suffer new sorrows because of us. Therefore, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who can return to You after promising that we will all go the distance, and that You will wait for us.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You allow us to become Your children who work tirelessly in our desire to make Your noble and precious Will remain forever, maintaining filial piety and loyalty even when our bodies are worn out and our minds are exhausted. We also sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to clearly realize that, even if we were to set right our disunited mind and body and walk the path of attendance, we would still be far from standing in our original position before You.
We have called out to You from this faraway place, and we have called out to You many times when faced with conditions to indemnify our inability to form a relationship with You, Father. However, before we call out to You, we must first make our way through the course of indemnity You have given to each of us. Since we need to follow this path bearing our cross, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to clearly know we are people who have no alternative but to offer devotions and fight the battles we need to fight.
We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that You allow us to become children who can feel the love hidden in Your holy Will. Please remember all Your children spread out in all parts of this nation, and if there are people who are kneeling, bowing their heads before You, prostrating themselves before You and calling out to You, please embrace them with love. Father, if there are people who are desperately crying out to You, yearning to become loyal subjects and filial sons and daughters of Heaven, and who are struggling so they may be embraced in the deep and noble bosom of Your love, we sincerely hope and desire that You do not pass them by.
Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You halt Your footsteps and comfort them with Your profound and noble heart of mercy. Father, please allow us to know at this time the preciousness of the responsibility entrusted to us and allow us to realize that the time of Heaven will not always remain solely with us. Please grant us awareness of the fact that even though people, earthly relationships and material things may remain with us, the Will of Heaven and Your providence will not always remain with us.
Please allow us to know that if we miss the crucial time, we cannot help but lament for all eternity. Hence we earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become Your children who fulfill our duties of loyalty and filial piety and are not lazy in preparing to usher in that one moment. We sincerely hope You bless those who adore this place and are calling You with all their hearts. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray that Your consolation and advice be with the people spread across the world who are waiting for the day they will meet You centering on Your Will.
We should go straight toward the Will of the Father, knowing clearly that the responsibility and mission to triumph on the final battlefield rests upon our shoulders. We sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to be sons and daughters who can stand at the vanguard, defeat the enemies and bring joy to You. Please be with everyone gathered today in Your name, and we earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to be Your children who can light the flames of life in this dark world, and fulfill our mission as a lighthouse and as the salt of the earth.
Please allow Your children to experience profoundly how many bloodstained paths had to be walked before the Unification Church emerged. Our path was found through unbearable pain, from among many paths of tears, paths of sorrow and paths of oppression and anger. Please grant that we may become Your children who fulfill the duties of loyalty and filial piety on this path, who embrace all the indemnity of the people and the world, who inherit this worthwhile path You have patiently walked, and who are able to fulfill all our responsibilities.
We will race forward toward the day when we bring innumerable people to be embraced in Your bosom; we earnestly hope that Your power be with us. The numerous spirits in the spirit world are awaiting the day they will be liberated from their sorrows through us. Accordingly, we sincerely pray that You personally be with us. We earnestly request that You let us become Your children who can fulfill the duties of true filial piety and return praise, prestige and glory to You forevermore, by setting everything in the present in accord with Your Will as the starting point of glory. I pray all these things in the name of our True Parents. Aju! (November 17,1968)
5. Please allow us to become proud parents
Beloved Father, we have learned through the Principle that the restoration of the four-position foundation is what You have been searching for. Beloved Father, we have come to realize that a four-position foundation is formed when that which was divided from a single, complete origin is once again united. We know through the Principle that the world of the ideal of creation that the Father envisioned can never be achieved through any other means if our efforts deviate from the realm of the four-position foundation. When asked what the completion of the purpose of creation desired by the Father is, we say it is the perfection of the four-position foundation.
Father, we now understand that only when the husband and wife are together in oneness can their sons and daughters become one. The Unification family has been entrusted with the mission to fulfill the responsibility that can be offered to You with devotion. Therefore, Father, please bestow Your love upon the people of this group. Dear Father, the families of the Unification movement must become families You can trust. Father, the reason You surmounted the path of tribulation over thousands of years was to bring forth these families and find Your decisive partner who could bring victory to the family. When we think about this, we are truly grateful to You for enabling us to welcome an age when all the families of the Unification movement today can be mobilized.
We clearly understand that only after the family surmounts the course of indemnity can the tribes be organized in the heaven and earth of freedom in which You can take delight. Father, we have to now find our place by ourselves and become a divine group of people that can remain eternally Your people. At this moment, when Satan’s world and the heavenly world are in the midst of a decisive battle, I sincerely pray and hope that in this three-year period, we, as Your sons and daughters, can fulfill the way of devotion for the sake of victory, pay indemnity in Satan’s world and go beyond this world with honor.
We joyfully welcome this time when we are able to conclude an era, a time that brings value and meaning to our lives, whether we are awake, asleep or in any other situation. Countless patriots and martyrs have died while hopefully awaiting this time. We know that their greatest regret was to have died without being able to fight for the nation and the world in accordance with God’s Will. Thus, allow us to become sons and daughters who know how to be deeply grateful for having become a family that stands in a position of potentially being blessed more than anybody else and having become a family bound for victory.
Your beloved children who are fighting on the front line should be thinking only of You, Father, and must be willing to dedicate everything solely for Your sake. The reason they leave behind then- husbands and children, take responsibility for the front line and pioneer a path each day is because they seek to accomplish Your Will. Thus, Father, You must without fail be with them in those places. They should understand that offering their dutiful love to You has even greater value than witnessing.
Father, as they go on the path toward the enemy world on behalf of humankind and the people of this nation, please grant that they may become divine daughters who know how to establish and sever ties. Due to the bitter sorrow of six thousand years, women had to endure a shameful history in which they could not find their authority. Father, I sincerely pray and hope that during this period of time You can allow them to realize that You will return to them the privileged authority that will allow them to rise above this history and welcome the day of victory.
Father, in the year 1971, please freely reveal to us all that is on Your mind. At this moment, please open the hearts of the people so they may establish Your Will and bring You joy. Please lead the group of people who are bound to this place. I sincerely pray and request Your permission to bestow upon them the authority of envoys so they may become a group that will surely glorify You in the divine era.
We should be aware of the fact that countless spirits in the spirit world recognize the importance of the current time and are anxiously gazing upon it. I sincerely pray and request that You allow these people to become sons and daughters who make great effort and invest their entire being in offering devotion and manifesting their own precious value, giving thanks to You, even if it means forgetting about themselves completely. May they manifest all expressions of loyalty within a limited period of time in the present day.
Father! Bless this day and shower Your blessings upon Your numerous children who celebrate this day. May all manner of blessings be evenly shared. On this day we are in the position of owner and have pledged once again to offer all manner of devotion to Your Will, so we are not ashamed in front of our Parent. Thus, Father, I sincerely pray that You embrace us. Furthermore, I sincerely hope and pray that You will allow this hour to be one when we pledge to become one in heart and in purpose with Your daughters, to command heaven and earth, substantiate their devotion before the people and the world, and leap forward after having paid indemnity.
Beloved Father, I pray that, in addition to this three-year course, You may be with us for eternity and the glory of victory may spread throughout the 1970s, for all eternity. I sincerely pray that You may quickly bring the day of liberation for all people in the spirit world and on the earth. All this I pray in the sacred name of the True Parents. Aju! (February 1,1971)
6. Please grant that we may uphold True Parents' teaching
Father! We know it is not because of anyone’s power that the Unification Church has continued to exist until now. We know it is due to Your power, and it is also due to the many saints and sages’ foundation of public accomplishments. They paid the price of blood throughout the historical ages.
We believe that such bonds were formed today because the foundation of loyalty and filial piety offered by Jesus Christ throughout his life still remains. Furthermore, we know how much You sacrificed Yourself for us on the path of suffering in the course of history. We know very well that before we were lonely, You were lonely first, and that before we faced sorrowful circumstances, You were the Father who first experienced sorrow.
Now we must realize how precious it is that we are able to experience the relationship of true families in accordance with Your Will today, and that You have gone through great adversity to form the Unification family, organize the Unification tribe and to recover bring many families. We must understand the preciousness of True Parents’ name. We must always keep in mind that True Parents are the parent body that frees You from Your historical sorrow, the center where humankind’s hope is realized, and the origin of the ideal world. Therefore we can’t exchange the True Parents for all of history, for all ages, even for our own families, even for our children.
We must carry the ideology of True Parents in our bodies. The will of True Parents is to save the world. We have come to understand that the ideology of True Parents is to disregard reality, build the future and leave behind an eternal tradition. We are here in the present to bear the fruit of the past, to become the center of the purpose of the present and to become the center of the purpose of the future. Thus we realize that we are standing in a holy position that can decisively influence the destiny of three ages, which has not been known to humankind.
However, we now know, Father. By realizing the True Family, the family You deeply longed for, a true people is formed. Furthermore, when the traditions of the True Family spread out, a true nation is formed. When traditions go beyond the nation and out to the world through true family relationships, a true world is formed. When we think about this amazing fact, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You allow us to realize that, in order to prepare a firm foundation of true families that You can remember and in whom You can find Your Sabbath, the wives must first tend a garden of the tradition of heart.
When we wonder about the value we will have when our bodies collapse, Father, please grant that we may understand that the position of blessed wives today is not limited to the giving of themselves for the three great liberations: the complete liberation of heaven, earth and True Parents. It is also the position where this people and the descendants of our descendants can be completely liberated. Furthermore, it is the position where the fulfillment of wishes in the multidimensional plane is determined.
We must now give our entire devotion, fulfill our moral obligation as good ancestors of millions of generations, and establish a tradition that will be worthy of eternal respect. This is why this year’s motto is “Securing the Unification Foundation.” We did not know the Parents who constitute this foundation. When were we filial children to our Parents? When did we attend our Parents in the spring when flowers bloom? Moreover, when did we fight beside You in summer, fall or winter? When did we determine to die together with You?
We would like to sincerely thank You for granting us this period when we can all share True Parents’ destiny for three years, even though we should have already attended True Parents for three years but did not.
They are the True Parents during the day and night, in solitude, in joy and when gazing at heaven and earth. Thus when we go on the path of life where we shed desperate tears and pray, “I wish to live for tens of thousands of years attending our True Parents,” and when that prayer flows into our living environment, countless people there will be moved and, more than that, countless people all over the world will be moved. We must understand that a holy and tremendous happening lies beneath the surface here. Therefore we earnestly pray and request that Your daughters may go forth with greater strength and vigor.
In spite of the fact that we should have shared all our grief-filled stories with one another, sympathized with the difficulties of others and listened to one another, time did not permit us to do so. Therefore, Father, please empathize with all the difficult circumstances in all those stories. Everywhere people share with You their difficulties and inform You with earnest hearts of the hardships they have gone through. Please touch them with Your hallowed hand and be with them; please manifest Yourself to them and comfort them several times more than the comfort You gave me when I was in a similar position.
Thus we sincerely hope and pray that You allow Your fire of life to sweep across the entire Korean Peninsula through the supplications of the people gathered here, and their love of the Korean people. Please grant that a sacred group of people who are holy, pure and noble, who are watched over and praised by all of heaven and earth, can appear through the women of this peninsula. Please allow these women to become Your daughters who are worthy to receive Your love. Allow them to be Your daughters who will always bear in mind that a historical foundation of glory can be established through them and that an amazing global miracle can shine forth through their movement. Furthermore, please grant that they do not defile Your high, precious and sacred name and Your noble and exalted character.
We have entrusted everything to You, Father. Therefore please let the glory You have permitted us be with these people forevermore. We earnestly entreat You again and again to allow them to become true daughters who can be the glorious standard-bearers of victory on tomorrow’s battlefield and who can serve their almighty Heavenly Parent and be worthy to receive Your love. I humbly pray all these things in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (April 29,1971)
7. Grant that we may become descendants who receive blessings
Beloved Father, the blessed families do not number in the tens of thousands or in the hundreds of millions. In order to equalize the value lost by the single family with the realm of Blessing of hundreds of millions of couples, You, our God, had to pay the price in blood and had to carry and raise them to an equal position. When we think about this, we, the children, understand that this time of listening to the outline of the peace messages today is truly a terrifying and extreme position.
As descendants who must follow the path that lies before us, we must eliminate the remaining shadows of indemnity piled up in layers along the path we must take. Allow us to clear the path leading to an environment where we can live freely, and let us welcome the shining new morning of victory, the new morning of Cheon 11 Guk centering on our new selves. Please grant us the authority of sons and daughters who have been liberated and completely freed by this morning that shines upon the age of the individual, beyond the eight stages, and even upon the heavenly world.
This era was brought before You, who wanted to love the entire universe. At this hour, the foundation of victory based on the realm of the second generation achieved by the True Parents, who had inherited this era, shall be bequeathed to the people here who are centered on the realm of the third generation. Father, please lend Your ear to the sound of their solemn hearts. In order for each of them to take full responsibility for the path of life that they must pioneer by themselves, I sincerely pray and hope that Heaven mobilizes their ancestors to become these people’s protective and nurturing enclosure, through the blessed families in the heavenly world.
Our calling to fulfill the responsibility to become the peace kingdom police force and peace kingdom corps is now at hand. I sincerely pray and hope that You bless us so we may assume the responsibilities of the police, the army, and even of the True Parents, and create the family with sons and daughters who inherit the mission of protecting Heaven and the True Parents, and establish the nation and the world consisting of such families.
The children residing in the Seoul area are participating here today. Please keep this historic day in Your thoughts and allow these people to once again discover in the depths of their hearts the calling, responsibility and authority of the ideal of creation that was lost. I sincerely pray that You take responsibility to guide them so they can become people who are completely free and who, standing on the standard of the Blessing, can leap forward, going beyond the reign of peace for all nations to reach the original ideal and shout “Eok-mansei\”
I sincerely pray and request Your permission that these people become the blessed descendants who can secure victorious results in the substantial realm, in unity with these words that have now been entrusted to them. Please grant that these words and results may support and protect them, boldly blocking and overcoming the raging storm of chaos in the heavenly world and physical world. I sincerely request that You accept with joy the forthcoming hours and permit that, beginning tomorrow, this year becomes a year to be proud of. All this I report and pray in the name of True Parents. Aju! (March 8,2007)
1. Raise us as children with dominion over all creation
Father! We didn’t know we are living as debtors to all created things in the fallen world and that we are in a position where even husbands and wives are indebted to each other. We didn’t know we are also indebted to our parents and that we owe an indescribably large debt as well to You, our eternal Father. Even if we look at our situation from the viewpoint of the fallen world, we are indebted. We are indebted to the things of creation and we are indebted also to Jesus Christ, who introduced the paradigm of the bride and the bridegroom.
We are a people that should repay our debts while representing the love of our eternal Father, but instead of repaying those debts we worry and lament focused on ourselves, and we curse the earth, the things of creation and Heaven. We cannot be excused in any way. Jesus battled to raise such people anew, willing to risk his life. Nevertheless, he was killed on the cross. Because of that, the two-thousand-year struggle to repay the debt incurred under heavenly law has not yet been resolved, and the word “judgment” still remains. Father! Please allow us to settle all the debts incurred throughout the muddled course of history so we may go over the summit of judgment. Please allow us to understand that we can stand before the eternal Father only if we become people who are more than able to repay all those debts. We earnestly hope and desire that You lead us to live lives through which we are able to repay the debts of life You gave us after having cast off the conditions of Satan. Please grant that we may live as people who have repaid our debts to True Parents, true couples and the true things of creation.
Father, please permit us to realize that Jesus has continued to invest himself completely until today on this path. Do not allow us to forget that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are praying endlessly in the spirit world for all people; this is because we have not yet indemnified our debts in relation to heavenly law and because we are so lacking and inadequate. We now know that for Jesus and the Holy Spirit to stand in the position of glory that can bring joy to the Father, we need to fulfill Jesus’ responsibility in his stead. Therefore please allow us who are on earth to bring victory in the battle in heaven with Satan, and please let the works of Heaven be realized on earth.
We earnestly ask and desire that You allow us to become Your eternal children who feel Your love as our Father of joy and glory. Furthermore, we earnestly request that You raise us as Your true sons and daughters who are able to take dominion over all the things of creation with dignity and as Your beloved children who are not ashamed in front of You, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the many saints and sages, all the people on earth and all things of creation. We hope and pray that You govern us and guide us, that we may repay all our debts. I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (June 10,1956)
2. Let us be worthy to commemorate the Day of the Restoration of All Things
When we consider that we have ushered in the glorious day when the world of death is newly restored through the relationship with True Parents established by Heaven, we know all this is because of Your sacrificial endeavors, Father. Father, we are truly grateful. Please accept our sad hearts, which know You, though we can’t find words to express how we feel. Since our bodies know You centering on our hearts, please accept our bodies as well. Since the husbands and wives who have been united in body know You as well, please accept them. Since the sons and daughters You have gifted to these couples also know You, please accept them. Unworthy as we are, we have followed with hearts concerned about Your Will and have tried to emulate the achievements and tradition You have fulfilled with blood, sweat and tears. This includes all the history of the First, Second and Third Israels. Accordingly, though we are deficient in achieving Your solemn Will to restore Your family, nation, world, land, sovereignty and people, please look upon us with approval for gaining a foothold of victory over our enemy and for standing on that foundation, through which we can fulfill these conditions.
We have already learned through the teachings we have received that all these given conditions will certainly be fulfilled, though it may take time to do so. Bearing this responsibility in our everyday lives, we stand more firmly than anyone else. Therefore, Father, please feel at ease and please accept everything we have. At today’s dedication ceremony, we wish to offer the children of True Parents and the center of the heavenly family You have established, with Your sons and daughters of the third age serving as their shield. We would like to request in advance that, if there are any inadequacies or insufficiencies in this ceremony, they will not become conditions allowing Satan’s accusation.
Since everything is brought about through Your compassion, please allow us in this gathering to avoid mistakes leading to indemnity like those of Noah, Abraham or Moses. We sincerely hope that You alone have dominion.
Though this holy day is July 26,1963, we have already informed You it will be extended to the last day of the coming April. Furthermore we plan to declare the next day, the first day of May, as the day we dedicate all things. Please accept this day.
For the Day of All Things to be possible, there must be Parents’ Day and Children’s Day. Accordingly, we established the first day of March as Parents’ Day in Your presence, we established the first day of October as Children’s Day in Your presence, and we have now established the first day of May as the Day of All Things in Your presence. We have now set the horizontal conditions on earth to find the one day of restoration in the world You created. Therefore we understand that on the basis of all these holy days there remains one day we need to find and establish, which is God’s Day.
When that day is instituted we will make a declaration together with the entire cosmos. Therefore we have instituted all these holy days to completely establish all the victorious conditions for that day. Accordingly, until we have extended that day and fully instituted God’s Day, we will continue to fight, we will continue to endure and we will continue to march forward. Therefore, Father, please embrace us with Your direct divine protection. Please grant that heaven and earth become one, please grant that heaven and all citizens become one, and please grant that True Parents and the children become one for the sake of Heaven.
In doing so, we wish to set out from this foothold and conquer all twenty- five thousand miles of the distance around the planet Earth until all humanity has been bound together as one family, through relationships based on heart and blood kinship. Therefore please accept this as a foundation that has already been established, even though everything begins from this day. To offer You the sovereignty of our hearts, and for the sake of the sovereignty that we proudly demonstrate in our daily lives, we will continue to fight. We dedicate Your people to You with our hearts, and we dedicate with our hearts all created things that have welcomed their Father. Please accept our offering of devotion. Moreover, we pledge to dedicate the remaining people and things of creation through our lives. Therefore, Father, please grant us the time to do so.
We sincerely hope that Your glory will be with us throughout this ceremony. To commemorate the Day of All Things, the devoted followers and children of the Unification Church have collected an offering of money with blood and tears and wish to dedicate this donation to You, Father, with all their heart and body. With such envelopes of money as we are offering, we have built the ship, the Cheon Seung Ho. Furthermore, since we know that You will also joyfully receive the factories and all other enterprises we are operating and that have been designated as belonging to Heaven on the basis of the material foundation we reported earlier as well as all expenditures, please accept everything as belonging to You. We pray that prestige, glory and praise be with You, Father, for all eternity, and offer this day in the name of True Parents. Aju! (July 26,1963)
3. Please grant that everything be realized according to Your Will
Father, we know that the sorrowful path of restoration is filled with complexities. Nevertheless, having trudged and fought along this path, with one hill left to go over before You can enjoy the Sabbath, we now feel that the time when we can sing the praises of the day of hope is drawing near.
We know that all this is not because of our hard work. Rather it is because of the hard work You invested so we could stand on the foundation of Your endless labors, unknown to anyone else.
In this age You have given us Parents’ Day and Children’s Day, and we thank You for accepting us within this wonderful realm of destiny in which, on the basis of one family and on the foundation of resonance in heart with You, Father, we can attend You as the Father who represents the one tribe, people, world and cosmos.
Beloved Father, please grant that we do not become people who complain when we are pulled by this destiny. We realize that we must take responsibility to cope with our destiny, take the lead and go forward. We also realize that the holy days were necessary to accomplish this purpose. Accordingly, we know it is our mission to shoulder the responsibility of sons and daughters, which is to exact retribution from the billions of enemies of God, the enemies of humanity, the enemies of all things of creation and the enemies of heaven, and to receive written declarations of surrender from them.
Now we realize that we must carry out responsible activities to restore by ourselves all the things of creation that were lost We earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to usher in Your Sabbath from now on, to take responsibility for the entire history of sorrow in our age on a horizontal level, and return only glory to You on a vertical level.
At this point in time, when we are about to face the last crisis of the three- year course, please enable all the things of creation in heaven and on earth to become one. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that wherever true hearts are found You may erect the foundation upon which we can stand in victory and glory, upholding Your wonderful and eternal standard. Since many of Your sons and daughters are fighting even today to achieve this, and are also appealing to You at this time, we earnestly hope and desire that You listen to each of these hearts and to all of their appeals, and please establish the day of victory in accordance with Your entire Will.
Within this same realm of grace, please protect all Your sons and daughters who are spread throughout the world for the sake of this work, and please grant that they do not become exhausted while facing this brutal battle. We earnestly hope and desire that You allow them to endure and remain to the end, until the final day of glory is established.
Loving Father, we thank You for being with us today. We earnestly hope and pray that You move us to make sincere efforts, that once again, through our minds and bodies and as we return home, we may find ourselves adequate to stand as victorious warriors of heaven who, with renewed resolution, embody glory on the newly laid foundation. Please accomplish everything according to Your Will and please allow only the glory of the victory You planned to be realized in the entire cosmos. We humbly pray in the name of the Lord. Aju! (May 15,1963)
4. Please grant that all creation be liberated
Father! We know that our first ancestors should have achieved oneness in Your love. We know that centered on the love through which You and our ancestors were supposed to become one, all the things of creation should have become one, based on the four-position foundation. But we also know that, because of the Fall of our ancestors, all creation entered the realm of lamentation, and that You are also lamenting.
When we look back on the course of the history of the providence of restoration, we see that the things of creation were always presented as offerings to restore humankind. Through these offerings, a God-centered relationship was established through which people could unite with You. Through such relationships, You have connected with different individuals. However, in today’s Unification Church, the individual is not enough. Because the first ancestors fell before becoming a couple, a standard that can connect us with God as couples must be established. Please allow us to know clearly that a task remains; that all things, centered on that couple, must absolutely pass through God and True Parents.
We must know that without undergoing such a process we could not have arrived where we are today. We know that, just as we were created through the things of goodness, the things that belong to You, Your grief and that of all creation, is resolved only when they leap the one hurdle. We earnestly hope and desire that You allow us to clearly realize that the origin of the world-level standard in today’s horizontal world is realized centered on the family.
Today please enable us to repent that we have been unable to restore all created things, and that we have failed to live with the devotion by which we could offer all things to You completely, as people who consume, use, save and manage them. We know there must come a day of dedication when we are able to offer all created things to You by connecting them with the family, the nation, and finally the world.
We know that a day of celebration must come when all humanity can offer You our families and all our possessions, through the families, tribes, peoples, nations and the entire world. We know that the day we are registered as families of heaven must be established. On that day countless people will vie with one another to joyously sing its glory, and the actual stage where people compete with one another to dedicate the day to You, Father, will emerge. Therefore please grant us the clear understanding that, after all sorrowful conditions that have caused You to lament for the past six thousand years disappear, only the historical hope that brings You joy will remain.
Father! Please grant that we may completely offer You everything we have, including our entire selves and families, so we may usher in that day. Please allow us to know we must inherit Your eternal work through our relationship with You, the Heavenly Parent, the True Parent, to inherit and share the embrace of Your love. Moreover, please allow us to know that this amazing mission has been given to us.
We know that this has to happen on the individual level and also on the levels of the family, tribe, nation and world. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become children who clearly know that every created thing should be linked to Heaven’s ownership through a sanctification ceremony we must hold on the world level.
Beloved Father, the blessed families are present here as well. When have we ever presented objects qualified to belong to Heaven through a ceremony like this? When have we ever had a chance to be registered before Heaven and thereby establish the original substantial condition centered on Your love? We have failed to set such a condition, so we earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to realize we are in a process of moving forward to lay down such a foundation on the national and world levels.
To accomplish such a goal, we must make a new resolve today. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray that You enable us to celebrate this day as a joyous time. Your children spread out across this nation are celebrating this day. By allowing them to work in unison with Your power, Your might and Your authority, Father of love, we earnestly hope that You allow the day of jubilation, the day in which all things can be liberated, to come as quickly as possible. At the same time, we beseech You to hasten the arrival of the day Your beloved children can create the second realm of liberation centering on a nation, and return this realm to You. We humbly pray all these things in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (June 15,1969)
5. Please grant that we may know the meaning of the Day of All Things
Father! Every day throughout history has been filled with sorrow. Therefore we have shouldered the responsibility so future days will not be filled with sorrow. We are the people of the Unification Church, and at this time when misfortune roams this nation our mission is to brush aside this misfortune and sow the seeds of hopes and dreams.
As current trends of thought lead to despair, discouragement, pathos and grief, we have come to understand that the Unificationist ideology must be able to overcome this and offer new expectation and hope. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become Your sons and daughters who know that to walk that path we must find the more public value and pursue it in our lives.
Father! Even to the present day, many sad occurrences have befallen us as the Unification Church followed Your Will. On more than one occasion, when backed into frustrating situations we could not share with anyone, we wanted to stamp our feet, curse You, Father, and claim You did not exist. Each time we remember such days, we feel once again how pitiable You are for having endured every moment in indescribable anxiety and impatience.
Your face is worn with care for our sake, and Your hands and feet are wounded for our sake. Furthermore, we know it was You who shed tears, sweat and blood hundreds of thousands of times for our sake because of this troublesome relationship You have with us.
When we think of the fact that You live this way with us, an earnest desire to take Your hand and never let go wells up in our hearts. Our hearts desire to put our arms around Your neck and follow You on a mountain path or any other perilous way. Please enable us to know You, and to know that only when this yearning to carry You on our backs, even when lacking energy, dominates our hearts and overflows in our daily lives will we have fulfilled our duty of filial piety and loyalty.
Father! We find ourselves reminiscing once more about the 1960s. Until this Day of All Things was instituted, and as we found ourselves during the battle at a crossroads no one knew about, we had to decide whether to go left or right to determine the relationship of indemnity. Standing in a valley where we had lost everything, by attending You we found something of great value. In the midst of hope centered on You, the history of the families of the Unification Church began. Based on that, Parents’ Day, Children’s Day and the Day of All Things were established.
The day that was established on this foundation is God’s Day. Even though God’s Day should also have been the Day of All Things, Children’s Day and Parents’ Day, we have come to realize that instead of having one day of glory this day has been spread out in several intervals patched together. Whenever we celebrate days like these, we cannot help but repent in our heart for the mistake of our ancestors. Father, please bear with us.
A garment cut from a single piece of silk cloth is extremely valuable; yet instead of becoming such garments, we are ashamed that we became ragged garments covered with patches. Each time we celebrate this day, please grant that we may become people who kneel down, shed tears of sympathy for You, and pledge, while gritting our teeth and biting our tongues, that we will practice filial piety even if other people do not. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become sons and daughters who realize that the main significance of celebrating this day lies in having as many people as possible make this pledge whenever we celebrate this day.
Are there any sons and daughters who have resolved never to let go of Your collar once they have grabbed hold of it, Father? Are there sons and daughters who, having taken hold of Your wrist, say they will not let go even if their hands fall off and their bodies are mangled, because it is the wrist of the Father they are holding, and that they will even stake their lives to hold on to that wrist? Are there sons and daughters who, wrapping their arms around Your neck and embraced within Your bosom, assert they will never leave You, and who struggle along even if they have to go the way of ruin or the path of death because they are afraid of losing Your embrace?
Are there sons and daughters who possess a standard no one else has, even though from a secular viewpoint they may look like pitiful people who have lost everything? Are there sons and daughters who have completely captured the relationship of heaven and earth and can move everything within it, who know that this is the foundation of all value, who boast only of this, and who uphold and live only for this? We sincerely hope and pray that many sons and daughters may be clearly aware that, even if everything in the world flows by and social environments change, the heart does not change and will infallibly create history and the environment.
Father, please bless the path we, the Unification Church members, are following. Up to this point, we have been unprotected. Since we entered this vulnerable state for Your sake, we should feel grateful, even if we are destined to freeze to death in our weakness. Please enable us to become sons and daughters who, when imagining our frozen bodies being pierced by enemy spears and collapsing, are grateful that such a situation hasn’t occurred.
Please grant that the understanding of the Day of All Things by the sons and daughters gathered here today not be limited to its literal meaning. Please enable us to realize that the things of creation are not the problem, but that the person whom the things of creation are meant to serve is the problem, and that whether that person can follow You is the problem. Please allow us to realize that the things of creation want to be taken care of and want to be governed by a true person. Please allow us to become Your sons and daughters who love the world and all the things of creation. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become Your sons and daughters who are able to be more deeply aware than anyone else of the value of the things of creation and who are able to care for them.
Father, please bless Your sons and daughters gathered here today. Please remember Your sons and daughters who are engaged in missionary work in various parts of the world. We earnestly hope You reward the tears they shed a thousand-fold and ten thousand-fold, and that You protect them. Please enable us to find You when we are on the verge of starvation or in the face of violence. We earnestly hope and pray that You reach out to us with compassionate hands and remain with us when we are in such circumstances. Though we are strangers whose emotions differ from Yours, please enable us to connect to You and to be Your children.
When we consider that we need to walk this lonely path of faith, please allow us to know our responsibility to bring about restoration, even when the guns and knives of the enemy are aimed at us. Furthermore, please guide us. We sincerely hope and desire that You allow this nation to be Your nation and people. We know there are many spirits who are suffering extreme pain because, even though they tried to find this day when in possession of a substantial self on earth, they failed and ascended to the spirit world with sorrowful hearts. Please forgive them so they can cooperate for the sake of goodness, and please grant them the glorious grace with which they can cooperate to establish traditions of goodness on earth.
Please allow all humanity on earth to become Your sons and daughters who can battle on the path of faith to establish the Will of goodness, with no regard for themselves. Please light their way, guide them and explain to them Your course. By doing so we sincerely hope and pray that You allow us to become sons and daughters who can receive You with overflowing ecstasy when we reach the Last Days. Please hold on to the sons and daughters who have grown fatigued or who have fallen behind while following this course. Please guide their footsteps so that, even if they have drunk from the bitter cup of defeat, they do not become people who look upon tomorrow with a vengeful heart. Instead, please allow them to be sons and daughters who go forward with hope and anticipation of a revival.
Numerous people living in Korea have committed many sins. All the disbelief and persecution they have poured on the Unification Church until the present day were due to their ignorance. We sincerely hope and pray that You forgive them. Since we know that we cannot celebrate this as a joyous day in the face of the enemy, we hope You allow this to be a sanctified day when the world can ask for forgiveness and offer obeisance to the Father.
We earnestly request that You save all humanity from perishing until the time when the remaining days and this world can be immersed in the realm of Your love and Your mercy, at the center of Your glory. And we ask that You enable those gathered here to become the victorious sons and daughters who can usher in that day. I humbly pray all these things in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (June 4,1970)
6. Please grant that we may fulfill the responsibilities of the high priest
Father! Today at this time we dare attempt to comprehend Your heart as You were creating all the things of creation. It is the original purpose and hope of creation that the bonds of one family be formed throughout the entire universe on the foundation of Your heart, which is the center of joy, happiness and all things. When we consider this, we realize that today this earth has not achieved harmony with Your wishes, Your circumstances and Your heart, thereby repeating the Fall. Please guide us to become people who can contemplate all this and repent again for all our historical inadequacies.
Please have compassion, Father, for the many people who must dash into battle for the sake of tomorrow’s hope, having been unable to escape from the world of death. We earnestly hope for Your compassion toward the many believers who, transcending the present age, are rushing forward today in the direction of the original homeland, the land of the ideal of creation that You want to accomplish.
Father, as You have endured the responsibility for the past, present and future, You have withstood the greatest of hardships, and we know that Your heart is filled with sorrow. When we consider the sorrowful past in which people pounded nails into Your heart—when they should have been singing songs praising Your eternal truth and heart while standing in the presence of Your heart and ideal—we realize that we must bow our heads, kneel before You and raise an altar of atonement, while feeling the deep sorrow You have had to endure.
Father, as You look upon this reality, where no children have been able to raise the altar of victory before You, but are fulfilling the mission of high priest, we know You desire that at least we may become Your devoted envoys who can bear the cross of Heaven in Your stead. Father, though we have raised our hands and pledged to become Your true, filial sons and daughters and loyal subjects to appease Your sorrow and grief—even if it means giving up our lives after we have fulfilled our responsibility—we cannot help but lament that we have failed to practice filial piety and loyalty in a position that can bring You joy.
Nevertheless, Heavenly Father, please do not abandon us. We earnestly hope and pray that You work through us so we can become true children who can fulfill our mission and duties until the promised day of final victory.
Father! So many days have passed by during the long course of history, yet was there ever a single day when You could be happy? In spite of such a history, You found and instituted the Day of True Parents as well as the Day of All Things. Father, today is the Day of All Things You established after so much sacrifice. Father! We cannot help being filled with deep emotion as we greet this day, while reflecting once again on the providence You have carried out so laboriously.
Today is a historic day that marks the fourth anniversary of the day You established the Day of All Things. Throughout Your long course, You have walked forward through miserable adversity filled with sorrow and anguish. Yet we come to feel once again that You have prepared these days while promising the one day of absolute victory in accordance with the Will of Your great providence. Father! We earnestly hope and desire that You awaken us to the reality that we must be grateful, thousands and hundreds of thousands of times, when we consider that the greater the adversity in the past, the more it appears as a condition for greater gratitude today.
Your sons and daughters who were scattered in all directions have now gathered here at Cheongpa-dong Church. Therefore please have dominion over them and allow them to remember this day. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that through this day You allow them to establish the day of blessing You have prepared. Many members of the Unification Church spread out in all parts of South Korea are on their knees offering devotions and bows for this day. Therefore we sincerely hope Your touch of mercy will be with them wherever these children are gathered.
Moreover, there are many children all over the world who are upholding Your name and offering devotion. We earnestly hope and pray that You be with each of them. In addition, many of Your sons and daughters are struggling amidst the sorrow of pioneering a lonely path, unknown to others, with this amazing, cosmic, historic mission on their shoulders. Father, please remember them.
Father, we know only too well how exhausting is the path of adversity trod by a pioneer. Since You have also fought and advanced from such a position, You are fully aware of these circumstances. Therefore, Father, we earnestly hope and pray for Your efforts, that You may raise people who can resonate with Your circumstances and become laborers, lacking in nothing, who can fulfill the global and historical responsibility, realize the pledge to be victorious, and raise aloft the shield of victory in Your stead.
The time has now come for the first, second and third churches to take responsibility for the new mission locations and march in line toward the capital city of Seoul. Therefore please be with them and command them. By doing so, we earnestly hope and pray that You allow them to become Your children who, for the one day of triumph, can more than fulfill the responsibility of the high priest while holding high the shield of eternal victory.
Father, the more that time passes, the more we come to feel that our astounding responsibility and mission are unavoidable. As we go forward while taking responsibility for the destiny of this people, we can see that the time when we must devote ourselves completely to repay You, and make the final decision for this people, is drawing near. We hope You allow us to make a new resolution and a new vow before the Father, with a grateful heart and an inspired mind. Father, we also hope and pray that You work through us so we can become Your children, who can realize this vow and share with everyone the accomplishments we have achieved.
We know that innumerable spirits in the spirit world are hoping for this day and are waiting for the time when they can be indemnified. Father, we are aware that You have chosen us and placed on our shoulders the great responsibility of forging the connection between the spirit world and the physical world, even if it costs our lives. We are truly grateful that You have allowed us this hour to gather here. Please embrace and protect the many children who, even at this hour, are calling You from near and far with hearts of adoration, and please understand all the circumstances of the children who are walking lonely paths. We pray that today, on this day of joy and glory, You fill everyone with abundant grace. I humbly pray all these things in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (June 19,1966)
7. Please receive this ceremony for this dedication and transition point
Beloved Father! The time has come when the entire world must determine its direction and rush along the highway leading to the kingdom of heaven by finding one nation, the foremost state. Heretofore You have enabled us to usher in the age where hell, and all of humankind lamenting in the spirit world and the physical world, are liberated. Through Heaven’s love for True Parents, the nation of the parents has now been established and the eldest son nation has been determined.
The Eve nation, which is the mother nation, failed to fulfill its responsibility. However, through the unity of twelve Koreans and thirty-six Japanese, the standard of the four-position foundation has been restored and for the first time the age has come when the United States, which was the archangelic realm, can be blessed. We sincerely thank You, Father, for having supported the devotional work of True Parents, who have been pioneering the way of the Blessing to form the family-level kingdom. This replaces the age of the unified kingdom that should have been established centering on True Parents right after the Second World War by all the nations that participated in that war, including Korea, Japan, Taiwan, the Philippines, Canada and Britain.
I am aware of Your pioneering days, when You invested and sacrificed Yourself to bring Your vision into reality. How much persecution have Unification Church members received, and how many tears have they shed to do this work, crossing hills, mountains, seas and continents while walking this obscure path?
We have advanced to the world of liberation where we can establish the unified kingdom based on Christianity. This was made possible when You, who did not ignore our tears, sacrificed the parents’ nation and even the children’s nation, conditionally, all on the basis of Your love. Due to this and based on this standard, North and South Korea became one, Korea and Japan became one, and Taiwan, the Philippines and Canada transcended ethnicity and became one. Also, the family-level relationship of children was established in Adam’s family centered on the United States. Furthermore, the realm of love where God’s entire passion was to be received as love from above and below, right and left, and front and back, was accomplished.
True Parents have proclaimed the foundation on which everything that previously could not settle down can be brought to settlement, centering on the ideal standard of love in the family, and in all nations of heaven and earth. We dedicate the accomplishment of this foundation to You. Father, we hope and pray that You accept it.
True Mother stands in the position of uniting the twelve people of Korea and the thirty-six people from Taiwan, the Philippines and Canada, centered on the mother nation, Japan, and even the nation of the archangel. For the first time and on the foundation of the unity of these nations, the promised hour has come in which they can become one with the True Parents, and in which the parents and the children can become one in the presence of God. Through this condition they can go beyond all obstruction, to victory. Therefore we hope and pray that You accept this ceremony we are carrying out today with joy.
Father, we earnestly beseech You and pray that all past conditions may become a historic declaration and a realm of shields that protect historical and providential victories so God may freely move within the entire cosmos toward the perfected world of the sovereignty of love, remove all traces of Satan’s world, and become the supreme King of love who rules with sovereignty endowed with the supremacy of love. Father, please receive this “ceremony for this dedication and transition point” that I am proclaiming. I proclaim this again and again and again in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (May 23,1998)
1. Let us move beyond the bitter anguish of Golgotha
The more we think about the many twists and turns in the course of restoration, we cannot help but think about the trials and tribulations of heart on the path that remains ahead of us. Today we have gathered together the young children to take this opportunity to reflect once again on the sad reality of history.
Among the many people who celebrated Christmas yesterday, how many of them embraced the heart of Jesus, shed tears and addressed You, Father, with a sorrowful heart, and how many of Your children worried about tomorrow’s path to heaven? How many people know that You, our Heavenly Father, have labored more than we could possibly imagine? Please allow us to bear in mind once again that You have been a pitiful and wretched Father.
We know that the many twists and turns along Your course, and Your miserable situation, are the result of the sin of our ancestors. The time has come for us to move forward, beyond all the grief of Golgotha caused by the mistake of Adam and Eve.
Nonetheless, in order to greet the dawn of tomorrow, we must grope our way forward along the path of darkness. Because we know we can welcome the new dawn only once, the champions of the Unification Church have fought and plodded along the path of darkness, the early morning path despised by others.
When events have caused us to shed tears along this course, we have wished to be with You, who are also shedding tears. When we sweated and endured hunger as part of our struggle, we longed for the day when we could comfort You, who endured a course filled with such hardship.
Please enable us to consign the grief of the past to memory and to weep out of concern for You, Father. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You allow us to become Your sons and daughters who, having forgotten our miserable and pitiful selves, are able to struggle to fulfill the duty of filial children. We yearn to see a hopeful Father who, having washed away all the past days filled with tears and sorrowful memories, can smile at having found the goodness of tomorrow.
In following the path You walked, we have found it to be the path of the cross. However, as we have trudged along with the hearts of pioneers along this path, unknown to others, we have understood that this path does not lead to ruin. People have ridiculed us, but You have encouraged us. Many people have opposed us, but You have stood before us and comforted us. We are aware that on numerous occasions You have counseled us, saying, “I am here, and countless saints in the spirit world are protecting the path you are walking.” You have comforted me when I was opposed and ridiculed, and the people who are following in my lonely footsteps are also lonely people. Therefore I earnestly hope and pray that Your love be with them as well.
Father! Do You have daughters who have resolved to firmly embrace and take responsibility for Your sorrowful heart and desperate situation? Please encourage them. Do You have any sons like that? Please hold them close. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You allow us to become true sons and daughters who can make You proud, who can praise Your glory and sing songs of triumph, having achieved a glorious victory on the final battlefield.
Father, please look upon the future of the Korean people with compassion. There is only one path this people should follow. In the fields of politics, economics and culture, there is nothing this people can contribute to the world. We know that besides aspects of heart, they have nothing to contribute.
We are also aware that the champions of the Unification Church who are following the way of heavenly law need to make a great contribution toward this people and fulfill a historic world mission. Therefore please grant us the awareness that we are people who cannot die even if we wish to die, and please allow us to realize on our own that we are pillars who have a responsibility and mission that prevent us from remaining idle even if we wish to. Thus we earnestly hope and pray that You enable us to secure tomorrow’s victory and not grow tired in today’s battle.
No matter what anyone says, no matter who opposes us and no matter who speaks ill of You, please allow us to follow You, and please prevent us from turning our backs on You and claiming not to know You, like the masses who betrayed You when You went to Mount Golgotha.
Since we need to tread the remaining critical path of the cross, please allow us to become people who, even when faced with Golgotha at the world level, are able to form new ranks, go straight toward that path, cross that summit and sing a proud song of victory.
Father! How eagerly have You yearned for the appearance of families and brothers and sisters You could be happy about, for such a tribe, a people and a nation? If we become such people, then all those peaks of Golgotha will become flat land, Satan’s forces will be swept away, and Heaven will take up the rod of Your Will and strike. We earnestly hope You allow us to know this truth and become Your children who can obediently go forth in the remaining seven-year course.
Since we are still filled with grief caused by our inability to love You, Father, this grief must be resolved. And since we are still filled with grief caused by our incapacity to fulfill our duty of filial piety to You, Father, that grief must also be resolved. Furthermore, since we are still filled with grief because we didn’t fulfill our duty of loyalty to You, Father, that grief must be resolved as well. In order to do that, we must fulfill our duty of filial piety and our duty of loyalty through many coming battles.
We must hasten the realization of the peaceful kingdom of heaven where we can devotedly attend You by welcoming You, serving You and fulfilling our duties of loyalty and filial piety. For such a day to come, we must be proud of today and prepare for tomorrow. Furthermore, we earnestly request and desire that You save us from exhaustion, prevent us from betraying Heaven, and allow us to joyfully walk this path.
The year 1965, which was a year full of sorrow and historical difficulties, is now coming to a close. We sincerely hope and pray that You allow the champions of unification as well as the entire Unification Church to prepare our new selves during the week that remains before the coming new year, so we may fulfill our mission as representatives who can sincerely petition You, Father, on behalf of this people who are in deep sleep.
Please prevent us from entering any position opposed by Heaven. Please grant that the tears we shed become the source of life for all people, as well as an inspiration so that people will not hesitate to go this path of tears. Please grant that our path may set an example for others, of prostrating before You, fulfilling the duty of loyalty and showing gratitude. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You allow our path of adversity to become that kind of path and our life of sorrow to become that kind of life.
Father! Please bestow blessings upon this people and all the people of the world in the remaining days of this year. Please resolve the grief of the many spirits who are waiting in heaven for the day of the Second Advent. Please hasten the realization of a world You can govern, where the kingdom of peace can be built on the earth and where Your grief and Jesus’ grief are resolved. This is our earnest hope and desire. We earnestly request that the day quickly come when we can return glory to You and be happy together with You, and when the earth can be filled with glory and victory for eternity. I pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (December 26,1965)
2. Please grant that we may participate in victory under Your Will
Beloved Father, I have returned to my homeland, which has always been in my thoughts. Please take responsibility for the future of this nation, Father. I know that the inexperienced members of the Unification Church have shed tears day and night for this nation and its people. I know that their fervent prayers are connected to victory and are also connected to the final glory. I also know that fervent prayers follow intense difficulties and call for sacrificial blood and tears.
We know that our mission as a people still remains and this mission entails triumphing over ourselves, overcoming the cross of the family, going beyond the levels of the tribe and the people and overcoming the way of the cross centered on the nation. We also realize that after this the severe way of the cross awaits us, the way of marching toward the summit of the historical cross at the world level.
Moreover, we also understand the amazing fact that we need to pioneer the course of Your heart centering on the spirit world, and we need to open the way for future generations through our current path of the cross. We are well aware that, starting humbly from the position of individuals and going through the family, people, nation and world and even the spirit world, the path that leads to Your presence is not a welcoming path, but rather one we need to pioneer in an environment of persecution and misery.
In the past, countless people of faith were ignorant of this path; therefore they collapsed while going the way of the cross on the levels of the individual, family, society or nation. The Unification Church members gathered here have realized that they need to overcome this and forge the final way of the cross centered on Your heart. I know that, while working here in Korea, they have endured tremendous difficulties and sacrifices. Please bestow Your blessings on them. We hope You enable them to become a glorified group of people who can participate in the victory of Your Will together with the hope of tomorrow.
Please be with us here and now. Please grant that all the words I have shared may be rooted in the hearts of all people as Your joyous words. We sincerely hope, Father of love, that You embrace with equal grace and love all Your children, the Unification Church members around the world who are looking toward this place, binding their hearts together and offering prayers. We thank You for granting us Your grace in this place, and we request that You receive all our offerings. I pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (September 26,1982)
3. Please realize everything in accordance with Your Will for all eternity
Beloved Father, as I have gone on an odyssey of countless miles, along the lengthy path of restoration, I have had no choice but to speak like this, before immature young people, even though Ifeel so awkward. Not a single person in this world has known this lamentable story. Also, it is a historical fact that up until now, not one person who could engage in the decisive battle to determine the matter of life and death based on this circumstance has ever appeared before Your eyes, even for a brief moment.
From the day I learned of Your Will, this son of Yours has been able to forget everything else and fight. The physical strength, the health and the conviction that have enabled me to invest myself completely and leap forward along this path did not come from me. When I think of how Your grace has prevented me from being branded a failure and has enabled me instead to be stamped with the seal of victory and to stand as a beacon of light for all eternity, I am truly grateful to You.
Even though my original heart wishes to bequeath freely, without any suffering, this amazing blessing of Heaven to the young members of the second generation gathered here, the nation has not yet reached that level, and the three-year course still remains to be completed before the world can reach that level. The final moment, when we need to shout and bring down the walls of Jericho, is right before us. Please allow them to be fully aware that I have walked a historical path in order to pave the way for victory so they will not be known as losers as they walk their own paths.
I also come to think of the virtuous acts of both Heung-jin from my family and the many other brothers and sisters who have become the first to ascend, and to fill up the pit of indemnity as sacrificial offerings. Because all the works they accomplished out of their filial attitude toward True Parents still remain here on the earth, we know that, if those of the second generation of the blessed families determine to become a protective barrier that reaches in all directions, there is no way for them to fail. Therefore we sincerely hope and pray that You do not allow these heartfelt words we are speaking to become a condition for judgment. Instead please allow them to become a condition for praise and glory that will shine forevermore in the course of their lives.
We beseech You not to allow everything these young hearts have pledged with both hands raised to be buried in the ground. Instead please allow their pledges to light the course of their lives like beacons and guide them, even if they are not aware of it, to cross with gratitude the hills of hardship in this world of darkness. We request again and again that Your magnificent touch of love be with them, ever increasingly, for the remainder of their lives. Please bless them so they are able to stand with dignity as confident members of the second generation when they are faced with crises and ordeals, and encourage them to become people You can be proud of.
Since we have vowed to march forward toward such achievements so that this year does not end in shame for us, please allow everything to be realized according to Your will for all eternity. In the hope that everything will go well, I pray fervently in the name of True Parents. Aju! (January 3,1986)
4. Please bless us such that everything can be made equal
Beloved Father! As we reflect once again about today, the sixth anniversary of the establishment of the Day of Victory of Love, we pray that You be with us with love and grace.
All the people in the world are afraid of dying and think of the wall of death as a wall of bitter resentment, but in the Unification Church, the wall of death has been declared to be a door to the creation of a second course of life. We are grateful for the Day of Victory of Love. This day bound together into new relationships all the spirits who crossed the hill of death during the sorrowful historical eras, broke down the wall of death that brought about the separation of the physical world and the spirit world, and connected the two worlds together. The victory of love means victory over the realm of death.
We thank You for allowing us to proclaim worldwide that, however strong and firm the realm of death may be, it cannot dominate the authority of God’s love. Thank You as well for allowing us to institute the day of victory on this earth, the day when the crisis of death could be overcome centered on this son, on the heart of True Parents’ love, and the heart of Your love, through the passing away of Heung-jin.
Beloved Father, True Parents made a promise centered on this son before he left the earth. We selected his wife and decided to establish the children of his lineage as one of the tribes of eternal history. Therefore please grant that Hoon-sook on earth and Heung-jin may bind together the destiny of heaven with the destiny of earth, thus vertically binding together heaven and earth.
To this end we pray that You bind Your beloved daughter Hoon-sook’s heart of unity, which is offering devotions for heaven and earth, and her course as a living sacrifice for You and True Parents, together with Heung-jin, so the duties for the liberation of all peoples and the liberation of sorrow on the family level can be fulfilled.
Please bless this family so that when it ascends after having lived on earth, all the organization at the family level in the spirit world will be freely fulfilled and all internal spirit selves will receive benefits. Furthermore, please enable this family to determine a direction within the realm of victory at the family level as well as to select and follow all relationships in the spirit world and the physical world that will lead to hope in the future.
Centering on this family, please connect adopted children to the children of direct lineage from this time forward, and please guide and take responsibility for the future of this family as it paves the way for the blessing of the liberation from sorrow for all people.
I hope that in conjunction with being owners in the physical world, Heung- jin and his family may also fulfill the responsibility of pioneers who sort out everything in the spirit world, bind together family relationships and organize new families in the spirit world.
Since today we are celebrating the Day of Victory of Love, Father, please be right here with us. As I reminisce about the day when this day was instituted with joy five years ago, please sort out the wretched, lonely, sad and melancholy environment, Father, and please allow the Day of Victory of Love—the day You have remembered and blessed as the day when this son could discern the path he should follow—to shine for all eternity.
Since this day is also Parents’ Day, we are hosting this holy day with all the offerings, and we request that You receive this day of festivities we are celebrating, which You, Father, have granted and Heung-jin has granted.
As we usher in the year 1989, we reflect upon the many vertical battles we have fought in order to proclaim and establish our proud homeland of the Unification Church. However, we failed every time to improve the base for our vertical fights, and we ended up as wanderers. The history of our ancestors was lost. However, during the year 1988, True Parents expanded the vertical base at the summit and, centering on the foundation of proclamations made horizontally throughout the world, the vertical and horizontal foundations were connected to the land of Korea. We are grateful for Your grace, which enabled Korea to inherit this work.
Henceforth, however much Satan boasts of his history of evil opposition, we know he cannot step on the ideological realm of the nation, which has been established on this vertical foundation centered on the vertical and horizontal historical ground that is Korea. Furthermore, when the Unification Church members representing all nations, that is, the children scattered across the world, become one family transcending nationality and work for the sake of the liberation of the homeland, demonstrating loyalty greater than any people before, we know there can be no grounds for Satan to block this path.
Since Satan began from the completion stage of the growth period, now that Korea has been established to represent the homeland based on the completion stage of the completion period, centered on the love of True Parents and in unity with the love of God, the realm of the portion of responsibility can be set aside. All walls in heaven and on earth, as well as all walls between all peoples, can be torn down, and the destiny begun by the mistake committed by Adam and Eve can be abolished.
That destiny, which has spread everywhere, can be replaced with the fruit of historical victory, and the families— which are the foundation for love on the national level centered on the second generation of the Adam nation and the Eve nation—can be brought forth. Through these families, vertical and horizontal family-centered relationships can be expanded. We thank You for Your grace in allowing us to have this worldwide foundation.
When this takes place, Korea will become the basis of hope for all nations. Henceforth, the path Korea must follow is the one we must exemplify; the nation’s path is the path we have walked, which has become a tradition that is spreading among all the citizens. When this expanded tradition generates the history of vertical descendants by receiving the horizontal foundation centered on one's descendants, the foundation for a new world of blessing can be brought about. We are profoundly thankful this time has come.
Since we are beginning this work from this year, we hope the entire spirit world and physical world—including Jesus, Heung-jin, the great religious leaders and all the filial children, loyal subjects and chaste spouses who lived on earth—can join the ranks and fulfill the responsibility of the archangelic realm, which is to keep pace with the course on earth. In doing so, we hope the realm of Adam on earth can be protected, and that we will be able to pioneer the environment on the substantial level, so that the free and advancing kingdom of heaven can emerge, eliminating the world of all evils that oppose it.
Father, please view with sympathy the fact that the wish desired by thousands of generations has now been established in Korea, and please allow this people to rid their hearts of all obstinacy. Furthermore, Father, please mobilize all spirits in the spirit world and command them to neutralize all the villains who cause turmoil among this people, by forcing the villains into separation and surrender.
Moreover, we sincerely hope You will defend the Unification Church against all external forces trying to assault us and that the progressive beginning of the spiritual angelic realm that can bring the fallen angelic realm of earth to submission be declared on this day before all people together with the blessings of this day, all the more because this is the Day of Victory of Love.
Your children are gathered here. They are the children of direct lineage who are centered on True Parents. The 36 couples, 72 couples, 124 couples, 430 couples and the blessed families representing all ancestors in the outside world are connected to twenty-one nations and are celebrating the expansion of connections to True Parents. Please accept this celebration as being held by representatives of 120 nations so the cyclical course that can freely move to the ends of the earth and return can advance into the realm of Your dominion, toward the victorious kingdom of heaven. We earnestly hope and pray that You allow this.
We who know of the victorious authority of this Day of Victory of Love are grateful we have been permitted the independent grace by which we can overcome death when facing it in the way of Your Will, and that with the privileged authority of children of Heaven we could dedicate our lives as sacrificial offerings before the Father.
We earnestly hope and pray that You allow us to become people who, together with Your heaven of hope and the new celebration of resurrection, can integrate the entire universe by directly joining the ranks of the leaders of love as liberators who understand life and death and move into action. Accordingly, Father, we sincerely request that You protect us so the future of Korea can advance to the hill where there is no death.
We beseech You, Father, to receive this day as the commemorative day when You link eternal grace and love to this day and the relationships of all people to the foundation of Korea so You, Father of Heaven, can bind Yourself to countless spirits and to the family of True Parents on earth and resolve the realm of death.
I proclaim and pray all this in the name of True Parents. Aju! Aju! Aju! (January 2,1989)
5. Please bless the original homeland where families can settle
Beloved Father, thank You for allowing us this hour when the members of the Unification Church, spread out all over Korea and around the world as well as in the spirit world, can unite as one and make a new resolution while facing this place. We sincerely hope, Father, that You bless the original homeland where all blessed families in heaven and earth, who are heading toward the fulfillment of Your Will, can unite as one in mind and body and settle down, centering on the Parents of Heaven and Earth.
As the spirit world and the physical world usher in the new millennium of a new dimension, we earnestly hope and pray that You build the nation and the world You desire and hope for, that You become the great King of love and that You lead the entire universe into the ideal world of peace.
Please allow all our family members in the spirit world, especially all those members of the Unification Church who have ascended, to stand in the position of leaders and become role models who inherit all the accomplishments of True Parents and fulfill their responsibility. Thereby, we hope and pray that You allow the spirit world to be newly reformed, so the kingdom of heaven on earth, the kingdom of heaven in heaven and everything here can move forward as a world of love resulting from the ideal of creation willed by Heaven. Please allow the people on earth to unite and lead everything toward the liberation of Your sorrow, as our Heavenly Parent who has grieved throughout history. We sincerely hope and pray that You allow heaven and earth to unite and become a nation that serves and attends You as our Father.
Now that I have come to Korea and the tenth of this month is only days away, please grant that this be a day of global and historical blessing, when Your Will can be completed as heaven and earth cooperate and work together, and with the paths of all our members worldwide intersecting at this place. We earnestly ask and pray that You allow this day to be the historical origin through which families who have received the Blessing through true love can advance and leap forward toward the new realm of unity between the spirit world and the physical world.
We earnestly hope that the current leader of this nation and its people can become one and unite with True Parents so the standard of the unified realm of the physical world and the unifying standard of the heavenly world can become one, and thereby realize the world of the sovereignty of love where the victory of liberation can be praised.
We earnestly hope and pray that this nation of Korea, when the North and South achieve oneness, becomes humanity’s homeland, territory and nation that can receive the blessing of liberation by completely scrubbing off and washing away all unfilial processes in history.
We earnestly request that You allow this land to become the blessed homeland that can return everything to Your presence, Father, with blessings, love, victory and praise. I pray all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju! (February 6,2000)
6. Please bless us to be able to prepare a victorious foundation
Beloved Father! Present here at this pledge ceremony are the children who have received the Blessing to become families of filial piety, families of loyalty, families of saints and families of sages, serving the great Will of the Cosmic Parent in the spirit world and the True Parents on earth, achieving the ideal of oneness and coming to a place of settlement in front of the blessed families on this earth.
According to the ideal of creation, every being in the cosmos originates from love and all created things belong to and continue to exist for the realm of love of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. From that position, they seek to maintain their existence and offer themselves to Heaven as substantial forms of victory and glory. We as blessed families have completed and fulfilled this ideal in its entirety, and we offer it before Heaven.
As a result, You proclaimed the establishment of the liberated realm of earth, the liberated realm of heaven and the liberated realm of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and we are grateful for the grace that has enabled the Unification Church to pioneer the one way of victory by walking the course of indemnity on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and cosmos. We are truly grateful that this victory is the result of Heaven working, as our subject partner, to train and guide us by protecting and nurturing our right to relate to You at the center of the principle of re-creation.
Centering on this Cheonseong Wanglim Palace at Cheongpyeong, we thank You for letting us prepare the grounds on which all humanity across the world can form connections and on which each nation can learn the Will of the heavenly kingdom and can inherit and proclaim it. In particular, this is a very important moment in time when all families need to be registered, starting from the central, elder families among the blessed families of the Unification Church, and including all blessed families up to the 440 million couples who were recently blessed. Therefore we thank You for letting the mothers take the lead in attending the registration workshop in the period of the great transition for the conclusion of the purpose desired by individual nations and individual families ever since the Fall.
These mothers are the pathfinders who are to find once again the lost heaven and earth. They are the representatives and the fruits of the Will who can take the place of the living sacrificial offering. As such they can bring a complete end to the sad history of the course of indemnity, the course that aims to implant the love of the mother in her children, to connect the love between the mother and children in front of You, Father, to connect it to the love of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and to praise the grace and victory of liberation. We sincerely hope and pray that You will allow them to become the owners of re-creation who can lead their daily lives with the true authority of love.
We are also grateful for Your grace in allowing Daemonim, Choongmonim and Daehyeongnim, centering on Heung-jin in the spirit world, to unite with the four great saints there, thus establishing a unified church in the spirit world through these newly formed ties of brother and sister. And we thank You for expanding this blessing on earth to enable Your followers to be embraced in Your bosom, thus forming ties of the one, unified kinship through the will of True Parents.
Please educate the mothers so they can carry out everything with a grateful heart, with one body and one idea, in order to dedicate the glorious victory and harvest to Heaven. We sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will bless and nurture these children so the mothers and the sons and daughters can unite in serving the Father and, following the True Parent of the spirit world, be registered in the heavenly nation, becoming liberated people.
Please receive this pledge ceremony that we gladly dedicate to You today and, beloved Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will remember the blessed families who are making a new start and facing new challenges. We pray that You will take dominion over their bodies and minds, allowing them to fulfill their responsibility to conclude world history, through which they can complete the preparations that can be dedicated to Heaven with one body and one idea of love.
By doing so, we earnestly hope and pray that You will allow rapid progress in our plans for the Blessing event, so it can be dedicated before our Father with three generations united as one. Please bless us to become representative children of filial piety and loyalty serving the Heavenly Parent, children who harbor this in their hearts and think of it and pray for it, yearning for heavenly nature in their hearts. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bless us so You can boast of Your glorious children before the entire cosmos, and that we can prepare the eternal foundation of victory in which Heaven can participate.
Beloved Father, please accomplish everything in accordance with Your Will. Hoping that victory, glory, praise and dignity will be forevermore with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the blessed families for all eternity, we report and pray truthfully and sincerely in the name of True Parents. Aju! (September 3,2000)
7. May the characteristics of Your children accrue to us
Beloved Father, please consecrate this place, Corrientes, which is watched closely by heaven and earth. It has been over a year since the work in South America was begun here, based on the Will of Heaven to use South America for the providence in the future. We hope that victory, glory, praise and dignity will be forevermore in this land of Your desire, under Your jurisdiction.
This year’s motto is, “Let’s be proud of True Parents and love True Parents.” In other words, it means we should be proud of and love God. We understand how important is the mission that has been given to us, the mission to be proud of and to love God’s family, nation and world. How long You have waited to be able to let us be proud of and to love the fact that we have become the children of Heaven, that we have become parents with children, and that we have our own families and can embrace our children!
Please bless us so that, just as Heaven is proud of us and loves us, we too can love Heaven and be proud of Heaven. Let this land become one in which all people and all things can come together to praise, be proud of and love Heaven, and grant that all created things and all people become like this. We know that it was Your sorrow that people failed to become families that could result in such a history. Therefore, with the Unification Church at the forefront, we need to do away with everything that brings sorrow and make this entire earth a place where all people, all of history, the world and the kingdom of heaven on earth can be raised up, and all will be proud of Your workmanship and love Your creation.
We have come to know that everything in the world desires this oneness. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bless us so we will have nothing to be ashamed of when we look upon nature, can become free and liberated selves who are unashamed before the history that extends from the past through the present to the future, and who are unashamed as objects of love before You, the Creator, thus becoming dignified people who can reveal the glory of heaven.
Thus, You as the Creator were supposed to live together with us on this earth, to love with us and to begin a new history with us. But this did not come to pass. Therefore we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to be the children who can realize the purpose desired by Heaven through this era, with the name of True Parents.
Beloved Father, in this era wherein the spirit world longs for the conclusion on the earth, we earnestly request and hope that You will let victory, glory and good fortune be with us in light of the mission of the Unification Church, which is to make everything of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos spring forth, starting from the family and expanding to the liberated cosmos.
Please be personally with all the children of the blessed families who are merging their hearts and offering devotions while facing the place where True Parents are, and let them show themselves to be people of Heaven by demonstrating that Heaven is with them no matter where they are, what they do or where they go, in contrast to Satan’s world. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bless them, Father, so they can honor You from a place where all people and all things can respect them, love them and be proud of them.
Please bless the people of the Unification Church who are offering all their devotion for the upcoming Blessing of 3.6 million couples, which we have yearned for. We earnestly hope and pray that You will allow the participants in the Blessing to form families that can be proud and unashamed as blessed families of Heaven, that will become the pride of Heaven and be loved by Heaven.
We earnestly hope and pray that You will allow us to continue with the work through which, together with Your words, re-creation can be carried out wherever You appear, even at the far corners of heaven, so we can substantially demonstrate that the living God is with us. We also sincerely hope and desire that You will embrace all the children of the entire blessed realm in more than 160 nations centered on Korea, Japan and America, and unveil them in the cosmos as the extended family in the one, unified realm of liberation.
Now that the first half of March has passed, please allow us all to fulfill our duties of filial piety and loyalty before Heaven with resolution and with a new determination in the days still to come. Centered on the unified ideal of love of the physical world and the spirit world, we sincerely hope and pray that You will let us live together with the love of God and True Parents, and that You will allow the entire cosmos to be embraced in ecstasy and glory. We pray all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju! (March 17,1996)
1. Please allow us to understand our mission
Oh Father who has promised the resurrection of life! Father who has permitted the grace of love! Father who has given us eternal life! Our Father, who is not far away from us but in our hearts, in our bodies, and in our surroundings! We have hearts that adore our Father’s love, hearts that desire to be immersed in our Father’s love, and hearts that wish to sing our Father’s glory.
Father who has come seeking us at this hour, please manifest Your joyous glory. We will not be satisfied unless You do so. Thus, set right the bodies and hearts of each of us at this time, in an atmosphere of glory in which we can rejoice and unite with You in harmony, harmonize within ourselves through our original mind and original nature, and also harmonize with all created things.
Our Father of promise, please move at this hour. Our Father of might, please appear at this hour. Though we are so unworthy, we know that, when we set out in obedience to Your commands, the power to pioneer the course of eternal life will well up within us. Our Father of love! Do not hesitate at this hour, but give commands through our hearts and give commands through our bodies.
Please find again the original external form that You created for us. Then, looking at that beauty, You will be able to feel joy, and You will be able to present us as respectable entities before all things of creation of heaven and earth. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that You will watch over us and establish us as sons and daughters of whom You can be proud.
Today is a holy day. It is a day when we must take responsibility for the lives of all people. We must lead back to God the minds and bodies of all the people who are in the realm of death, and held in the claws of the enemy. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are working and taking responsibility for this task, and the myriads of saints in heaven are cooperating with them. Therefore, we who are on earth today will equip ourselves for this task as well. So please let us understand the remaining mission that we must cooperate with for the sake of this Will.
Oh Father! If we are too weak to fulfill our remaining mission, please allow us to cherish in our minds Your Will in relation to the blessings that You have promised since the beginning of time. Please also settle us in the realm of heavenly ethics. Please do not let us become pitiable sons and daughters who open the way to sorrow. Please allow us to become Your sons and daughters who are saturated with Your mind and nature, so that we can realize the entire Will that You seek to establish through our minds and bodies. Please allow us to do so even before You have spoken, to act before You have asked us to act, and to put Your wishes into action even before You have wished it.
Father, please bless this people. Please bless this church that represents this people. Please bless Your sons and daughters gathered here. Please also speak of Your Will to each and every being in all directions, and please permit them the blessing of new life. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow all people to be awakened to Your Will, and that You will raise up a foundation of life for all people, upon which peace can be brought about.
Please allow Your sons and daughters who are bowing down before You right here and now to become children who are able to receive Your love and blessings with new hearts. Please allow our bodies to possess the beauty of glory You have blessed us with and to possess the beauty of love. If there are sons or daughters that embrace the bitter roots of sin that create anguish, which makes them unacceptable to You, please appear before them, Father, and act at this time. Father, we earnestly, earnestly hope and pray that You will bring about the work of re-creation through Your personal touch.
Please manifest Your abundant grace over Your sons and daughters gathered at this horn. I earnestly hope and pray, my Father, that You will work through Your children who are scattered in the countryside, raising lonely altars. Please also work through Your other sons and daughters who are substantiating Your Word with the same grace during this time. Please become the original owner of the mind of each and every one of us, and please become the original owner of the body of each and every one of us. Please consecrate each of our bodies.
We earnestly hope and pray that You will completely fill each mind and body with the grace You have permitted us at this time, beloved Father, and that You will watch over us from above. We humbly pray all these things in the name of our beloved Lord. Aju! (November 25,1956)
2. Let us establish Your glory in the midst of battle
Father, we have gathered at Your knee on this day, after a week of fighting in the abode of evil, with the grace You have permitted us embraced in our bosom. So please bear with us even if You find us unworthy in any way. We have not been able to bring anything to give You, Father. Since we have come as objects of Your concern, Father of compassion, Father of omnipotence, Father of love, please do not leave us as we are now. Please take responsibility for us.
Since millions of evil spirits are surrounding us, seeking to take our lives, Father, please protect us. Please allow each of us to be submerged in the midst of Your deep love and to sing of Your glory with our hearts. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to bow down before You at this time.
Since we know that there were, during the course of our lives in the past week, actions You do not approve of, and many elements that cannot be displayed before Your Will, O Father of compassion and omnipotence, we earnestly hope and desire that You will appear with Your authority of victory, and grant us Your touch of re-creation.
Father, because this is a holy day, please bless the many religious groups that have gathered representing the people. I also know that at this time Your lonely sons and daughters, who have built hidden altars in order to realize Your Will, are bowing down before You. Therefore, please work by pouring sweeping grace over them as well, and please allow them to receive the final grace predicted for the Last Days. We earnestly hope and desire that You will work, Father, so that we can build the altar of the final victory and establish Your glory throughout the Korean Peninsula.
Since we, Your sons and daughters gathered here before You, entrust everything to You, Father, please receive us as living sacrifices, and please guide us so that not a single life will go astray from Your Will. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to become true sons and daughters who are able, even if Satan attacks us, to say without wavering that You are our Father.
Lonely sons and daughters are fighting difficult battles today, scattered in the countryside, and so we earnestly hope and pray that You will infuse Your omnipotent power of re-creation wherever they are gathered, and allow them all to testify that they are Your sons and daughters. Hoping and requesting that You will receive and take charge of all that we have dedicated to You at this time, we offer these words in the name of the Lord. Aju! (September 15,1957)
3. Please allow us to understand everything You teach
Father! I am concerned that all the circumstances of the grief-filled six thousand years and the circumstances of Your innermost self during that time, have not been fully conveyed to these people, so please embrace them in Your bosom and allow them to become aware of these things. And if they are awakened to anything in their hearts, please allow them to take responsibility for that until the end.
Father, at the same time that we feel the preciousness of the responsibility of a person who gives, we have come to understand that the responsibility of a person who receives is just as precious. In fact, we have come to understand that the responsibility of a person who receives is more important than that of someone who gives. The time of giving is one time, but since we know that the time of receiving must continue forever, please allow us to become people who are able to hold in our hearts forever the truth, the life, and the love we received that one time from Heaven. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to understand that only if we become like this can we be the true children of our Heavenly Father.
In the past we heard Your teachings many times, and received much grace of life and love, but our minds are empty at this time. So please fill our empty minds, and since we repent today for the scores of times we have betrayed Heaven until now, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will be patient with us. Please allow us to become children who are able to find the key to the truth and the key to life and love, and open the door to the remaining universal truth, life and love, thereby relieving Your inner pain, You who are the center of the cosmos. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that You will allow us to go forth to take the position of true children whom You can trust.
We earnestly ask You to separate from us all the unprincipled things that remain, to make us complete where we are inadequate, and to please guide us until the eternal kingdom of heaven is fully realized. We humbly pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (March 17,1957)
4. Please allow us to race toward a new life
Father, I understand that the original, ideal world of creation that You envisioned is a place radiant with happiness, where true children and families resonating with Your love can share joy and be in harmony with all creation. Due to the Fall, however, the original world, the land of the original hometown, remained a nebulous wish for humanity. When I think about this, I can only lament.
Due to the mistake of the first human ancestors, countless numbers of their descendants were abused during the long course of history and have stumbled along the path of restoration. That path compelled them to walk while being constantly tormented; it was a path of tears, a path of blood and a path of death. When we think about this, Father, we are once again poignantly reminded that history has been a wearisome and mournful odyssey.
Due to the Fall, we lost our Father, we lost our original homeland and we lost our True Parents. We lost the original, true, and ideal family, tribe, nation, world and cosmos. We lost everything. Centered on You, Father, the world under Your authority should have been realized within an environment of genuine freedom. However, because we collided with the sad misfortune we call the Fall, we have become children with no ties whatsoever to You or to the world of Your ideal.
Father, You are our Lord but were unable to become our Lord in substance. Instead, we bore the lineage of Satan, Your enemy, and were dragged downward into the realm of darkness controlled by the devil. When we think about this, we are once again reminded of how terrible it was for You. It was Your wish, Father, and the wish of all true people to be rid of Satan, who has been the enemy throughout the ages on this earth and in the spirit world where countless spirits reside. At this hour we should keep this in mind.
Father, we are unable to perceive how much of Satan’s authority and power remains in our daily life. As we live each hour, as we live each day, even now we are unable to feel how much of Satan’s influence and authority has infiltrated our life. Father, such has been our life of faith.
The principles of the heavenly way dictate that no one can advance before the Father’s presence without eradicating that which has been corrupted. The more we think about this, the more we are reminded that we are in a wretched and pitiable position, where we can only cry out to You, Father, from a path of tears, longing for the caress of Your salvation. Father, You know very well the circumstances in which we are mired. Father, I sincerely pray and wish that You will take pity on us. Once again protect us on the path that we take, purify our surroundings, and separate us from Satan’s realm.
Father, our mind and body cannot enter into a direct relationship with You. We know that the root of sin by which Satan can control us still remains within us. We are unable to carry out the goodness that our mind desires and instead find ourselves enjoying the acts of evil that we do not desire. Father, I sincerely pray and hope that You will forgive us for being unable to extricate ourselves from that kind of life.
By having faith in the Father’s love and His authority over life and resurrection, we have, until now, maintained the conditions to be connected to the realm of love, the realm of resurrection, and the realm of life of the Father who takes pity on us. I offer thanks when I think about how You, Father, have not abandoned us but have embraced, defended, and protected us to this day, nurturing us in order to spread Your Will for the providence of restoration. Now we know the battlefield of restoration and realize that we belong to the grace of life. Thus, Father, I sincerely pray that You will understand us, Your children, who are gathered here in this place.
During the course of our life and also the course of our resurrection, we should cut ourselves off from Satan. We clearly understand that we cannot become the citizens of heaven without uniting with You, Father, so that our daily life conforms to Your Will. Thus, please permit Your children gathered here to offer You their mind and body and race toward a new way of life. At this hour, Father, I sincerely pray and hope that You will permit us to become a group of people who can renew their determination in Your presence.
Father, I sincerely pray and hope that You will observe all the details of our circumstances, and permit this to be a time when we can say, “Please urge us on once again, so that from now on we can, of our own accord, clarify our position in front of Your Will. Please urge us to make a firm resolution regarding the direction we need to take, the responsibility we need to fulfill, and our mission.”
Today is the Sabbath. I know that the lonely children who are scattered throughout South Korea are on their knees in prayer facing this location. I pray that this hour can be a sacred one in which You can personally be with each of them wherever they are gathered. I pray that all their cries and appeals will not fall to the earth but will move Your heart, Father, so that they can inherit the motivation behind Your works. Father, I sincerely pray and hope that You will permit them to become Your true sons and daughters who are capable of fulfilling their mission as people in charge of conquering Satan on the earth, by upholding Your Will.
I sincerely pray that You will permit us to become a group of people through whom You can bring an end to restoration through indemnity and realize the ideal world of Your desire. Please permit us to become children in whom You can take pride. Beloved Father, I sincerely request that You personally oversee and take charge of everything at this time. All this I pray in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (January 7,1968)
5. Please grant that we may become true sons and daughters of filial piety
Oh Father who created the universe! Please allow us to realize deeply at this time how earnestly You have longed for the day when You could share Your glory with all creation.
You created Adam and Eve and raised them in Your embrace. By having them begin a life of eternal love, You sought to establish a blessed land for all humanity. We realize once again that You are the Father who hoped to find joy through Adam and Eve as they grew up. We now also realize once again that You, who had such an earnest hope, lost Adam and Eve and have had to face a time of sorrow instead.
Father! On this earth there are many nations and peoples. They have had separate histories, and their living circumstances and hopes are different. When we consider again that this is contrary to Your original Will, we come to understand that the separation of these histories is Your grief, the separation in circumstances is Your grief, and the separation in hopes is also Your grief. When we think of the human reality, Father, we know that it is retribution for the Fall.
The past had to come from You, the present must come from You, and the future must form a connection with Your ideal. But today, people are living the tragic reality of not having a common base for relationships, nor a common living environment, nor a common worldview. Please allow us to hear once again in our minds the ghastly screams and groans of all human beings, who are living in a chaotic place where things are going in the wrong direction, where each person’s position contradicts that of others. Please allow us to contemplate this together with Your heart, Father, to feel Your heart, and to become aware of the mistakes of the past.
Father! You need to have sons and daughters weeping tears of sincere repentance and pleading You to allow humanity to have hope that is blessed by You. But the more we feel we have been unable to do this, the more unable we are to raise our heads before You.
Today, there are many religions and churches moving toward a common goal, but we know there are not many humbly bowing down before You while weeping over the mournful path You have had to go and over the sorrow of the ghastly judgment humankind must receive. The pitiable people who have gathered here today have continuously trodden a path of anguish. They are Your sons and daughters who have continued fighting up to the present while embracing the command You have given them, their tired footsteps having led them to this place today. Please remember them.
Please permit this hour to be one in which we can repent of our sins of the past that linger into the present. Let us do this before we desire to receive blessings during this year. Since this people was unable to do this, we earnestly hope and pray, beloved Father, that You will let this be a time for us to repent with tears before You as representatives of this pitiable thirty million people of Korea, as representatives of the many denominations, and as representatives of innumerable devout believers.
Now we want to become the sons and daughters who can hold onto Your care-worn hands, feeling concern about Your situation. We want to become the true sons and daughters who can look at Your anxious expression and Your grief-stricken appearance, rush toward You, calling “Father!” put our arms around Your neck and weep loudly. However, if we do not have the heart to do so, we sincerely hope and pray, our Father of love, that You will let this be a time for us to tell You truthfully of our own accord that we are sinners, and yet be embraced in Your compassionate bosom.
We know that this path of life is one that we need to walk while making atonement with tears. We know only too well that since You, our Father, have walked this path, we as Your sons and daughters also need to do so. This was our lot last year and the year before that. We have endured and remain to this day, so please remember us. Now that we have ushered in the new year, please guide us to become Your children who can tighten our belts once again, trim our hair short, equip ourselves with a new fighting spirit and heavenly armaments, and race out in obedience to Your commands.
Father! We do not want to be people who just follow. We earnestly hope and pray that You will let us become people who emerge as the vanguard in front of You, in front of this people, and in front of humanity. Since it is Your deep regret that You have had to labor for many years in sadness, and since it is Your deep regret that many people became traitors to Heaven, we know very well that it is up to us to shoulder the cross of Heaven that is burdened with all these years of sorrow and all these tales of grief. We sincerely hope and desire that You will let us become Your sons and daughters who can now take responsibility for that burden, and feel joyful, of our own accord, in being offered as the heavenly sacrifice for all created things in this universe.
At this time, we will report to You honestly about everything in our past and hope that, on the basis of our pure and clear heart, only our yearning and our adoration for our Father will fill our being.
We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You will permit us to become true filial sons and true filial daughters who can serve You with devotion, regardless of the condition and the circumstances You are in at this time, as we welcome this new year, we know there are many people in lonely places facing toward this Seoul headquarters and praying with tears. Please give them hope. Please, Father, do not defer the day of hope that they are wishing for. We earnestly desire and pray that You will let them feel the grief of this Korean people, that You will let them become those who can surmount and go beyond the sinful history of this people, and that You will guide them under Your direct dominion.
We know You are listening intently to the contents of the appeals we make as we continue to persevere, and we know very well that You protect us when we are lonely and miserable. We know that You reside there with us when we are persecuted and under duress. Since You do so, Father, please take control of each of our circumstances. We cannot express how sad we have made You. We sincerely hope and desire, Father, that You will enable us to avoid adding to Your sorrow this year.
We sincerely hope that, at this time, You will let each and every one of us have earnest hearts, gathering and dedicating our sincere devotion to You, prostrating ourselves with humility, calling out to You and weeping endlessly in Your embrace.
The Father we have been seeking has not been anyone else’s Father. Since we know that You are our Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will once again embrace in Your bosom these sorrowful children, who are standing on the destined road of restoration where they need to create a bond with You, Father.
I now stand before these people on this first Sabbath day of the new year, but what words should I speak to them? Please allow the heart of the one who conveys and the heart of the one who receives to unite. We hope that You will appear in our midst together with the power of creation. Please let this altar be one on which our hearts can be joined and offered as a single sacrifice, and please allow this hour to be one during which we can make an offering of the incense of atonement as representatives of all people.
We beseech You, Father, to let us shed tears on behalf of all people and on Your behalf, and that You will make this a time when You can come and lay bare Your aching heart. Please let the glory and victory of all generations be with us during this year. Let them be with this people, with all humankind, and with all spirits. Earnestly requesting this, we humbly pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (January 2,1966)
6. We hope for You alone, our Father, to receive the glory
Father, today is the Sabbath. On this day, Your many children spread out across this nation are gathering in front of their altars, bowing their heads and offering full bows, pooling their hearts together and offering devotions. So we earnestly hope and pray that Your boundless love and compassion will be with them. Father, we know that it is Your holy Will to establish us in this position and to resolve all grief through us. We earnestly hope and desire that You will allow us to become children whom You cannot be without and who give their full devotion to the Will through which You seek to resolve all grief.
We know that our being here today is not because of ourselves. Since we know that You are the beginning and the end, and we have entrusted everything to You, please take dominion over us. Through us, please restore victorious individuals, families, nations and a victorious world. Furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire that by You realizing the victorious kingdom of heaven, You alone will receive the glory.
At this time, we pledge that we will become children who are able to resolve Your grief without fail, and return glory and joy to You by taking responsibility for all the unjust circumstances You have faced, in which You became a sacrifice and an offering. Father, we know that the relationships of three ages are connected with us as the center. Our many ancestors, who have come and gone in the past, are earnestly hoping that they can be relieved of their grief through us. The people of today who are spread throughout the world are longing for a day of liberation. Our future descendants are also longing for the day of liberation. So please let us become people who are able to liberate them. And we hope and pray that You will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to find and establish the dutiful way for humankind by upholding Your Will for heaven and Your Will for earth.
Even as we speak, Your many children in the East and the West are waiting for the day of hope, longing for Korea, and offering devotions unceasingly for the Will. Please embrace them with Your deep love and protect them. We earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You will let them pioneer the one road of victory and become the unified, victorious living sacrifice that can bring all peoples around the world to prostrate themselves before Your Will.
We sincerely hope and pray that You will let us become the cornerstone of life for this people, and become glorious high priests. Please bless us so that we will not be lacking in any way to play a leading role in praising You. May Your love be with the blessed families gathered here, and especially with the Unification Church, and also with Korea. Father, please share Your love with Korea, with all of Asia, with Europe, and with the whole world.
Now, please embrace the entire cosmos in Your bosom, and allow it to be the stage for the activities of all Your children. Please thereby permit the glorious unified world You wish for to appear. We sincerely and earnestly hope and pray, our Father of love, that You will allow this to be a time in which we pledge to give all our loyalty and to persevere until that day, even if it means becoming a sacrificial offering. Earnestly hoping and praying that Your glory, mercy, and love will be with Your children going out to do Your Will, and with the world for all eternity, we pray all these things in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (October 19,1969)
7. We pray that You will permit the world to become the kingdom of God on earth
Beloved Father, truly, truly, truly I offer my thanks to You for permitting this grace of allowing us to offer a full bow in celebration of welcoming a new month on this day, in attendance to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, with all things in the cosmos united in heart and body, here under the watchful gaze of heaven and earth.
After the passing of a historic and great period of transition, we welcome the month of March when we can enter a new dimension in which national sovereignty can be established that fulfills the ideal of a new cosmos. Please grant that all the events that will be woven into this month shall work closely with the month of April to enable all rallies, which are planned in conjunction with the start of heaven and the new history, to be entwined within the core of the Father’s heart. Now the era has come in which we can welcome a sovereignty of love, under which we can sing the praises of a tranquil reign of peace in the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, founded in Your love, together with the True Parents and all things of creation on this earth.
Father, I pray that You will be able to erase the memory of all the courses in history during which You, Father, were at the center, taking great pains to establish the standard of the eight stages, from the era of the individual to the cosmos, for the sake of fallen humankind on the earth. Let all the times of victory and the days of achieving the milestones through devotion in a realm of unity with the True Parents be connected in joy. Moreover, let all the courses and days of advancing toward the kingship of a peaceful, ideal world and a liberated world of peace centered on God’s ideal family in the heavenly and physical worlds be connected in joy.
Please grant that the heavenly and earthly worlds form Your sovereignty of love, augmented with ardent hope spreading from Your victorious heart, erasing the memory of all the anguished moments, and passing and advancing toward the new, victorious month of April.
Now, I pray that You will allow us to fulfill the way of loyalty and filial piety and the way of the family of a saint and divine child in the presence of Heaven, while we raise high the torch in the new age that begins from March, and renew our mind and body with inner fire. I pray and wish that You will transform this world into one in which the entire cosmos, as a united entity, attends God. Moreover, I pray that You will transform this era into one in which all people sing Your praises, in order to establish a foothold on the earth and serve and attend Heaven as citizens of the heavenly kingdom. I pray You will permit a world of love to unfold under Your victorious authority.
I fervently pray and hope that You will permit us to take pride in the many victories, as seen from Your point of view, rooted in the ideal of creation, by having the blessed families in the heavenly world and blessed families in the earthly world now connect as one heart, one body, one mindset, and one nucleus. I sincerely pray that You will permit us to be proudly victorious from the viewpoint of Your original ideal of creation through connecting these families to the united realm of Your mind and body, and through attaining unity of heart even with all things of creation.
As we honor and adore this occasion and offer an invocation across all nations, I pray that You will be with us on the basis of all the emotions we are preparing in our hearts for the commemorative day that approaches. I pray that this can be connected to the ardent wish of the unfallen Adam’s family—not fallen but gazing upon the authority of victory—in place of the day marking the commencement of Your creation envisioned at the beginning of time. Please forget all traces of the Fall and let the era of high noon settlement make way for the era of a sovereignty founded on love. By doing so, I sincerely pray that You will permit this to become Your era, Father, during which we can sing praises and glorify Your victory for eternity, and be proud of heaven and earth under Your independent sovereignty of love.
I fervently pray that the True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind can now complete their responsibility of bridging the spirit world and physical world, and form a higher, broader, and deeper point of convergence with Your heart. I pray that the glory and all manner of joy that enraptures You in happiness can converge, with True Parents’ heart, in this world through all spheres of human life, enabling the world to become a liberated kingdom of God on earth that is offered together with the entire universe, with joyous praise to the Father.
I sincerely pray, Father, that on this day, You will permit the heavenly citizens who have been blessed by Heaven, who face toward the new world, to become one in heart in connecting with the Korean Peninsula and the world, just as the Korean people commemorate the March First Movement. All this I fervently report and proclaim in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (March 1, 2006)
1, Let us realize the victorious day of Home Church
Not even one person knew of Your sorrow, Father, as You looked upon the circumstances of the history that had ended in failure. Father, long ago You called the family of Jacob and began the providence. You kept in mind the now ancient nation of Israel, and subsequently You persevered through the time of Moses to the time of Jesus, and then through the bloody history of countless Christian martyrs and the miserable course of the Unification Church. Yet, You have allowed us to come to the point where we stand today, and to remain here without collapsing or going to ruin. Again we thank You. Our relationship with You remains intact and makes it still possible for us to prevail.
I remember the time thirty years ago, when I struggled during my twenties to help Heaven. Memories of the smell of tears, blood and sweat from the ups and downs I experienced after having resolutely set out to establish the Will, in the face of ruthless winds and waves, appear in a panorama today. At that time I set the final conditions to establish this people and nation before Your Will, and I endured those who opposed Heaven, and who even trampled me underfoot as the lowliest person. Even when I was treated as the enemy of both the state and of the people alike, I endured, and preserved those experiences deep in my heart. Because You are alive, Father, whenever I was in a position where it was inevitable that I would perish, You extended Your hand to me, and saved me from ruin. For this, I can only be grateful.
I am walking this path of crisis after crisis, resolved in my heart to follow the course of unfailing victory. This is so that I can realize Your Will without fail, and dedicate that victory to You before evening comes. Father, when I think about such unforgettable historical situations, I know very well that You fully understand the true intention of Satan, who wishes in his heart to be rid of me. I also know only too well that I have to follow the path You are walking, that the path I am walking is the path True Parents have to walk. Humanity will perish unless I walk this path.
Father, even though people are taking steps towards Home Church in challenging personal circumstances, they are walking paths destined to intersect with crossroads of tears. There remain paths of tears on which they have to advance to link the home churches so that all homes can share the same heart. We know that Your helping hand will continue to be with us as it has been until now. We are also aware that You will enable us to overcome whatever difficulties we encounter in our environment. Our Father of love, please be with us.
This morning, I gave an address entitled, “The Unification Church and I.” We and the Unification Church are on a path of destiny that will never be severed even if we wish it to be. We know very well that we will need to walk that path with sorrow in our hearts. No one knows the destiny of the fallen descendants, who need to go around by the long road, going through the course of indemnity to resolve over and over again the circumstances of restoration that remain from the sorrowful history of having lost the Parents. Therefore, Father, we earnestly hope and pray that You will give us Your blessings.
Thank You for allowing us to stay here for the past few days. Even today, there is a direction of heart that Your Will desires once again. Please let us and our future generations go forward on the path of the Unification Church, the path of the Father, marching forward to the very end with mind and body filled with gratitude, giving all our heart, all our energy and all our devotion. We sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become Your deep- hearted partners and Your proud sons and daughters who can receive Your love. Since we know that the Unification Church will manifest as the glorious victor of heaven and earth, do not let us die or collapse before that day. Take dominion over us, so that we will become the children who can fight and prevail.
Beloved Father, at this hour of the day all the sons and daughters of the Unification Church around the world are offering devotions for the sake of this place. Moreover, they also are praying for the situation of Korea and the situation of America. We hope and pray once again that You will find a way to accelerate our pace and shorten the path of those sons and daughters. Please let the glory of this day be with You, with the Teacher and with all of us, and bless us so that we can realize the victorious day of Home Church. We have prayed all this in the name of True Parents. Aju! (October 19,1980)
2. Let us all become one centering on Home Church
Our Father in heaven, center of the entire universe! You created the whole world to manifest Your ideal. Please bring about the completion of Your sacred Will to realize the home of love in this cosmos, the home desired both by You and by us—we who are the center of the entire universe through our connection to Your love.
In the presence of our Father, You who strove to accomplish the work of creation with that objective in mind, our first ancestors, who were meant to fulfill their responsibilities as parents on earth, fell and wove a history of bitter grief.
Your ideal was violated, and the world was nailed to the cross. Therefore, Father, we apologize on behalf of our ancestors in the face of Your historical endeavors. Not only did human beings perpetrate this, but they then spread out in this world. Today many people say You do not exist. They do not know You and so betray You. The expanding influence of communism, which claims that there is no God, is confusing the standard of goodness. It rages all about, claiming that everything is built upon falsity and injustice.
Still, You looked with compassion upon the human race as it suffered the consequences of all this sorrow, and allowed us to establish the Unification Church. Our Father, You have worked hard on earth until now to bring the individual, the family, into order. You worked to bring order to the confused human condition, to tribes, peoples, nations, the world and cosmos. We hope You will forgive us for the fact that all historical sages and even Jesus, who came to accomplish that, came and went without being able to finish the task. Thus the True Parents have had to walk the path of suffering in the era of the Second Advent.
Because we know and fear that the suffering of the present generation may be passed on to later generations as conditions of indemnity, we are making a resolution to go beyond the individual to the family, tribe, people and nation, and to march forward with full force centering on Home Church. We are truly grateful for Your grace that allows us to launch this initiative. We are celebrating God’s Day this morning with a new dawn lighting up this world. We sincerely hope that You will allow Your glory to be revealed and Your Will of victory to be abundant throughout the cosmos, so that our shouts of praise will ring out on earth and reach heaven.
Please allow all these central families of the Unification Church, who have gathered here today from all around the world, to take on this mission and stand at the forefront to teach the heavenly traditions and practices to all the world. We sincerely hope You will permit them to race forward to be the vanguard. May they complete their responsibilities and fulfill their desire to create the environment through which the entire world can follow those traditions as well.
Please accept today’s ceremony with gladness, Father. All religious leaders and believers within the spirit world, who pursue goodness on the basis of the four major religions, are observing us closely here today. All spirits under Christianity and Jesus, Buddhism and Buddha, Confucianism and Confucius, and Islam and Muhammad, are watching us. Since they are wishing for the embrace of True Parents in the hope of realizing Your one true purpose, please bless them so that the spiritual and physical worlds can be joined together. We sincerely pray that You will bless us so that the Unification Church can become one in heart with them, so that Heaven can rejoice and earth can be harmonized as we continue to indemnify everything in history.
Father, please remember the members of the Unification Church scattered around the world. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bestow new historical blessings upon all the Unification communities who are observing this ceremony, praising the name of True Parents and venerating the family of Heaven, enabling them to reveal Your victorious glory. Please accept this occasion in Your holy way.
On this day, we have pledged the victory of Home Church in order to make it possible for You, our Father, to become one directly with the earth as well as with all the good elements of the spirit world. The world that Satan organized was built up on the basis of evil forces holding the physical world under their domain. With the Unification Church's Home Church activities as the starting point, we all wish to be united, transcending geography and nationality as we initiate the movement now destined to eliminate Satan’s world.
Just as You, Father, are moving into the direction of the Home Church providence, please allow us to become one in heart on the basis of that providence on earth. Please allow us to fulfill our duties of filial piety before You so that we can bring joy to You and create an environment in which the spirit world can freely provide help. We earnestly hope that, because of our doing so, You will bless our efforts with the result that Satan’s evil world and even the evil communist sovereignty will yield and begin accepting the guidance of the conscience, transcending all national boundaries. We also hope that they will subsequently become part of the nation and family of our Father. We earnestly hope and pray that in this way You will permit us to establish the moment in which all nations in the world, following the lead of Korea, Japan, America, and Germany, can unite in praising Your glory with one accord.
Please bless all that is accomplished on this day and please bestow Your blessings on the whole of this year. We sincerely hope and pray that You will allow this day, this month, this year, and the 1980s to be a time when we can sing in praise of Your victory. Please accept this ceremony with joy. Please permit Your eternal and everlasting victory to expand from this day forward and forevermore. We have prayed all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju! (January 1,1982)
3. Please let us realize that daybreak is imminent
Beloved Heavenly Father, even in my dreams I was not aware that the sorrowful path of restoration was to be filled with so many trials and difficulties. You called an immature and uninformed young man, who now stands before You today reflecting on the hardships and struggles that You placed before me. I have come to understand that they all were expressions of Your love.
During this long course, Heaven was heartless and ruthless. However, I realize that in each instance an absolute condition was required for You to bequeath to me something of greater value. For this I am grateful, and as a result today, the Unification Church has achieved worldwide renown. The time has come when the name of the child sitting here can be known among all the races, in every corner of the world. That name has first manifested itself in infamy, but even to this day I have continued fighting, knowing that it will become a name of good repute. Since You have supported me and guaranteed such a day, I know that such a world will undoubtedly be realized.
Persecution has come and gone. The pitch-black world of darkness has passed and daybreak is imminent. Now when I raise my head high, I see that I stand at the focal point of the era, able to see how this world will come to an end.
Heavenly Father, through the Word, I have come to understand how precious the providence of Home Church is. I understand the truth that the liberation of all creation, our liberation as human beings, Your liberation, and the liberation of the angelic world are absolutely needed in order to restore the original world. I understand that this has always been Your heart.
We wish to love the creation and other people on Your behalf, based on our heart. Should we fail to become subject partners of heart representing You, when we stand in the subject position to instruct and command the angelic world, then we will be only object partners. In that case, the future realm of hope, and our complete oneness with You, will remain unrealized. Please grant that, even if we go effortlessly straight to that realm, we will not fall in the ensuing battle, but will remain victorious to the end, not only meriting Your praise but, as Your sons and daughters, inheriting Your love.
As we realize that the days remaining in this time period are urgent, we will seek to achieve outstanding results in the sixty days that remain, and to make short work in this period of what we have been unable to do until now. We will invest both our intelligence and best effort in the hope of presenting You at least with conditional results.
I have spoken long hours this morning. May the Word not just flow superficially but rather, let it take root in these hearts. Please shine Your light of life and love at the center of our efforts. Let a harvest spring forth in our midst and let us become sons and daughters who advance from this place to revere You. We earnestly ask for all these things.
I earnestly ask that You urge us along so that, when the day and time comes, we may stand tall and unashamed as heavenly princes and princesses. I pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (November 11,1980)
4. Do not let the Unification Church forget its mission
Beloved Father, even if the smell is foul and the place is disorderly, when we sense the smell of the homeland penetrating the very marrow of our bones, we realize once again that our homeland is a good place.
Father, when we consider the situation of South and North Korea, we realize that the cause of the division does not reside with the people of Korea. Rather, this division is part of a thorny path of historical indemnity caused by the failure of Christianity to fulfill its responsibility. The division of Korea was the inevitable fortune connected with its historical mission, but this people did not cause it The Korean people had the mission to pay the price, shedding so much blood throughout history until the present.
Now Koreans suffer in the turmoil of a complicated environment. We know from the Divine Principle that these maelstroms and ordeals will continue to rage on the path of our people until Cain and Abel can meet and stand together before Heaven. They cannot stand united based on fighting or trickery. Unity can be achieved only when we pave the way for a victory in which the Cain world voluntarily assumes the position of a debtor. Only in this way can we inherit the position of the eldest son.
The world of heavenly principles shows but one path provided to the fallen world, but this fallen world lacks a historical point of intersection. So we come to realize once again that the Unification Church members have no choice but to engage in solemn self-reflection on bended knees before our Father.
When I think of my former days in North Korea, and those days when I was persecuted in South Korea, I see once again how I have groped my way along a path unknown to anyone. I passed through moments of making appeals before Heaven with experiences of anguish seared in my heart, experiences that began in the Beomnaetgol Valley and expand beyond this nation. Everyone races forward according to their own desires but, unlike anyone else and unknown to anyone until now, Your son standing here has raced forward on the path to establish the Will centered on Your love.
Whenever I was in a situation where I could collapse or could despair on the course of my journey, You held on to me and looked after me. Yes, there have been heavy considerations and grievous crises in my past. Yet whenever I think that Your path of grief was far greater than mine, and when I recall that the internal, historical situations You have faced are more mortifying and vexing than mine, I feel so ashamed that I cannot even hold up my face to pray before Heaven. I come to think once again that it is because of Your boundless love that You allow me to come to this realization.
Throughout my sixty years of life, I thought it might all end up as a one-way street of persecution. But now I see that there was a path laid out within this global maelstrom, from the beginning to the end. When I wonder to myself once again, in front of Heaven, how and when You made preparations and created such an environment, I can only be grateful.
During the last year, there have been many changes in the state of affairs in Korea. We beseech You to take the lead, light the way for us to follow, and create an environment showing this nation and its people the way to go.
Please let all the citizens of this nation unite and discover their better selves, learning as they do so to distinguish between right and wrong, to repent, and to take upon themselves the struggle to avoid shame before Heaven. We know that if Korea overflows with such people, who in unity pioneer freely the position of sacrifice and become a bridge of love for all the people of the world, then the world will give birth to a new dream, and the day will surely come when hope will surge. The bright rays of the sun will reach out to the world. We also know that today the Unification Church has to be the group whose efforts bring about the realization of this vision.
Heaven is making effort in Korea in order to realize the hopes of this pitiful and wounded world, which is full of desert-like valleys of dry bones. Based on this, You are seeking the realm of destiny where those dry bones can resurrect, don the clothes of love, and apply the balm of love. When we think about this, we sincerely hope and pray that You will allow the Unification Church to rise up to its mission to implement that destiny.
We have endured until now for the sake of the established churches, even though they have treated us as an enemy. Since they continue to oppose us, Father, please be a peacemaker between them and us. We think of how great Your distress must be, and realize with a solemn feeling that Your will is for us to endure as we cherish the hope of establishing these churches tomorrow as our elder brothers. We are connected to them as brothers, so please save them by Your authority. Please let us remember how You labored for six thousand years while suffocating with a heart of lamentation and tears.
Father, I came to Korea only to receive and experience Your love with this body of mine. Since I know that You are wishing for there to be an individual, family and tribe that can do so, I sincerely hope, Father, that You once again will reprimand me, as I am too ashamed to show myself. Also dear Father, please take pity once again on the Unification Church.
Father, there is still work for me to finish. The task of fighting in America still remains to be taken on over the next three or four years. Father, I earnestly hope and pray that during this time when You are in charge of Korea, You will let everyone, from the church leader to all members, awaken anew and understand clearly that Korea has to be the base from which we can build a bridge of love that opens the Will to all parts of the world.
I know that if this does not come to pass, there is no way for me to return here, even though this is my homeland. Father, because You know that Korea is the one place where this will truly come to pass, for five thousand years You deliberately had the Korean people weave the threads of a wretched history of blood as a people of indemnity and suffering. As we think about the fact that the purpose of this entire history was to make preparations for this time, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will not let us forget the enormity of the Unification Church’s mission.
Please let the mothers stand as mothers before their husbands and children. Please let the fathers stand as fathers before their wives and children. Please let the children stand before their parents. Please let the church leaders stand before their members, and please let the church members stand before their leaders in this movement where all accompany one another, showing Your love to one another. We request again dear Father that You will grant all the citizens to be united in heart through this group of pitiful people who have been chased and persecuted throughout this peninsula of Korea.
Allow us to brace our hearts and renew our devotion, so that today’s words will be neither a condition for accusation nor a shameful appeal before that day to come, and so that the 36 couples, the 72 couples, and the 120 couples can take the lead in the second round of three seven- year courses. Please let them know that they have the responsibility of becoming the standard-bearers, marching forward before Your people.
These people should follow the path their teacher has walked. We know that no parent wishes to leave behind persecution for his or her children to suffer, and that no husband wishes to leave a path of hardships behind for his wife. But still, there remains the course of indemnity and the sorrowful path of restoration, in which the children need to be made to suffer in the stead of then- parents and the wives made to suffer in the stead of their husbands. When we think about this, and then still say we do not wish to walk this path, it will block our way forever. We sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to know at this hour that it is our destiny to walk this path, grinding our teeth and biting our tongues.
We earnestly hope and pray that You will not let us leave behind a shameful history in relation to our Home Church activities. Please establish within us one historical standard of heart and standard of indemnity, so that when all other peoples are overtaken by storms or swallowed in floods, we can be the one vessel with an anchor of love so that all who hold fast to us will be saved. Father, we sincerely and earnestly ask and pray that You will allow us to become such people.
Please accept everything from today with joy. We pray all this in the name of True Parents. Aju! (October 16,1980)
5. Thank You for letting us usher in the age of Home Church
Loving Heavenly Father, throughout the many different historical courses, so many sorrowful days have passed in succession. During this period of sixty years from the 1920s, You sent this unworthy child to this earth and raised and educated me. I was under Your protection and guidance until I became mature and You let me understand the new view of history and my mission.
I remember once again how, after I came to know You and Jesus and to realize this, there could have been a day in Your history when You were welcomed and received glory. But because Christianity and the Korean people did not fulfill their responsibility, a history of sadness has been woven instead. But I am sincerely grateful to You, Father, for Your painful effort as You repeatedly walked the path of bloodstained struggle for so long,, in order to celebrate this victorious day without fail.
Furthermore, in the 1960s, the three seven-year courses were begun in order to indemnify again the two-thousand- year history left unfulfilled by twentieth- century Christianity, and the mission this nation did not fulfill. When I think of the day when Heaven set these three seven-year courses, it seems like only yesterday. I think back again to the time when no one could imagine that today we would have such a historic day of victory. Now these three seven-year courses have already passed, and in this year I announced the second set of three seven- year courses. I am so grateful for this day on which, in Your presence, I could announce this historical period openly before the world, during my own lifetime. For this I cannot express my appreciation in words.
From now on, we will assuredly transcend the national and the world levels and open the door to a new history. In this moment, we are bracing ourselves to begin with this year’s motto: “Home Church is my kingdom of heaven.” Father, please accept this motto, and please be with everyone in the Unification family, wherever they are praying under this motto. In this place in particular, eight- hundred forty-two couples of Your children, whom You allowed to form connections as new families of heaven last night, and many of the children from all over the world whom You remember have gathered together, so please be here with us.
I am thankful that we are ushering in the new period of Home Church. We all stand on the frontline as representatives of families in our determination to be faithful and devoted during the next decade. I desperately hope and pray that we can become Your children who, no matter how much we gaze upon the chaos of Satan’s world, can still internally make a firm resolution before Heaven. And when we look out upon this world where evil is gradually disappearing, we can resolve to cherish a higher and greater hope as we march forward.
I sincerely pray You will bless Your young children who are spread out in various places. Please bless Your children who are far away in Korea and Japan, and those who are scattered throughout 127 countries. Even though they are in different environments and circumstances, they look toward this place thinking of True Parents and Heaven. I know and believe, Father, that You will watch over them and protect them in such lonely places and circumstances, just as You protect my family and this church with Your benevolent love. I earnestly hope and pray that You will allow these people in such positions to become children without any shortcomings, who can make every effort and give all their loyalty to fulfill their given responsibilities to pioneer difficult environments, firmly believing that You are with them.
Heavenly Father, once again we make the resolution to dedicate before You these busy days of starting anew as we usher in 1981, a year of hope. Please bless us in this flow of history so that we can make 1981 a year of which we can be proud. Please open a path so this country can take charge of new global historical responsibilities, from the day its new leader is established. I pray also, dear Father, that You will unfold a shining world of new dimensions in which Asia can connect to the western world. We pledge that we will devote all our loyalty for all the days that have been entrusted to us. So please accept with joy everything we have offered this morning for the New Year. I offer these words in the name of True Parents. Aju! (January 1,1981)
6. Please look upon Korea with compassion
Father, a sorrowful era has passed. As an individual, I reminisce about the old days that I can never forget. I reminisce again about the time You were worried as You faced the providence that had to run on the uphill path against the flow of our tragic history, the reverse path on which I had to establish the family.
Thanks to Your protection, we found that path and were not destroyed. In the course of twenty years, I established the foundation that can absorb America, the leading nation of the world. We knew that without doing so, it would be impossible to relieve You of Your sorrows and to liberate humanity. I dashed forward, struggling as I ran, to give everything with one heart. Now we can bring history to its final conclusion and go our way on this earth with a bold attitude, flying high the banner of hope and bringing all of providential history under Your protection. We are truly grateful for Your grace permitting us to walk this path.
Please allow the members of the Unification Church standing here at this moment to become one with the True Parents' family on the family level, so that they all can form a unity as strong as an impregnable fortress. Let us sing of Your love and of the liberation of all people. Let us rejoice, celebrating the realm of liberation in our garden. Please bless them to become a group of people who can deal with any difficulty that comes their way with joy and gratitude, and flourish through their connection to inspiring environments. Please remember them and visit them. Extend Your hand, the hand that protected me each time I crossed the high and precipitous mountains. Please watch over the path these people will tread.
The destiny of tribal restoration centered on the Home Church providence remains a common requirement that all people, who are in the process of realizing the kingdom of heaven on earth, still need to fulfill. We have entered a time of jubilation rather than persecution. The time has come when the name of True Parents can be revealed with honor in heaven and on earth. We have come to know the path we will follow, together with the good name of the True Parents. This is not a path of suffering any longer, but a smooth and level road.
Since this is the case, we should become people who are grateful when we face the front, and who are grateful when we look left and right, up and down, or forward and back. We should struggle to build a home in our realm of daily life, the victorious haven where You can rejoice. We have clearly understood that, by assuming such a beautiful attitude, we can show ourselves to be the people who love our nation, love the world, and love our Parents. We sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will allow this time to be one in which we can inherit these relationships in the center of our hearts.
Father, upon my return to Korea, I am advising these people to cultivate this mind and heart. Please connect this love to the forty million people living in South Korea as well as to the hearts of those living in North Korea. Since North Korea is ruled by the Communist Party, please let the good ancestors in the spirit world connect to earth through the base of South Korea. Please let these ancestors transcend time and space so they can touch the hearts of their descendants without suffering any obstruction from Satan’s world.
As we enter the era when such a historical mission can be carried out, we know that the time will come soon when, through these ancestors, we can bring the second-generation members into unity so that they can direct their steps toward the Unification Church. Please let the benefits of Your grace reach them. We sincerely hope and pray that You will bless the second-generation members so that they can prepare the starting point from which South Korea and North Korea will achieve unity.
Please let the devotions we offer and the sound of our prayers become like words of a new broadcasting system of life in all of heaven and earth. Please let our words reach the original hearts of all people in heaven and on earth. We sincerely hope and pray, Father, that You will bless us so that we can listen to the words of the new gospel as the directions by which we can return to the original homeland. We pray we can follow these words to form bonds in our lives that help us find our path to the original homeland.
I know all too well that the path of destiny remains to be completed, which I must follow with my life no matter what anyone may say. So I have struggled to follow it throughout my life. We are grateful once again that, in Your grace, You have allowed this blessed position to be given to humanity, to this nation, and to our Unification Church. We should not become a pitiful group that violates the precious merit of the age. Since we should not become followers of the way of immorality, if there are any blessed families who have ever harbored wrongful thoughts, Father, please forgive them with a compassionate heart at this time. Please place Your hand of blessing on them, so that they can inherit the Your kingdom through their successors or through their children.
You do not take us on the path that leads to ruin. The path You provide is the path of truth and of Your providence. This son of Yours knows that the reason You worked through me to establish the Unification Church was not so we would perish, but rather so that we may actualize Your Will, which is Your earnest desire to liberate humanity and free even those who are in the pitiful realm of death. So please enshrine this prayer of Your son in Your heart and look upon Korea with pity. Please extend Your hand of blessing on the path of Your young children who are struggling and coming forward to take responsibility for the Korean people. Since I know that it is only then that You can be liberated before this nation and this people, I sincerely ask that You will receive my prayer and guide us to that path.
Father, during the remaining three days we should kneel down and repent in fight of history. Since we, as the families who were trained on earth with a connection of heart to our True Parents, pledged to become a qualified and worthwhile group of people unashamed to face You, our Heavenly Father, our True Parents, Jesus, Moses and Jacob, a people in whom You can take pride, we request again and again, our Father of love, that You will remember us and give us every encouragement, guidance and direction so that we can stand in this position. Please permit us to become people who are not ashamed before the era that has been given us. We offer all these words in the name of True Parents. Aju! (December 29,1985)
7. Please grant that we may inherit faith, hope and love
Beloved Father, we thought that You were responsible for a world where the hidden heavenly Will was not realized, but we have learned that that responsibility lies also with us because of the Human Fall. We have come to know that as long as Your eternal hope remains, eternal hope also remains within us today. And as long as Your Will for eternal faith remains, the Will for eternal faith remains within us as well. We understand that as long as the practice of Your eternal love has not been realized, the responsibility for realizing the embodiment of eternal love also remains with us today.
In order to inherit the history of indemnity on this day, we need to inherit the hope of four thousand years and manifest it as the hope of six thousand years, we need to inherit the faith of four thousand years and manifest it as the faith of six thousand years, and we need to inherit the love of four thousand years and manifest it as the love of six thousand years. Since there still remains our responsibility to establish the love of six thousand years as eternal love, please forgive our present insufficiencies and inadequacies. Please forgive our present disloyalty and lack of filial piety. Please forgive us for having raised ourselves high.
Now the time has come to bring to fruition the hope of all people, and the faith of all people. It is the time when the love of all people must manifest in one incarnation. But where has that one substantial embodiment appeared? We are unworthy, but please awaken us to realize that we are to adorn ourselves anew as brides. We know that only at a time like this can the history and toil of Jesus Christ, who achieved spiritual perfection, be brought to external fruition substantially through us. Only at a time like this can the ideal of the Second Coming be made into reality and a tangible history unfold.
Today we know that the believers living at the time of the Second Advent in these Last Days must take charge, taking the central role in heaven and on earth. You want to entrust Your eternal hope to such people, but we are concerned about whether they are the people in whom Your hope should be entrusted. You want to entrust Your eternal faith to them, but we are concerned about whether they are the people in whom Your faith should be entrusted. You want to entrust Your eternal love to them, but we are concerned about whether they are the people in whom Your love should be entrusted.
Since we have been entrusted with all these things on the Lord’s behalf, we now have to stand as the people who have become the tribe of eternal hope, the people who belong to Your love, who are in an eternal, unchanging relationship with You. We have to stand as the people who have become the tribe of eternal faith, and we have to stand as the people who have become the tribe of eternal love. Please allow us to realize that such a responsibility has been allotted to us.
Today, each of us as individuals is to accomplish the purpose of Jesus Christ, who is the victorious central person of the chosen people of Israel. In other words, we have to prepare ourselves as the embodiments of hope, the embodiments of faith, and the embodiments of love that represent the whole. Now that the Second Advent has occurred, we need to embody and represent everything Jesus did after he came to earth. We must become the embodiments of the hope of Jesus Christ. We should become his successors in faith and his successors in love. Please allow us to understand this clearly.
Now, faced with the course of restoration through which we have to overcome the Fall, we need to say, “Father, we will take charge of Your hope, faith and love,” and we should be able to do so, to return that hope, faith and love to You, our Father. Furthermore, we ought to be able to stand as the center of unchanging love in front of all people. We know that we will be qualified people, able to represent the final glory of the Last Days, only if we are able to receive love in Your presence. Therefore, please allow us to become the people about whom You can say, “You are the ones I have hoped for, the people I can trust, and the people I can love.” Moreover, we earnestly hope that You will lead us to become victorious children who can receive the grace of the judgment, proclaimed before every created entity in heaven and on earth, and establish the condition of unity.
That is why Your joy should translate into the joy of this earth, Your love should translate into the love of this earth, and Your hope and faith should translate into the hope and faith of this earth. Please permit us to bring to You, our Father, this horizontal joy of upholding the ideal of the Second Coming, and please work through us so that the glory of achieving Your Will through us can focus on the earth and manifest throughout the world.
We should be able to sing the glory of Moses each day, and throughout our lifetime. We hope that You will allow us to unite through the love of Moses. Since we know that the achievement of Your Will, Father, is the only thing about which all 2.4 billion people of the world plus the millions of believers in the spirit world can boast, we beseech You to allow us to establish hope for that achievement, faith in that achievement, and love for that achievement at the center of heaven and earth. Let this be the condition in which we can eternally take pride. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Aju. (June 6,1956)
1. Please grant that we may attend You in the center of our hearts
Beloved Father! We know that if we keep ascending in search for You, we will surely arrive at the point where we can meet You personally, Father. If we consider the final, decisive words that You might speak and that we might affirm, they would be, “You are my sons and daughters,” and “We are Your sons and daughters.” We know that those are the words of hope humankind has pursued, as well as the conclusive words with which You will meet humankind whom You have sought.
This is not to end things by merely meeting with You as Your sons and daughters; rather, those sons and daughters, should be the bone of Your bone and the flesh of Your flesh, and should be able to stand representing the inner hope springing from within us. The individual desire that springs from within us should also emerge in a family, and the family’s desire should go beyond the society and nation, and beyond all the people of the world. It should become an emotion felt by profoundly experiencing Your innermost heart, and it must be able to overflow at a universal and global level. We know that such a world is the world of hope You are seeking and the unified world humankind is looking for.
From this viewpoint, we will need to check and see whether there is in reality a group of people who are looking for this path in today's historical era. We must reveal the origin of the truth taught by Jesus and all the saints, and we must analyze and critique how much our sense of self-worth acknowledges the value of Heaven and in what position we should stand in relation to Heaven. We must now understand that we need to stand in a decisive position that gives no other choice before all the people, the entire world and the new trends of thought, establishing a standard of truth that can settle all these.
Trueness is something that existed in the past, exists in the present, and will exist in the future. It is something that cannot be conquered or denied, and can transcend everything. Because of it, even fallen people yearn for the love of a parent, yearn to marry as husband and wife, and try to leave their wishes for the future through their children. We know that this family life system can be the original source that can bind together the hearts of people in the fallen world, and that it can be the foundation for human ethics and human emotion. Similarly, in order to bind together heavenly ethics and human ethics, and bind together heavenly emotion and human emotion, the one victorious family system will need to be established on earth that can bind together the standard sought after by the saints with today’s human ethics. In light of this fact, it is not acceptable for those men and women born in this time to be like the men and the women of the past.
Father, we must have faith that You are able to demonstrate that we are Your children, and we can vividly testify that we are Your sons and Your daughters. We should be able to demonstrate, both by faith and from a position of profound experience, the fact that You and we have a relationship of front and back, and of left and right. And we should convince ourselves completely that we have been eternally together, that we now are living eternally together, and that we will continue to live eternally together in such a position. We have realized that this is the true path we need to follow.
Father! Now we must attend You, who are more precious than anyone, in the center of our hearts. If we can attend You, the Absolute Being, in that place in our hearts that cannot be invaded by anyone, and if we can lead lives in which we can discuss together with You, discover and live the multidimensional nature of our own infinite value as an object partner together with You, our Father, as the subject partner, from a position of correspondence with You, then no matter how evil the world is, we will be able to discover something different that can lay a new foundation for the creative works that can double our infinite value, even within this evil world. When we think about this, we come to understand that the suffering such a person experiences is not suffering; rather, it can be understood as happiness, and a person living on this earth where the waves of death are overflowing is not an unfortunate person, but rather a person who is living in happiness, for the sake of happiness.
Because we members of the Unification Church knew that we needed to follow such a path, though the path we have walked until now was a path of suffering, persecution, and loneliness, each time we stood at the crossroads where persecution and loneliness intersected, it was clear to us which path we had to take. In order to plant the connection of value that people need and the connections of goodness that can flow, not only in their paths of life, but even to those intersecting paths that extend in all directions, the Unification Church has continued to struggle to make progress in every sphere. When we think about that historical reality, even though we were miserable during its course, we thank You that You have placed us in the position to have hearts of gratitude, which others do not know about.
From such a position we will put down our roots and train ourselves to prepare a worldwide foothold and, bursting with hope, we will have the hearts of national patriots, who are able to dream of one new world looking beyond Asia and the current world. Not only that, we will also go forward searching for a higher-level value, seeking to learn the duty of filial piety and loyalty, and we will live with patriotic hearts, centered on Your love, for Your kingdom and Your family which no one among the people of the world has embodied. Therefore, please personally reach out with Your blessings, and be together with us eternally on the path we are following. May Your compassion and love be even more present with our people, who are continuing in the knowledge that the value added in such a life is of such a high level that it cannot be compared with any other value of those people living centered on the two- dimensional world of today.
We know better than anyone else that we must not be weak. The good subject power that must lead this evil world should be stronger than any other, no matter how evil the world may be. We know that even when we feel lonely, as representatives of Your power and might we should not feel lonely. We earnestly hope that You will allow us to become people who can influence the world around us.
Through the words spoken this evening, please honor the value of these people highly, and please allow them to be determined as new men if they are men and new women if they are women, who possess truly principled value, established in accordance with the highest level that cannot be pursued by anyone. The people of the Unification Church of this age today are those who feel more strongly than anyone else that we must become families, peoples, nations, and the people of the world who can be connected together in a unified world that cannot be divided by anyone. There is a movement occurring where all family members of the many races of various colors can live together with brotherly and sisterly affection, which has never been found and cannot be found within any peoples. Even when Japanese people, who were the enemy of the Koreans in the past, come to be called “family members,” they become our brothers and sisters.
That kind of movement is laying a foundation on the earth today and is rushing toward the stage of actual practice. Therefore, we earnestly hope that You will look on us with compassion and add Your infinite power and might. Moreover, while moving toward tomorrow’s victory, permit us to become warriors of heaven who march straight forward bravely and courageously, emerging as victors rather than as petty cowards. We dedicate everything of today before You, our beloved Father, and we request again and again that You will govern us during the remaining time in accordance with Your Will. We have prayed all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (February 11,1971)
2. Be with us with boundless mercy and love
Beloved Father, since we are descendants burdened with historical debts as we stand before Your high and noble Will, we realize that we should repay these debts. We should go forward, shouldering the responsibility of a high priest to indemnify the sins of the era, even if it means leaving bloodstains on our white clothes. Please let us be Your children who know all this, with boundless mercy and love for all eternity. In so doing, allow us to become the sons and daughters who remain unchanging before the hope of tomorrow.
We should become true people, we should become true families, and we should become a true church and a true nation. We should establish a true world. Please allow these people to understand this clearly. An evil environment, standing opposed to trueness, surrounds everything on this earth. Even in such an environment, Father, we sincerely hope that You will protect us so that we can become Your children who, with the passion of trueness, can continue to show our unchanging selves as pure and strong people.
Please let this hour be one in which we can pledge to fulfill our duties of filial piety and loyalty before You, with the resolution to fight and sacrifice ourselves to uphold You and to reveal Your glory as we carry out all the plans of Your Will henceforth. We pray that Your divine protection will eternally be with Your children. Sincerely requesting that You will embrace and protect, with Your vast and deep love, those of Your children who are in South Korea and scattered through various parts of the world, we have prayed all these words in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (November 1,1970)
3. Let all people belong to the heavenly kingdom
As we look at this world of death that does not know that the passing age is summoning true people, we, who proudly possess the realm of liberation, know that even though the north and south are estranged from each other, they will be liberated without fail. We know that, though the east and west are divided and their cultural backgrounds clash, all such walls will break down and collapse on the foundation of unified blood ties rooted in true life and love.
However great the gap may be between the rich and poor in the south and north, because we know we are brothers, we know that it is only proper that the people who have more should share what they have with hearts of love. We have come to understand the amazing path that can assimilate, through Your love, Father, the good conditions set by this people who have their root in life, in building a world of peace through love. We know well that we should thank You sincerely that all this has arisen thanks to our connection with True Parents.
In this remarkable age, when we are seeking to create the world of a new culture now coming from You, God, and from True Parents, we know it is true that the time has come when all the standards of victory are seeing the light of morning. Since the age has come when we can see who is right or wrong, and who is evil, we ask and hope that You will lead all the people of the world to overcome and go beyond the standard of liberation by treading upon and going over the realm of life and death. And we earnestly hope and desire that You will bless all people, enabling them to belong to the heavenly kingdom as citizens under Your rule.
Since that time and hour is at hand, we ask again and again that You will guide and encourage us to become a group that will not be ashamed for having failed in the responsibility that we must fulfill as liberators. We pray all these things in the name of True Parents. Aju! (October 4,1987)
4. Please hasten our footsteps as we move forward
Beloved Father, in coming to Korea and witnessing such an environment that would only elicit curses from the beholder, I am once again compelled to praise Your greatness, Heavenly Father. I have discovered that You had no choice but to forget this, turn around and advise us to love, and that You are truly a Father worthy of our sympathy.
Many years have passed since the day I declared the unification of the entire world, while departing the land of my hometown with resolute determination to uphold Heaven’s decree, but it seems like yesterday. No matter how long and distant history is, the past affairs of those who roamed in search of the path of love can be felt within the realm of the moment. In the same way, I charged through the later years of my life, which was an era full of youthful vigor overflowing and charged with energy, continuing until I was well past seventy. However, I am often saddened when I reflect upon the road that is still ahead. Unable to take any rest, I am reminded of how much there is left to do before I am able to come to You, Father.
When I think about how I am filled with bitter sorrow for being unable to witness the reunification of North and South Korea even at this age, and when I think that You, as well as me, and all the blessed families of the Unification family have these thoughts, I know that everything You promised will surely come to pass. Yet still, we should heighten the level of our loyalty to shorten that period and liberate the land of North Korea, which is like hell on earth. Without embracing and uniting with these people, who are like our older and younger siblings, the base of the kingdom of heaven cannot be laid in this nation. We who know this serious fact have discovered the position where we need to take on a heart-rending struggle to digest the circumstances of a thousand years within the scope of a single day.
As unfortunate as it is, the position that each of us is placed in is something that we should regard with appreciation, because it is a position where, while investing for the sake of Your providence of restoration and of re-creation, we can comfort You, Father, in Your situation in which You console Yourself over the heart-wrenching circumstances. Father, I sincerely pray and hope that You will bestow blessings so that You do not forget the heart of Your children who pledge to live for tomorrow, for a month, and for a thousand years as they have lived on this day.
I am reminded of the historic calling that pushes us to fulfill a historic mission, and that its purpose awaits us at the end of this road. We renew our determination as we walk this life course. Though sorrowful this life course may be, we should sprint through joyfully with urgent heart, knowing that Your love, Father, is waiting for us. As we raise both our hands and swear at this hour to once again resolve ourselves to a busy life, please allow us, even though we must become a group worthy of sympathy, to struggle onward through this long, long course with such a heart.
I pray that the footsteps of those setting out on this day, together with the words spoken today in this historic time, do not end up becoming conditions for judgment. The people living in the land of South Korea should offer their utmost devotion and loyalty in loving the people in the land of North Korea in the same way that we learned to love Cain. Please enable them to resolve in their hearts to love the people of North Korea more than they love their own children, their own relatives or their clans.
The people gathered here understand that without doing so they cannot break down all the walls that block North and South Korea. Thus, we have received the order from Heaven to carry out the responsibility of mobilizing North and South Korea. Hence, we should not become a group of people who leave behind on the path a trend of mutual distrust as a result of acting imprudently in carrying out that mission. While solemnly resolving to keep tomorrow’s promise, I sincerely pray and hope that You will prepare a framework of love, like that of a sacrificial offering, which at this time can bequeath a condition that will assure a thousand- year history.
Beloved Father, almost a year has passed since proclaiming “The Unification of My Country.” Now we have some forty days remaining in this present year. During this time, I sincerely pray and hope that You, Father, can carefully prepare these people, enabling them to become valiant soldiers who can quicken their footsteps with an urgent sense of resolve as they move to bring about the unification of our country, which in the future can connect to the starting point of global unity.
I pray that they may remain free of shame in those final days and that they remember the fact that they each stand on a competing course under a horizontal and common goal, based on their own families and tribes. These are variously positioned to lay the foundation for the kingdom of heaven, together with their blood relatives, in this way establishing a family in the original form. Father, I sincerely pray and hope that they become Your children who strive to follow their path, invigorated in the spirit of a filial child, patriot, saint and divine child for the sake of Heaven. Just as You protected, blessed and guided me on this path, I once again request that You accompany and walk together with these people. All these things I bless and pray in the name of True Parents. Aju! (November 18,1990)
5. May everything progress daily within Heaven's Will
Beloved Father, I know that by the work of Heaven a beginning, a process and a purpose of creation were established for the realization of an ideal. Due to the failure of our first ancestors to complete this Principle-based course, all things in Your created world were entrapped in the snare of bitter sorrow that was unwanted and unrelated to Your ideal for creation. I know numerous situations were left behind in the course of history that people should not have experienced. I know how sorrowful it is that Heaven could not avoid experiencing these incidents, and how this fallen reality has become the basis of resentment in relation to everything.
People have had to endure such a position because they could not be connected to True Parents’ lineage that is based on True Parents’ true love and true life, thereby establishing the foundation of conscience. I know very well that the sorrowful providence of restoration has aimed at reestablishing this, restoring this, and achieving the original standard.
I know You had to go through great troubles in order to achieve the original standard that was lost. Such a standard should have made possible the liberated realm of a true family, true people, true nation, true world, true cosmos and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth rooted in the chosen clan of True Parents. I know how great Your effort, Father, was in having the True Parent come to earth—through the history of restoring the right of the first son, and from the time of creation until now—to establish the right of the parent, liberate the position of Jesus from the position of the first son, connect the tribal foundation that Jesus needed for fulfilling the Will to the national foundation, and lay a bridge to connect the national foundation and worldwide church in order to prepare the standard of a nation as the soil in which Heaven’s cosmic blessing can take root.
In order to prepare the family and church and in order to prepare a place for the nation to take root on this earth once more, the cultural sphere of Christianity should have inherited this foundation centering on the coming Lord. However, I am reminded that due to the failure to accomplish this, the True Parents alone went through a forty-year course of suffering in order to connect the family foundation, church foundation and national foundation. True Parents have come and broken down the wall of Heaven’s bitter sorrow, True Parents’ bitter sorrow, and the sorrow of all the spirit people in the heavenly world and the religious people belonging to religious circles in the earthly world. Heaven was with them during this process and now we have welcomed a time when we can go beyond all this and enable the true family, true church and true nation to take root.
If Korea is unable to fulfill Your Will, the True Parent is thinking of creating the form of a single nation founded in Brazil that connected to South America its Catholic and Protestant churches, its people of African and Asian descent, and everything that was divided, in order to connect Uruguay and Paraguay and empower these nations. To this day, I have been defusing the confrontation involving the people of Portugal and Spain in order to unite the Catholic and Protestant churches that constitute the cultural sphere of Christianity, and connecting Europe and the United States to Asia.
Father, You and the Parents of Heaven and Earth intend to prepare the standard for the nation of Korea, on which the heavenly world and physical world can be established, focusing on the goal of bringing liberation to the homeland. The North and South Korean summit will be held at this time when Your wish, Father, and that of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, could take root. I have assigned national messiahs for the purpose of settling all accounts for that unifying and new foundation based on True Parents’ bloodstained course of suffering. May the national messiahs accomplish the task of the liberation of the homeland centering on Korea and bring all this to conclusion in the United States, the eldest-son nation, thereby ending the conditions that divided the nations and the world.
In doing so, I sincerely pray that You bless us so that we may have the hope that, moving toward the foundation of liberation, a new world shall commence where we may be infinitely free in light of Your will, Father, and everything can break down the walls and go beyond them. I sincerely pray that You will permit Japan, the United States, China and
Russia to completely unite and settle as one and that they may attune themselves to the fortunes and footsteps of Heaven focusing on Korea. For this, a summit conference will take place today that can bind China with Russia in relation to the United States, bind the United States with Russia in relation to China, and bind China with the United States in relation to the Russia, under the bonds of brotherhood rather than as enemies.
May everything that is presented to the realm of the fortune for unifying North and South Korea be aligned before Your Will, Father; may it be united within the hearts of the True Parents and the Parents of Heaven and Earth, and may it become a protective shield of victory in the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. I pray that You will allow us to establish a standard of victory, enabling victory to be determined unilaterally, founded upon that standard. In this way, knowing that it will not matter whether or not North Korea takes heed, I sincerely pray that You will allow us to welcome a great time of transition and change through which we can establish and enter into the unified, ideal homeland.
Now I ask Your permission that everything that is looking ahead and progressing toward an era in which it will be necessary to newly register a new nation engrafted to Korea, may make daily progress according to Heaven’s will. Father, I pray that the conditions of a victorious and glorious shield be established in this place and that You receive with joy this time of establishing conditions to ensure that all things can be accomplished without turning back, according to Your Will, regardless of whether Satan’s world responds or not. Father of love, I sincerely pray that You permit us to discover and return with the standards of Korea and this world that can be firmly established as a landmark of victory. I sincerely request that You permit this time to be one of establishing the conditions of victory throughout the history of the cosmos. I hereby proclaim the standard of victorious settlement in the name of True Parents. Aju! (June 12,2000)
6. Let us advance toward the era where harmony and unity can fully take root
Beloved Father, today is the first day of July in the fifth year of Cheon II Guk. Half a year has already passed since we began this year to honor the motto “Let us complete the realm of the ideal family in the internal and external Cheon II Guk.” We have passed a climactic watershed and after fourteen years we are celebrating the fifteenth Chil II Jeol (7.1 Day), which is connected to world history. In this age of being able to commemorate the era of God, we have welcomed a new morning in the new month, marking the fourth day after spending three days touring New York, Washington DC, Chicago and Los Angeles.
Going beyond the critical dividing lines that are national borders, stepping beyond the boundary lines marking each person’s ownership, truly at this zero point we are commemorating Sam Chil (3.7) Jeol that newly represents the Old Testament Age and the New Testament Age. I offer thanks for Your grace of permitting us who are on earth to commemorate a great transition through Chil II (7.1) Jeol, with the participation of our ancestors in the spirit world together with our descendants who will be born in the future, during this period of commemoration that is being held in attendance of True Parents.
For this purpose, please let our minds and bodies be united as we make a fresh start toward an open world of peace where we can live in any location within the realm of protection determined by the Abel UN that You designated centering on the World Peace King Bridge. A time of commemoration could be established by blessing again everything related to the unity of husband and wife, through which all members of the family are united, establishing a model for our future children. After proclaiming the present era as Your era, we have welcomed the time when all existing beings in the universe, who are in a joyful and glorious state, can advance toward Your ideal kingdom of heaven by going beyond the bitter course of restoration through indemnity, and be made equal in the eternal heavenly world.
Thus, I pray that You will permit us to invest our entire being in creating a broad highway that has eight or more lanes, a bridge and a tunnel that will enable us to make a circuit around the earth, allowing for a time when You, Father, can join in sharing with us at every point that our hobby-centered life resides within Your realm of dominion, including the spirit world. I sincerely pray that You will allow us to advance toward a world where we can welcome a new heaven and new earth in the Era after the Coming of Heaven, which is the liberated kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, and enjoy an unchanging tranquil reign of peace for eternity.
As our predecessors desired, I pray that You will give us special permission to fish and to seek a life of gratitude, while experiencing the deep realm of heart in the heavens and in all of nature, where the snow covers the summit, the trees and plants grow in mid-slope, and flowers blossom at the foot of the mountain. I sincerely pray that You will allow this day to become a day of commemoration through which a new culture and tradition can be established and advanced in the name of a family of filial children, loyal patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters, who can bestow upon all things in the universe the right to participate with You and accompany You, and offer to You, our Father, the whole of creation as an existence with the value of liberation and complete freedom.
I sincerely pray that You will bless the blessed families and the blessed leaders, whom You love, who have gathered this morning from the six continents of the world so that they can advance toward the era that safely establishes victorious liberation, complete freedom, harmony and unity, centering on one heart, one mindset, one body and one nucleus. As we now commemorate this Chil II Jeol (7.1 Day) anew, Father, I pray that You will accept this offering. All this I sincerely, sincerely, sincerely offer and proclaim in the name of True Parents. Aju! (July 1,2005)
7. Please let this be the time when we can inherit the era of the kingship of love
Beloved Father, today is May 3, the first Ahn Shi II we observe this month. This place, where heaven and earth can become one through the blessed families, shall become a focal point. As such, may the entire universe orient itself in a single direction, according to a single bond, originating from a single motive centering on this focal point, and firmly establish itself as one resultant world! Let all matters in providential history that attempt to establish one point of settlement for the ideal of creation be aligned with this single focal point. Your embodiments have become Your counterparts in heart, aligned with that point of origin, purpose and direction, and have grasped the sovereignty of Your victorious love. They have been established by being connected with the single sovereignty rooted in love that is the origin of life for all existing beings and eternal life. These substantial beings remain as Your counterparts that can become one with You at the center.
Please let all the points of origin be recovered through Your hard work. Please let flowers bloom and bear fruit upon that recovered foundation. And please let the era of the kingdom of peace be formed in which the entire universe can be ruled for tens of thousands of years through a kingship that is unrelated to the Fall. Please permit us from now, in the capacity of an owner for all eternity, to embrace, love and appreciate all beings—from the smallest to the largest groups in the universe—as beings of value established through the ideal of creation, and to proclaim that everything is completed!
Now the blessed families and all the people of the nations connected to the United States on the earth are faced with the final goal of hope, which shall be fulfilled as a single goal through the United Nations. It is my desire during this year to focus on and connect to that hope, which is that You can take Your place on Your throne, based on the new Abel UN. Thus, I pray that the King and Queen of Peace, the peace kingdom corps and the peace kingdom police can be united under True Mother and be brought to ultimate fruition. In this way,
I sincerely pray and wish, Father, that You will bless us so that we can advance toward Your kingdom on earth and in heaven in which everything turns out as we wish and where we can freely assert ourselves while maintaining the beauty of a sovereignty rooted in love.
I pray that the content of all kinds of actions that we should present, focusing on Korea in connection with the world, and everything that has been proclaimed on this day, be integrated so that everything can become prosperous. I sincerely pray and wish that You will render Your guidance so that all of the angelic world will come down to the earth, enter the realm of eternal liberation and complete freedom, connect the family foundation centered on God with the tribe and nation, and realize a world that is the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven.
I entrust everything that will unfold after this time to You, Father. Please allow all people to pledge to fulfill these instructions, which True Parents are conveying to the world, in their clan and nation with one heart and as one body. I sincerely pray and wish that by advancing toward this goal You will permit this era to become one when we can inherit the era of the kingship of love.
These teachings, which shall now spread from this day to Korea and throughout the world, constitute Your Word, the Word of the living God. May they become the center of the entire spirit world, have the value of bringing the sphere of religion on earth into unity centered on the Unificationists, and may this be offered to the Father. I sincerely request that, according to the value of what is offered, You will permit this world to become Your liberated kingdom of God on earth and in heaven under which we too can receive the protection of Heaven. All this I fervently report and proclaim in the name of True Parents. Aju! (May 3, 2006)
1. Please achieve everything through us
Before You came to this Korean peninsula, we know that You toiled throughout history on a course stained with tears, sweat and blood. Our Father, who loves the pitiful Korean people among all peoples, please let the day come quickly on which You can demonstrate to the world Your heart of love for this them.
We know that, unknown to others, You chose this people and drove them into a pitiful situation due to the Will of Your mighty providence. We also know well that, in front of all peoples, we must attend You as our Father. Please allow us to realize once again that each time this people walked a difficult course in history, You were the Father of sorrow. You are the Father, our Father, who has endured endless pain and suffering; and You are the Father, our Father, who held and wept over Your many children as they died shedding blood and tears.
You have personally reached out to us with Your own hands of life and love, in order to find Your sons and daughters. You are the pioneer of pioneers. You have personally carried out Your work as the King of pioneers, yet today the 30 million people of this nation do not know You. They should have become a people who looked forward to the day when they could attend You, but thus far they have not done so. Still, please bear with them. We know well that, from the past to the present, the people that You have called have left behind a flawed history, in every age. Please forgive this people. The more we repent for the course of history, the more we should be able to uphold Your heart. Yet that is not the case with this people. Hence, the more You toil for this people, the more we feel that we cannot even lift up our heads before You. This is because we know how great Your efforts have been to find this people.
Father! Now that You have formed a bond of life with this pitiful people, please work through them. Please grant them the ability to take pride in having been a pitiful and suffering people before all humanity. I earnestly hope and desire that You will let the day come quickly when this people, who had no one and nothing in the world to depend on, and so little to be proud of, can finally take pride in the fact that they are together with Heaven.
Now that Your sons and daughters gathered here have come to know the Will and their mission, please pioneer the course of restoration through them. We know that we are the people who must become living sacrifices to welcome that one day of the Sabbath and attend and comfort You, our Father who has endeavored until now to find this people, even if it means our blood is shed and our flesh is shredded. We know that this must be done within a generation. Since we represent this people, this world, heaven and earth, and the many spirits who have fallen down while following the path of righteousness, we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that You will guide us to make a new resolution and determination at this hour.
Even though all things in the world should have sung together within Your heart, and all created things should have harmonized together with Your heart, we know that they lost their original position and status due to the Fall, and thus have grieved and lamented for six thousand long years. We are also aware that, until this very hour, You have fought Your way out, You have continued to endure, and You have persevered to bring about the one day of the realization of Your hope, even when You were facing sadness, difficulty or even death, without losing the heart of restoration.
Henceforth, we, who are attending You, our Father, must build the garden of peace, love and joy from within our hearts. However, we know that the conditions of our environment do not permit us to do so because there are still many evil forces in our way. Nevertheless, we are aware that we have the responsibility to serve You with our whole hearts. We must create an environment connected to the entire cosmos, in which we can live our lives so as to return glory to You, Father, and bring joy to Your heart as our original ancestors should have done.
Please let those of us present here today reflect on ourselves and consider whether we have become the kind of people who are able to welcome You, Father, without hesitation whenever You personally appear before us, summon us or command us. How much have You yearned for such sons and daughters! How much have You waited for such sons and daughters to bow their heads before You and receive Your blessing! Please allow us to whole-heartedly attend You today as our Father. We sincerely hope and pray that You will be here with us at this time, and allow all heaven and earth to offer praise and glory to You.
We cannot fathom how hard You have toiled, Father. There have been numerous ancestors that have followed Your Will, but they were not able to resolve the sorrow of the Fall and they faded away in the chapters of history. When we come to know that they are looking down upon this unworthy group on earth at this hour and waiting for the day of liberation from their sorrow, we cannot help but feel how important our responsibility is. Please let us realize once again today that we do not exist solely for our own selves. Enable us to understand that heaven and earth, our ancestors in the spirit world and our future descendants are all linked together through us.
We say that human history is the history of restoration through indemnity, and we know that we have the responsibility to set conditions of indemnity to alleviate the sorrow of history. Please let us know that any wrongdoing on our part will bring grief to Heaven, grief to this age, and grief to the future. Please let us realize that our current position is the same as that of Adam and Eve when they stood before God. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who can prove ourselves worthy offerings to You, our Father, as people who have embraced Your Will.
By doing so, please allow us in this hour to lay down sufficient foundation for our past ancestors to be liberated and the many peoples of this present age to be liberated, so that future generations of descendants can be embraced by our Father as His beloved sons and daughters. Please also allow us this morning to prepare the foundation and the way forward for a new promise that can light up this period in time. We sincerely hope and pray for all this.
Father, at this time, more than a thousand members are scattered in different places throughout South Korea. Father, we know that, in this age, many people put things aside to fight for their own happiness, but very few people will put everything aside to fight for the one day of Your Sabbath. However, Your young sons and daughters are spread out in various places and are fighting because they wish to stand close to Your heart of anguish, as You continue to unfold the ideal that can bring the global mission to a conclusion.
Even at this hour, are there any members who are lying face down on their beds, shedding tears? Father, please be with them. Since I know that You are the Father who guides these lonely people and stands with them, and the Father who looks after us when we are about to fall down, I believe, Father, that You will be with us at this hour. Please personally guide us and hold fast to us.
Father, I sincerely hope and pray that You will allow us to become pioneers who can fulfill the new mission and responsibility that we have been given. Please guide this people who do not know how to enter Your embrace, and permit us to shoulder the responsibility of high priests as Your sons and daughters, in order to liberate even a small part of Your heart, which harbors excruciating pain.
Since You know that there are members, even in faraway places abroad, who are waiting for this hour and praying with tears, Father, I sincerely hope and pray that You will fulfill Your purposed Will so that the day may quickly come when all people may proudly proclaim that they are Your blood relatives, rooted in Your life, and may be embraced in Your bosom.
Let this be a time in which those of us gathered here today can promise to begin anew with fresh resolve and determination. I will endeavor to take responsibility for what remains to be done, and I ask that You will entrust us with Your Will. Please accomplish everything through us. I humbly pray these things in the name of the Lord. Aju! (January 1,1961)
2. Please shine the light of Your love even in hell
Beloved Father! This son of Yours knows well that the history of restoration is a history that has been marked by tears. From the day I groped for and found the world of heart that no one knew, I have come to this position while longing for the day of hope, which I could not speak to anyone about.
We are at a new historical point where the tides that have flowed down must flow the opposite way. Father, at this hour I offer my gratitude to You for having worked so hard throughout the ages of history to recover the original standard according to which we can be proud of our right of inheritance centered on Your love, through the unity of Adam, Eve, and the angelic world based on Your ideal of creation.
I have come to think that You called and raised this young, unworthy child from among the Korean people and made him grope his way along a twisting path in hopes of finding the one day of glory. I look back on my personal history, over decades, which leaves nothing but a heart of sorrow because I was unable to comfort You during that time and I was unable to prepare the one day of glory for You. However, You have let me usher in this day without letting me die or come to ruin; I thank You for Your love.
Now, in unity with the spirit world under Your name and that of the True Parents, I am making a new proclamation that defends against accusation from Satan’s world. So, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that You will receive this day joyfully.
Since I have proclaimed that, among the people of the Unification movement, those who follow the way of the Divine Principle and who know this content and can clearly explain it, will be armed with the means of defending themselves against the accusations of Satan; please permit this to come about. Through that, please grant us a special pardon today, through which You can shine the light of Your bright love and the light of the love of the True Parents even in the dungeons of hell. We earnestly hope and desire that You will guide that world to also praise You.
Since we forgive with love and forget all the sorrows we experienced during our course of history, we ask that You, too, please embrace all people of the world, even the nation, the Christians and communists who opposed us. True Parents earnestly hope and desire that You will please bring them as one and let them remain in Your love; and especially, I ask You to forgive them.
I thank You for allowing us at this time to open the gates and enter the ideal kingdom of heaven which can be governed by the sovereignty of Your goodness through which to realize one extended family, one nation, and one world in human history. Hoping that You will willingly accept this historic hour, I proclaim this and thank You in the name of True Parents. Aju! (February 23,1977)
3. Please allow us to establish the unified nation
Beloved Father! Today is the ninth anniversary of Children’s Day. Please let Your love dwell with the children who are sincerely praying for this day throughout the nation, facing this place. As You look at the Unification Church members, please be patient with this nation and its people who have caused You to feel sad. Please command the members to carry out a new historic mission; may they become a people who are not inadequate to serve as the laborers for a new age.
We know that with us lies the responsibility to realize, without fail, a day of victory, a day on which You can gain direct dominion over all nations spread throughout the world, centering on Korea. Father! Please bless all the people by reaching out to them with Your holy, loving hands through this special opportunity today. And please bless not only humankind here on earth, but also the numerous people who followed Your Will and the countless people in the spirit world who have died for the Will in the course of history up until now.
I know that they are destined to go the unavoidable path that still remains ahead of them, the course of indemnity that must be walked through returning resurrection on earth, and please let them make connections with us from behind the scenes, based on the activities of the Unification Church and our own actions today. By so doing, we earnestly hope and desire that You will allow the many people in the spirit world to unite with us, and even their descendants to unite with us substantially, so that we may establish the unified nation that You desire.
All Your children scattered around the world are also commemorating this day. So, I earnestly hope and pray that, through them, You will carry out Your direct initiative and work in the nations where they reside, and thus establish the authority of resurrection and set the condition of victory through which to embrace all peoples in Your bosom.
As of today, please allow Your desired Will to spread out across the world in earnest, through the horizontal route based on Korea. We sincerely hope and pray that You will establish this day as the one day of glory, one day of pride, and one day of joy, and allow it to be a day on which Your children can receive Your Blessing and be embraced in the midst of Your grace.
There are some of Your children who cannot be present today, so we sincerely hope and pray that You will bless them as well. We earnestly hope and desire that You will personally lead the work of liberation for our numerous ancestors, who have lived and died while taking responsibility during the course of restoration, through which they sacrificed themselves for Your Will, Father, and thereby allow what is realized on earth to be realized in heaven as well.
I hope and pray that You will allow all Your children to become true children based on their relationship to True Parents, to build true families based on being true children, and based on those true families, to expand into true tribes, true peoples, true nations, a true world and a true cosmos. Please guide us, so that we can race forward more energetically on the course of indemnity that remains for the rest of this year.
In the 1970s, permit each and every one of us to fulfill the important mission we have been entrusted with, that is, our mission toward our people and our responsibility as Your children. I sincerely hope and pray that You will guide everything to go well according to Your Will.
I earnestly hope, Father, that on this day, You will place us at the center of Your Will and protect us. As we begin this first hour, please guide us in glory until the last. I have sincerely prayed in the holy name of True Parents. Aju! (November 10,1969)
4. The time has come to declare the liberation of humankind
Beloved Father, I desire to offer, in front of You, this occasion where national messiahs and other leaders from around the world have gathered now, on this Day of All True Things, we are having this celebration to offer all creation as the living offering from the position where the whole world is equalized by Your full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and almighty power. Now, from this day, which marks its thirty-sixth occurrence, I shall unfold the standard of a historic paradigm shift of returning all things of creation to Your ownership in the names of the family messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah, global messiah, cosmic messiah, and in Your name.
At this gathering, forty people from Japan, twelve people from Taiwan, twelve people from the Philippines, twelve people from Canada, and forty people from the United States are participating, and they stand as a living sacrificial offering that settles all accounts.
Until now the sacrificial offering was divided into two. However, everything has been brought to order since we have now come to an era to establish Your kingdom on earth and in heaven, and to proclaim the advent of the king- ship of the heavenly nation with the authority of the family messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah, global messiah and cosmic True Parents. Thus, I will conduct a ceremony for this solemn and historic Day of All True Things, through which everything generated from the false parents in the earthly world, and all the falsity in the heavenly world, must be cleanly eradicated through True Parents. Please permit today's ceremony be the Day of All True Things that settles the accounts for the entire history of indemnity, just like the foundations established for True Children’s Day, True Parents’ Day and True God’s Day.
All the attempts to create one unified world through the Christian cultural sphere, through which we were to attain the kingships of the family messiah, tribal messiah, national messiah, global messiah and cosmic messiah, were prolonged to this day. However, we have now come to a time when I can proclaim the liberation of humankind as the True Parents bless 360 million couples.
Up to the present time, the spirits representing the spirit world centering on Christianity were unable to receive the Blessing. Therefore, centered on the True Parents, and with their Abel-like authority, I wish to establish one beginning point for a unified world by designating the United States, in the position of Cain, and blessing it with the right of the eldest son.
We are rushing busily toward the day when we can proclaim the establishment of the sovereignty of the heavenly nation through the path of uniting all of Christianity in the United States as well as in all other nations, bringing together all religions, and uniting all people. I pray that everything will be fulfilled according to Your desire, without any mistakes in the process in front of Heaven.
Now we are about to offer this solemn ceremony to You. Thus, on the occasion of the Day of All True Things, I pray that You can accept in joy everything in the position of the Owner, from whom emanates full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and almighty power, and who can make the global proclamation of the restoration of the kingdom of heaven, which was not realized due to the Fall of Adam in Eden, and that You can have the authority to rule within that liberated realm. This I pray and proclaim in the name of True Parents. Aju! (May 26,1998)
5. Let us be sons and daughters who are not ashamed
I know that so few people have ever traced Your footsteps through the flow of history. No one ever knew that, for You, when night came it was a night of sadness, when morning came it was a morning of sadness, when the shining rays of the bright sun reached Your heart they were a light of sadness, and when the full moon rose in the eastern sky at night, that round moon was the scar revealing the wounds in Your heart.
We are aware that countless people have remained at a standstill in the history of struggle and have tumbled into the valley of death. Many have disappeared without trace while crying out for justice at the crossroads of life and death, and have faded away into the back alleys of history, lamenting after failing to build the bridge to the world of Your heart.
It is an amazing fact that, from this place, like the valley of dry bones, the Unification Church today has thankfully taken hold of the historical connection to You after undergoing indescribable hardships to find the new way. Through this connection we have been able to resolve the origins of the bitter sorrow of the world throughout history, find the truth of Your heart, and build the bridge of heart from the bottommost pit of hell to the highest throne in heaven. We know that this hour is an hour of joy for You, and that this hour is also the basis of hope for all people.
Long ago, when I was still immature, You called me. Ever since, while I have run around as if I were crazy, arrows from my enemies have flown at me from all directions, mercilessly. Yet I have realized only now that those arrows hit You before they reached me, and You have been covered with wounds.
After returning to Korea this time, reflecting upon the sixty years of my life which have been filled with many bitter pains and sorrows, I feel grateful for the fact that I can be remembered as Your son. When I had occasion to shed tears, You made me shed tears for Your beloved sons and daughters, and when I had occasion to receive blows, You saved me through Your many children. I am grateful for Your grace.
Members of the Unification Chinch, spread around the world in 127 nations connected to Korea, Japan and America, are thinking of this place with reverence and waiting for the day of my return as their teacher, longing with tears for that hour to quickly come. I know that, not only in this free world but even behind the iron curtain, pitiful groups of Your children are hovering on the brink between life and death for the sake of Your Will, being trampled upon in their underground existence, unable to live for even one day with ease in their hearts.
Since You know that I cannot forget them when I am comfortable and I cannot help but remember them even when I am resting, I hope that You will remember them on my behalf and protect their environment, Father, so they will be able to go to the kingdom of heaven as they desire. That is, by resurrecting their enemies, they can leave behind names they can be proud of, and
You can pin glorious nametags on them as Your sons and daughters. Sometimes they came to visit me but circumstances did not allow them to meet me; and even when they were able to meet me, they said that the next time they would meet me, it would not be on earth but in the spirit world. I saw them vividly as they were leaving.
I have made many appeals to You, suppressing my gasping heart. I am not dead yet and I still have energy left, so I hope You will not worry about the path I need to go. Instead, You will watch over their paths, both before and behind them, so that someday the day of glory will come in the communist world, and all peoples’ shouts of liberation will spread, beginning from North Korea and overflowing across this entire planet. I pray that You will remember all those who have faded away as flowers of this long-cherished hope of bringing about that day.
Father, thus far, people who have knelt down or stood in Your presence did not know that You are the one who is in the most pitiful situation. Yet, as Your son, I learned that You are the Father of such great sorrow, who cannot stop weeping even after having shed tears for tens of thousands of years. You know that I wanted to forget all the personal matters I could have complained about, and even my entire suffering path.
That being the case, I am grateful for Your grace in that, even when I could have perished, I did not perish; and even when I was ridiculed, I did not collapse but remained steadfast. Now that I have returned here to Korea, Father, please love Korea and protect these people as they walk this path in the future.
I know only too well that the holy quest of realizing the unification of South and North Korea still remains to be achieved in Korea, through the Unification Church. Father, please encourage this entire nation. I know that You are wishing for the day when not only the Korean Peninsula and Asia but the entire world will open wide the gates of blessing and will serve and attend You, our Father, and Heaven, with cheers of gratitude.
We, the Unificationists who have gathered here today, are clean and well dressed, and have come to offer full bows before You. Because we know that the call from Heaven, Your summons, is still with us, Father, we sincerely hope and pray that You will push and spur us along that path, even if we end up being pitiful and miserable people who will have to resolve, again and again, to go forward. I know that if we do so, we will not perish. So please allow these people to become young men and women who can endure that path.
Even if all our flesh rots on that path, and even if our faces become wrinkled along the way, our rotted flesh and wrinkled faces do not represent sorrow. We know that blessings will remain with our future descendants, and that the right of inheritance to the global culture, which will be able to sing of the shining happiness of youth, will remain among our descendants. Hence, I earnestly hope that You will guide us to become people who can show reverence and gratitude while walking that path.
We have now come to know clearly what it is to be reborn, through Children’s Day, Father, and I sincerely and earnestly request and pray that the more we understand how hard You have been toiling, the more You will allow us to realize how insufficient we are. Let us push ourselves to dream of becoming sons and daughters with hope for tomorrow, pressing ourselves again and again to march forward so that we can influence our environment and become children whom You can bless as those who are worthy to be loved by You. Please bless us again and again so that we can be sons and daughters who are unashamed before the days to come, and before the world. I pray all this in the name of True Parents. Aju! (November 8,1980)
6. Thank You for this era of unity and liberation of the cosmos
Dear loving Father, this is the fifth anniversary of Chil Pal Jeol (7.8 Day). True Parents inaugurated this holiday on my seventy-seventh birthday, at seven minutes and seven seconds after seven o’clock on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month of 1997, and concluded the providence based on the number seven. In so doing, I broke down the barriers to this number, which was to be completed for the ideal of creation.
Due to the fact that humankind fell at the level of the number six and could not go up to the number seven, the realm of the Sabbath, True Parents overcame this and established a new boundary line. Through our life, centered on the conditions for the completion of the number seven representing Heaven and restoration through indemnity, You have been able to proclaim the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth, Chil Pal Jeol. We are truly grateful, Heavenly Father, for Your being able to do this in keeping with this age.
Throughout the history of suffering in which humankind has had to overcome so many hills and valleys of indemnity, the altars linking the bloodstains sustained by the many religions and people of goodness have been brought together beyond the level of individuals, through the levels of the family, tribe, people, nation and the world. As the offering, in the Old Testament Age all things were sacrificed; in the New Testament Age the children were sacrificed; and in the Completed Testament Age, Parents were sacrificed. By passing through this process, we were able to break through the blockade that besieged us on the hill of the sorrowful grievances caused by Satan, and set up the number eight, completing the number seven through Chil
Pal Jeol, a new day marking a boundary line in the providence. Thus, You have given us the grace of creating the era in which we can go on into a new world, a world of the completion of the providence, for which we are truly grateful.
Throughout history, many founders of religions and men and women of conscience sacrificed themselves for the righteous causes of loyalty and filial piety in their nations. After paying our debts to those saints and sages, who made tremendous sacrifices even at the risk of their lives, we ushered in Chil Pal Jeol centered on the blessings of new liberation. Thereby, through establishing kingship on the levels of the family, people, nation, and world in the spirit world, You connected all humankind, beginning from the 3.6 million and 36 million couples to the 360 million couples and beyond, directly to the authority of liberation by which You can embrace us in Your bosom. For this, we are grateful to You, Father.
We are also grateful to You for bringing together all the saints, centered on the blessed families and the liberation of the heavenly world, and allowing them to pioneer the mainstream path based on Your new sovereignty in the spirit world. At the same time, we thank You for bringing about this cosmic age of grace, in which we can receive the benefits of the age through which the grace of the Blessing lost in Adam’s family can be reestablished in the earthly world, the rights of the Blessing of all the Cain-side ancestors in the spirit world can be brought together to set the one mainstream direction in the spirit world, and the one mainstream direction on earth can lead to the completion of the realm of unity from the individual to the cosmos.
Now, all that is left is for us to bring to fruition all that we have been preparing, based on the establishment of Your kingship. We thank You for allowing us to declare the liberation and unity of the cosmos on January 13, 2001, through the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God.
Now, based on Your love and work of full transcendence, full immanence, full authority and almighty power, You, our Heavenly Father, can overcome all the obstacles in the evil world, and we can serve You as the Owner who reigns over the universe from a position of freedom and independence, and serve the Parents of Heaven and Earth as the King and Queen of the family, nation and world. We are truly grateful for this grace You have permitted in order to usher in this era, wherein we can create an environment for serving the Parents of Heaven and Earth.
I am especially grateful to You for allowing many young members of the Unification movement to celebrate this day together, by their attendance at the fourteen-day workshop on Jeju Island. Further, I am grateful that while walking the path of the Will, You have enabled us to overcome all difficulties that people have been unable to resolve to this day. Thereupon, You have allowed us to establish the family foundation on earth with authority as Your liberated sons and daughters, and thus we can inherit the realm of Your victory. I sincerely pray and ask that You will allow us to become heaven’s citizens through our alignment with Your heart, and establish the central tribes, central peoples, and central cosmos based on our families. At the same time, with Your blessing, we will become the families of heaven and earth who can inherit Your lineage and Your kingship.
As we are in the era of transition, in the position of liberated owners, please allow us to become owners of love who are worthy before the universe, by inheriting all things created through Your love. I beseech and wish for You to bestow the blessings of heaven upon this earth so that we can become individuals, families, tribes, peoples and nations who can follow Your path as central figures without shame.
We are even more grateful for this day of celebration. We will welcome everything that will occur from this day on with rejoicing hearts. I wish and pray that You will allow us to make the transition to the world of the era in which we can offer this progressive victory to You. On this day of celebration, I earnestly desire that Heaven’s grand blessing will be evenly bestowed on all the people on earth as well as in the spirit world. Thereby, as the absolute individuals, families, nations and cosmos centered on love, all of us will march forward, forward and forward toward the world of absolute victory, victory and victory! I pray all this in True Parents’ names. Aju! (August 25, 2001)
7. May we welcome a liberated and peaceful era of Your kingdom on earth
Beloved Father, on this day commemorating the enthronement and coronation of Your kingship, five years have already passed since January 13, 2001, although it seems like it was yesterday. It was the day when all of heaven and earth could coincide with the Will, and Your realm of victory could mark a new beginning. The complex and critical moments in history, up until the present, have been resolved on earth, and we have made a beginning enabling the expansion of a foundation on earth upon which You, God, on behalf of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, can freely act, centering on the original point of the vertical love based on the horizontal standard. During the past five years, I have settled the remaining indemnity conditions that Satan was demanding, and overhauled and expanded this foundation so that Satan could never again come near Heaven’s sovereignty.
Thus, in this era I need to establish the Abel UN and connect it to Your arena of activity. Jesus came and attempted to resolve on a national level what Adam was unable to fulfill in Eden. Yet the people of Israel, who cooperated with Rome, failed to fulfill their responsibility as Abel, and Your Will, left unfulfilled, was prolonged until the time of the Second Advent. I beseech You that You forget the painful and tedious era in history during which all the saints and sages who have gone to the spirit world, and who had centered on You and Jesus, have been looking to You and, more than was demanded, to the earth, and who have been so anxiously waiting until this day of True Parents’ victory.
From this new year on, for the ideal world of peace and liberation in heaven and earth, may You stand in a position of autonomy, taking a step beyond the era of Adam, who failed in the family, and taking one more step beyond the level of Jesus, who was unable to reach the national level, and attain victory on the world level. We have spent the final hectic hours to connect the original standard of Your kingship not only to the United Nations on earth but also to the United Nations in heaven.
In 2005, we, True Parents, toured 120 nations, proclaiming a providential message entitled, “The Era of Settlement of the Providence as a Model for the Ideal of Peace in Heaven and on Earth,” based on the standard of the model family, model nation and model world for the realization of the ideal of peace in heaven and on earth. As indicated in that speech, we have now ushered in a demanding era in history, when we must achieve the victory of the realm of the Abel UN based on Your ideal family. By passing through that path, we have come to the point where all the programs initiated by Heung-jin and Daemonim in Cheongpyeong can be united with True Parents and concluded.
Thus, by virtue of offering to You the victories True Parents have accrued by overcoming the course of indemnity on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos, based on the realm of the Abel UN, I pray that You may receive in joy the commemorative service for the coronation for Your kingship, which is being offered on this day that inherits the era in which Heaven can have dominion over everything.
I also reclaimed all the rights of ownership that had been taken by Satan until now. Consequently, we have entered an era of great reorganization where we can expand and overhaul horizontally and vertically from the focal point marked by the great victory of the Lord of the Second Advent. On that foundation, we have ushered in an era where the realm of the Abel UN can be proclaimed along with the coronation today.
You led the Israelites through the wilderness with a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud, had them make the tablets of stone twice for the benefit of those who violated the law, and proclaimed the way for the Israelites to go based on the Ten Commandments. In the same way, the returning Lord has now taken responsibility and proclaimed the triumphant entry into the blessed land of Canaan, which the Israelites failed to do.
All the good clans on the earth, the Cain and Abel clans, are united as one, and they are recognized as the realm of the chosen people. In this way, the returning Lord has paid indemnity for what Jesus was unable to complete in his lifetime, by breaking down all the fundamental barriers, including national borders, on earth as well as in heaven. On that foundation, a new Abel-realm UN was established, and an era in which You, the Father, can freely do as You desire is prepared and offered to You. Thus I sincerely request that You connect all this to the blessed families, so that everything that You lead can be fulfilled as You wish.
From the position of True Parents, we plan to make this time of commemorating and offering the Enthronement for God’s Kingship a supreme condition of victory. I pray that in years to come, the entire cosmos will advance forever more into Your realm of love as a harmoniously united world, and usher in a peaceful era of liberation of Your kingdom on earth. I sincerely wish and pray that You receive this liberated authority founded upon the coronation with joy, and that everything can be united and fulfilled according to the wish of the True Parents. Aju! (January 3, 2006)
1. Please grant that we may bring the ideal Adamic culture to completion
Beloved Father! Today, December 9, 2001, we are observing the second Sabbath in this month of December. Here, under the watchful gaze of heaven and earth, we are holding a new pledge service in attendance of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, who are the object of interest to all of Heaven and to all of Cheon II Guk. The blessed families in the spiritual and physical worlds, and everything bound to them, in their attendance to the True Parents, have become one in heart and in body, fulfilling the way of the devoted child in the family, patriot in the nation, saint in the world and divine child in the cosmos. They are perfecting the realm of liberation for the Parents of Heaven and Earth in the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, the entire universe and all people. Now we have ushered in an age in which we can bring everything that Adam lost to fruition, and have it protected and offered in victory by the True Parents on the earth. In light of this, I have proclaimed Cheon II Guk to both earth and heaven. I dedicate this to Heaven in the name of a nation of an individual, in the name of a nation of a family, tribe, people and country, and in the name of the nation of the world and cosmos. Father, You blessed the glory of that day that brought order to the fallen world. Thus, this year, in which I concluded the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God centered on a family of love, I proclaimed the establishment of Your homeland centered on Korea, and even proclaimed Cheon II Guk.
We are now in the process of giving the Blessing to the ambassadors for peace and proclaiming the start of the new nation of the world for the sake of a liberated world. Let all those who have come together amid the challenges and chaos, representatives of the religious circles representing all the blessed spirits in the spirit world, and blessed families of the Unification Church on earth, become one in heart and in body within Your Will and Your protection. I sincerely pray and request Your permission to allow them to fulfill the way of loyalty and piety attending Heaven, and to become faithful servants attending You, the Heavenly Parent.
In this way, please permit us to perfect the culture of a single tribe connected with the true love, true life and true lineage rooted in the heart of a completed individual, family and people centered on Your sovereignty and an ideal Adamic culture. We have the victorious power of an individual who can complete the mainstream ideology of the ideal of creation as a tradition. From it may we form the authority of the Parent of Heaven and Earth, based on the liberation of the cosmos and the Enthronement Ceremony of the kingship of the heavenly nation. May we rectify all the false things on the earth and then connect them to a new world of peace on earth and in heaven that has no trace of Satan.
This is the age in which the Unification Church, centering on blessed families, can connect the realm of the third Adam to the world. It thereby expands the unfallen, original realm of unity throughout the world, and establishes one unified world together with Your kingship, centering on Cheon II Guk. What remains now is a time for national and global victory, enabling us to offer to You, once again, this universe that was lost. In the name of the True Parents, we will bring to a conclusion in unity all advancing matters, and bring order and closure on Your providential path, Father. Thus, I sincerely pray and request that You will allow all matters that are advancing toward this purpose to attain the glory of victory with Heaven, so that we can offer the joyful liberation of all humankind to Heaven.
We have ushered in an age in which the Unification Church members in the spirit world, united in heart and in body, can educate the spirit world. This will enable all the saints and sages to rise up together and obtain a liberated nation that combines everything from the individual to the family and nations, for the sake of Your kingship. Thus we establish Your nation centering on the unified mainstream ideology, and offer it to You.
Please bless all the saints and sages centered on the four great saints in the spirit world, and have them return to the earth so that they can build Cheon II Guk in the Abel position. I sincerely pray and request that You permit the spirit world and physical world to cooperate, enter into a bond of brother and sisterhood, and go beyond the standard that perfects the original ideal.
With the dawn of the Pacific Rim era, I have come once again to Hawaii. Now, before I depart for Korea, I sincerely pray that You will take the lead in uniting all paths, all matters and all relations that reside in this place with Your Will. May nothing be lacking in any way in bringing the joy and glory of victory.
I pray that You will receive with joy this morning’s full bow, which You have permitted Father, I sincerely pray regarding everything that should be brought to order in December, that it will be completely and fully brought to order with Your permission. Please protect, nurture and guide everything so that a victorious Cheon II Guk can advance. All this I pray in the name of True Parents. Aju! (December 9,2001)
2. I desire to share with You the joys and sorrows on the path that lies ahead
Beloved Father, I announced this year’s motto, “May the Absolute, Unique, Unchanging and Eternal Will, which is the Subject Nature of True Love, be Accomplished through the Liberated Parents of Heaven and Earth and Children Uniting in One Mind and One Body,” and proclaimed that I would achieve Cheon II Guk, the heavenly kingdom on earth and in heaven.
Your ideal of creation, centering on True Parents, maintains the authority of the liberated Owner in a position where the family, nation and cosmos takes root through the perfection of the children, centering on True Parents. In the original concept of the process of creation, this is the substantial realm of the purpose of creation. However, the first ancestors of humankind erred, leaving behind, in a single day, unending bitter sorrow. I have come to know the greatness of the wounds and scars inflicted upon Your heart.
While bearing these scars throughout the course of history, You desired people who could center on the king- ship rooted in the ideal of the kingdom of heaven and a world of love. When I think about what has come on the basis of that desire, I realize that human beings have been so unfilial to You. They were unfilial in the family, disloyal to the nation and unforgivable in their world-level actions. They even stoned the divine sons and daughters of heaven and earth.
They filled history with great and bitter sorrow. The religious circles on the earth failed to uphold the hope for the manifestation of the True Parents on the earth, which had lasted throughout the years of history. They did not resolve the mass of accumulated resentment that people had to endure as they waited for the time of the Second Coming.
The True Parents cleared the course of re-creation from the very bottom of hell on earth and to the heavens and, following Your lead, proclaimed the Enthronement Ceremony for God’s Kingship on their victorious authority. I pray and hope that the Father can embrace the Korean Peninsula. It is from here that we can proclaim the establishment of Your homeland and also Cheon II Guk in the Completed Testament Age, centering on the ideal of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
My resolution was to look for the one day of victory and place it before Your Will. With it, I achieved everything that You intended in relation to true love’s subject nature, and proclaimed Cheon II Guk, the establishment of kingship, the homeland and the liberation of everything that You had desired on the earth. Now we hear humanity’s cry of jubilation in the new year. The time has come when the people of heaven and all people on the earth who can re-enact the glory of the Parents of Heaven and Earth can become one in heart and in body and dedicate this offering to Heaven.
Though such a time has come, we are greatly sorry to You, Father, that these tired members of the Unification Church have not yet been able to complete preparations to serve and attend You, who worry about this world.
Father! I am the child who was unable to attend You peacefully. You have endured everything to this day. It is true that this family and clan failed their responsibility, and the moment passed for the Catholic and Protestant churches to unite. Such unity would have brought the unification of Korea, centering on Christianity, with the True Parents after World War II. Heaven and earth would have crossed paths. But, harboring the bitter sorrow of having lost that moment, I passed through my youthful years during my thirties and am now moving beyond my eightieth year. I was supposed to fulfill the Cheon II Guk ideal with You in my forties, yet fifty-six years have passed since the liberation of Korea. At this time, the start of the fifty-seventh year, I have to proclaim a new Cheon II Guk in this dedication ceremony.
Therefore, please forgive all the children who received the Blessing of the Unification family, all the children who received the Blessing of the heavenly world, and all the unfortunate souls whom Satan’s world kicked around and prevented from following Your desired path. Heaven stood as a Parent who had to bless both murderers and saints in the same place. Heaven was in a position where it was forced to be such a Parent. That is why I sincerely pray and wish that You will erase from Your memory all the mistakes the blessed families committed. Please take pity on these people, for they are trying to attain an individual, family and nation that can cultivate the original heart and substantial entity centering on Cheon II Guk, the kingdom of love. Please share their joys and sorrows with them on the path that lies ahead.
We are at an important time, welcoming the month of December that brings closure to the first year of the third millennium. Centering on Jesus, You ultimately had to decide the standards for Cheon II Guk. With its proclamation, You bequeathed to the spirit world and physical world the privileges and benefits of national and global affiliation. Despite all this, I realize the fact that as of tomorrow, we again will see the new Cheon II Guk from the position of not having a nation. Please understand the bitter sorrow in the heart of Your unworthy child, who was unable to establish the things that should have been arranged in the name of the True Parents. Please suppress the indignation and exasperation in Your heart, and allow me to look for Your assistance along this child’s path. With You, may I attain and move beyond the liberation of heaven and earth, which is the pinnacle of the ideal of Cheon II Guk, and even beyond the ideal of the kingdom of heaven.
We have to dedicate and offer to Heaven a family that, united as one mind and one body, fulfills the will of true love’s subject nature, which is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. On that foundation, we have to offer the nation centering on such families, a world centering on that nation, and the liberated kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
In order to attain Your authority that enables this, I proclaimed the establishment of the kingship, the homeland, and Cheon II Guk. May You embrace all these things in Your heart. I pray that You will exert Your sovereign power and, from the original position You cherished, draw all nations, all generations and all of heaven and earth into the realm of Your reign. Please allow the victorious kingdom, which I have announced to the entire world with a liberated and free heart, to be formed.
I pray that this nation can become Cheon II Guk, Father. After the turn of this year, in the next couple of days, we will usher in the second year of the third millennium. During this time, may everything that You intend expand beyond the horizontal plane, beyond all nations, and take the form of a sphere that represents the directions of up and down, front and back and right and left.
I pray that, centering on the axis of Your love, the axis of the family, nation and world can recover all of heaven and earth and be used as the basis for Your ideal kingdom of heaven.
Today, marking the third day before welcoming the new year, I pray that with Your permission we can achieve everything that I have spoken before You. Doing so, we shall greet this day. Father, please have pity on us. I sincerely pray that You will have pity on us and, with a forgiving heart, bless us. May earth and heaven connect to hope and glory, which shall be the path we take from now, and be a foundation of shining glory. All this I sincerely pray and report in the name of True Parents. Aju! (December 30,2001)
3. We have proclaimed the settlement of Your homeland and Cheon II Guk
Beloved Father, in accordance with Your desire, Your providence has triumphed and united the spirit world and the physical world as one in body, mind and ideology. Centering on the completed settlement of Cheon II Guk on earth, we have come to an era when we can celebrate. We have arrived at the time of great transition, when You can manage and lead affairs here on earth through Your omnipresence, absoluteness and complete authority, with victorious supremacy. I offer thanks, Father, to You, who have labored for so long. My wife and I have taken responsibility for the goals of the providence and have borne the title of True Parents here on earth. Despite that, I cannot help but regret that we have been unable to fulfill the duties of loyalty and filial piety and the duties of the saints and the divine sons and daughters on a higher level in attending You, our Heavenly Parent.
Nevertheless, we now have arrived at an era of transition in the providence. Centering on Korea, we have proclaimed Cheon II Guk, the settlement of Your homeland, and the completed establishment of Your kingship. We also see the beginning of a world of peace and the installation of ambassadors for peace, who can govern and lead the world of peace. Here on earth we have declared Cheon II Guk, which can advance the common purpose of all nations and embrace all people.
I thank You, Father, that You have led us to pursue this goal and arrive at an age when we can proclaim the complete liberation of Your Will, for the sake of building the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
Moreover, here in Hawaii, the center of the Pacific Ocean, we declared the age of the Pacific Rim and, centering on this, returned the ocean to You, returned all the land to You, returned the ideal of creation to You, and returned the entire kingdom of heaven to You.
With this declaration as a foundation, all the things we have planned have brought us to this place, where You have prepared for the Will’s transition into the origin of a new world. The time has come, as Your providence heads toward
Your ideal realm of Cheon II Guk, when You can become one in mind and body. It comes as You establish the direction of the entire kingdom of heaven, transcending the nations of this world and investing all Your strength in that one mainstream direction.
Father, I thank You for Your grace that allows us to make this proclamation at this time. All the earth, from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation— symbolically, the entire world—can become one in body, thought and heart as the object partner of the spirit world. It can perfect the duties of filial children, loyal patriots and divine sons and daughters in serving Heaven. Thereby it will transition into the world in which we can establish the kingship of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.
Father, we pray that You will liberate all the beings in the cosmos, from the tiniest microorganisms to all the beings You created in the spiritual realms. We pray for all of our ancestors, who did evil and did good, and who came and went on the earth, from the borderline of hell to paradise, to form a realm of liberation that enables them to go directly to Heaven.
By so doing, Father, we long to see You push away the barriers between the nations here on earth, and advance toward the world of sovereignty that Heaven can rule and guide with one heart, one body and one thought. The True Parents, representing all the people of the earth, support You. They declare that they, together with all our ancestors in the spirit world, will support You. Therefore, I ask that You guide us personally, from a free and self-sufficient position, in this age that advances toward the goals You have purposed and administered.
Now in Korea we have proclaimed the establishment of Your kingship, the settlement of Your homeland and, on that foundation, Cheon II Guk. We made these proclamations centering on Korea, Japan and America and, together with the establishment of ambassadors for peace across the globe, we are opening and advancing the way through the ideology of Cheon II Guk. At this point in time, centering on this day, we pray that You will become the Parent who can govern the entire universe from the position of King of kings, centered on the sovereignty that represents heaven and earth’s united absolute authority and omnipotence, and guide us as our King.
I thank You that this day we could proclaim our new resolution to advance toward the world of peace of the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. We will do so by following the way of Heaven and completing the way of filial children, loyal patriots and divine sons and daughters. All peoples and all the created beings of the universe are united today in mind and body. We hope and pray that, centering on this joyous day, we can advance from the new age of the Pacific Rim to the liberated era when the kingship that can connect the land and the entire cosmos is established.
Representing all created beings, and standing in the center where heaven and earth are united, we declare in the name of True Parents that we all support the kingship of Heaven. So, Father, please become the center and rule over us with the sovereignty of love. By liberating heaven and earth, as You have desired, please become the King of kings centered on Your sovereignty, and the Parent of all peoples. Please advance toward the glorious kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, where You can reign over the entire universe. We dedicate and proclaim this in the name of True Parents, and may Your Will be done. In gratitude for these things, I report all this to You. Aju! (January 26,2002)
4. May this be the victorious nation in the reign of peace and prosperity for all eternity
Heavenly Father, as we welcome the new year of 2003 today, we have announced this year’s motto: “Let our family perfect a true family of filial children, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters in Cheon II Guk, through true love.” We begin this new year, in which all families on earth and in heaven can achieve the completion of settlement through this motto, and inherit the traditions of the unified True Parents of heaven and earth centered on the True Parent, True Teacher, True Owner and True King.
You, our Father and the source of all blessings, sent the True Parents to earth and had them indemnify numerous peaks of sorrows. Now heaven and earth can stand publicly on the same horizontal line, following the completion of the rallies for the Harmony and Unity of Heaven and Earth and the Holy Burning Ceremony of the Peace, Unity and Liberation of the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Now we herald the Age of Equalization in the Peace and Unity of Cheon II Guk. Heaven and earth can march toward a common purpose centering upon the ideal of oneness, from the individual all the way out to the cosmos.
You created Adam and Eve upon the objective standard that was absolutely necessary to perfect the ideal of love. Achieving individual perfection through the unity of mind and body, and thereby becoming the substantiation of oneness in harmony of heart, body and mindset, is required in order to perfect the ideal of reciprocity desired by Heaven. Unless You, the incorporeal Parent of the heavenly kingdom and the corporeal substantial parents are ideal partners of love, centering on the unified standard of oneness in heart, body, mindset and harmony, they cannot fulfill Your purpose to attain absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love.
Therefore, please esteem the object partner of this love as having unsurpassed value, and cherish the highest and most treasured hopes for it. Base this on the standard of absolute faith, for it is Your absolute wish, absolute hope and absolute desire. At the same time, allow Your object partner to perfect those highest and most treasured hopes. You utterly and unreservedly invested Yourself entirely, over and over again, into the smallest and the greatest, in order to leave behind the sublime and vast realm of the ideal of love.
In the midst of this, You fashioned Adam and Eve in substantial form as the object partners of Your love so that, centering on them, Your incorporeal substance could achieve corporeal substantiation. You poured everything into Adam and created him, and then You created Eve in Adam’s image, so that they could form a conjugal bond as the substantiation of Your internal nature and external form. Your ideal of creation thus is to achieve the three generations for which You have longed.
Yet the Fall of the first ancestors of the human race left no room to realize Your Will. Instead it left behind false parents, false love, false life and false lineage. They ended up being bound in blood ties to Satan in opposition to You, leaving You in solitary isolation without a foothold in this world. You passed through countless eons until You eventually could realize Your Will through re-creation. You then could emerge as the long and eagerly awaited Heavenly Parent, of whose existence humanity had been ignorant.
You revealed the secrets of the spiritual and physical worlds through the True Parents, who uncovered the origin of Satan. They declared Satan’s identity as the enemy of God’s love, the adulterer, and thereby blocked his path. And You, with oneness of mind and body, oneness of mindset, and oneness of harmony, restored the victorious standard of individual original nature.
As the God who invested completely into the substantial form of Adam, in order to establish the Parents in substantial external form, You made Adam and then You took out a part of him and created Eve. You placed them in the position of Your object partners. Centering on the external form and internal nature and dividing yin and yang, it was Your ideal to hope for a substantial destination, the formation of a family of parents and children extending in all four directions. You could not find this ideal, however, until now.
Through the advent of the True Parents, who resolved and revealed everything, and thwarted the way of Satan on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and cosmos, a new historic epoch was brought about. Through it, the realm of power that once had opposed Heaven could be undone. Together with the establishment of Your kingship, on the foundation centered on the Realm of Life of the Completed Settlement of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, we set the standard for the Holy Burning Ceremony of the Peace, Unity and Liberation of the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the Age of Equalization in the Peace and Unity of Cheon II Guk.
In addition to everything the ancestors, loyal subjects, virtuous women and filial children born on this earth left, saints and divine sons and daughters appeared and became one. The founders of the great religions completely devoted themselves to Heaven centering on loyalty, filial piety and chastity. They mobilized the good ancestors to resurrect on earth and restore through indemnity the realm of the failures of the Cain side. On the restored foundation of the right of the eldest son centered on Abel, together with Your kingship, we now are able to bring about an era of tranquility. In it we can establish the reign of peace and prosperity on earth, from the level of the individual to the cosmos, without any Satanic interference. We are truly grateful for Your grace in allowing us to welcome this world of freedom and unity.
Father! Standing on this foundation, and through true love, our family should become the family of filial children, of loyal subjects, of saints, and of divine sons and daughters of Cheon II Guk.
On this day, the day we have ushered in the third year of Cheon II Guk, 2003, we gratefully proclaim a new beginning to establish the True Parents, True Teachers and True Owners, and True Kingship. With the coming of the new year and the declaration of this year’s motto, we are truly grateful to You. You have allowed us to make a new resolution to advance to the liberated world of the unified kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven, to bring glory to heaven and prosperity to earth, as well as glorious praise of unified victory in all nations and all generations. We will achieve the unity of the spiritual and physical worlds and attain this progression of victories and accomplishments. Please reign over us as the King of kings of eternal peace and prosperity. Please allow us to realize Your independent kingdom on earth and in heaven.
Please allow all blessed central families to become the owners who can take responsibility for everything. Permit them to appear as original families who can serve Your kingship. You have enabled us to reach the age when we can offer before You cheers of liberating victory in all of heaven and earth. In Your entire coming, going and abiding, may Your victory, prosperity and glory be bountiful and eternal. We also hope that You will allow this to be the victorious nation of the reign of peace and prosperity for all eternity. We pray with all our heart that the tradition of the victorious heavenly kingdom, where You can reign independently forevermore as the King of kings, will begin at this hour. With hearts filled with True Parents’ earnest hopes and devotions, we hereby make this proclamation before heaven and earth. Aju! (January 1,2003)
5. We are grateful to be able to proclaim the era of settlement
Loving Father, heaven and earth have formed one heart, one body, one mindset and one central core. They now are moving toward the era of synthesis, harmonization, unification and settlement. I thank You for the grace that allows us to greet this era of liberation and complete freedom, wherein we can begin our journey empowered by a nexus of unity, centering on the message of the Cheon II Guk ideal.
This conference, focusing on the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace, is beginning now, on December 1, 2004. Father, please bless this place, this land of Yongpyeong. The Cain-type sphere of brotherhood, spread across the entire world, is now looking toward Heaven.
Cain’s violence against his younger brother arose when mind and body began to fight against each other. Starting with the mind and body of man and woman, beginning in the marriage conflict between man and woman, a history of division among children unfolded centering on their parents. Central families and peripheral families advanced this history of conflict, which has infected every level. It transcended the family era into the eras of tribal conflict, ethnic conflict, national conflict, global conflict and cosmic conflict.
The world of materialism opposes and denies You, God, without knowing or understanding anything that is rooted in Heaven’s sons and daughters, Heaven’s existence, and Heaven's forms of life.
Out of the mutually conflicting positions of materialism and spirituality arises a malaise. The materialistic world’s opposition to the spiritually oriented world now has extended from the individual level. It has generated a world of hell both on earth and in the spirit world.
Father, You have taken responsibility for all that is caught in the environment that resulted from this conflict. You have organized the history of total indemnity and moved ahead through a history of re-creation. Establishing the standard of the principle of indemnity, You have brought unity to the confusion, chaos and contradiction that begins with the elements and passes into the mineral, plant, animal and human worlds, reaching the level of heaven and earth.
Furthermore, centering on the family framework, the individual, family, clan, people, national, global and cosmic standards within Cheon II Guk have achieved one body, one mind, one determination and one central core. It stretches from the levels of the individual, family, clan, people, nation, world, up to the cosmic level, in the presence of Your original heart of creation, centering on families of filial children, loyal patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters. With everything advancing toward the new world of the ideal of love’s supremacy, we are able to declare the era of settlement and move toward completion.
Dear Father, now that we have arrived in this era, please bless this global conference. Its focus is on the era of the Mongolian peoples. Also, Father, I sincerely entreat You to grant the peoples of the world and this entire creation the power to go over the pain-filled mountain pass that represents liberation and release. May we shout a thousand cheers for the reign of peace and frilly attend the sovereignty of love.
On this December morning, Father, please grant that everything can become one in heart, one in body and one in resolve. In awe of You, Father, may we establish the authority of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience to Your Will in consonance with the original Father who stood on the ideal of creation. Please, loving Father, I most earnestly, earnestly, earnestly request that You permit everything to advance toward the unified world, centering on the kingship of love. I ask all this and earnestly entreat You, reporting in the name of the True Parents. Aju. (December 1,2004)
6. Allow us to advance to the world of liberation, settlement and harmonious unity
Beloved Heavenly Father! This morning we are gathered here to offer our bows to You in commemoration of the forty-sixth True Parents’ Day. Heaven and earth, and blessed families around the world observe this day with sincere attentiveness. In the painful course of restoration through indemnity that began at the loss of Your ideal of creation, You have passed through eras of global indemnity on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos. Forty-six years ago today, You established True Parents on earth. Based on True Parents- centered True Children’s Day and the Day of All True Things, with the establishment of this commemorative day, You could concern Yourself directly with this world.
You prevailed by offering innumerable conditions of indemnity in the course of history, and put this immature son at the forefront on the path of pioneering. You also mobilized the saints, sages and angels of the spirit world in order to restore the foundation for the ideal of creation. After passing through such a process, Your providence would have been fulfilled by 1952 if this son of Yours had been successful immediately after World War II in beginning to establish Your blessed families centered on seven nations, Great Britain, the United States, France, Japan, Germany, Italy and Korea. If this had come to pass, You would have inaugurated right then and there the True Parents’ Day, True Teacher’s Day and True King’s Day. We would have ushered in an era of liberation and complete freedom throughout the world. We would have fulfilled Your ideal of creation, to connect life and lineage centering on the love of the spirit world and the physical world. You thereby would have become the Lord of all nations in a liberated and completely free world. Heaven and earth would have completely united as we enthroned You, the King of love, the eternal King of kings.
We had to go beyond the age of salvation on the individual level and obtain salvation on the level of the family, tribe, people, nation and cosmos. To do so, You needed to establish in Adam’s family a global realm of victory on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation and cosmos, and establish the supremacy of Your Blessing of all nations and all ages.
We have ushered in an era in which we can go beyond everything, where heaven and earth are united as one, where the vertical and the horizontal lines rotate clockwise at right angles. With the world of peace within our grasp, wherein we will tear down all walls in the cosmos and transcend national barriers, we are truly grateful for Your allowing us to celebrate this anniversary.
After transcending the peoples and cultures of the world, we have been able to overcome the suffering of the family by establishing the foundation for the Messiah. We have achieved victory at the family level on behalf of the tribe, the people and the nation, even though the religious realm has opposed us.
We overcame the schemes of Satan who opposed the global realm transcending religions and nations. He tried to block and destroy the path the True Parents followed, but as we go into the supra-religious and supranational realms, the realm of transcendent liberation and unity is close at hand. Based on that, standing on the foundation of a family of love, in which separation between mind and body cannot be found, we established Your ideal of love, the love of the True Parent, True Owner and True King. Through practicing Your Will in the realm of liberation and complete freedom for all nations and all ages, we achieved the revolution of conscience and the revolution of heart. And now, transcending religion, nation, world, cosmos and unity itself, we are at the very summit. This is the center, where above and below have become one, right and left have become one, and front and back have become one. We have established firmly the original standard transcending the ideal of creation.
We will prepare once and for all the place of settlement in which Your hopes of all ages finally can be realized. To do so, representatives from the seven nations, Great Britain, the United States, France, Japan, Germany, Italy and Korea, are preparing a rally. We pray to draw together the realm transcending religions, peoples, nations and the world. We pray that we can be of one mind, one body, one ideology and one center, heading toward Your ideal purpose of creation and the peaceful kingdom of heaven. We pray that You will allow this assembly to be that final preparation, through which we will cross over to a new world of unified settlement and liberation centering on perfected personality.
Heavenly Father, help us make this rally a great success under Your dominion, so that this glorious victory will shine forever over the Parent, Teacher and King centered on love. All this I report and proclaim on this day, with all my heart, in the name of True Parents! Aju! (April 9,2005)
7. Please grant that the sovereignty of love may expand
Beloved Father, this place is under the watchful gaze of heaven and earth, and the attention of the children who received the blessing of the heavenly and earthly worlds. The families of the four children centering on Heung-jin, and all the families of the saints and sages, are one in heart, body and mindset. They advance toward a world of one harmony, unity and flourishing centering on the original palace. They have brought the first stage of the history of restoration through indemnity to an end. During it they longed for the day when Your wish could be fulfilled and You could be released from bitter sorrow.
After concluding the Coronation of the King of Peace of the Unity of Heaven and Earth in Cheongpyeong, this is the first Pledge service, this morning of Ahn Shi II, here in the Yeosu and Sooncheon area. In the nation where all things of the cosmos form a single core in serving and attending Heaven, individuals representing blessed families of each tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos have gathered. They offer this pledge service on this new morning as we serve You, centering on the kingship of the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the King of kings. I pray that You can accept this with joy.
Now people have begun to seek the land of the original hometown and to launch the liberated realm of the Blessing, centering on their relatives. Father, I pray that You will be with them in that place. I already have proclaimed the liberated and completely free era of the tranquil reign of peace. In it we can exercise, on Your behalf, Your full and omnipotent authority of love in a cosmic and unified family. This represents the form of one family that attends the Parents of Heaven and Earth. In it, all these blessed families become owners of Cheon II Guk and all human beings become like siblings through true love.
On that foundation, everything is liberated and set completely free. Freedom goes from Your heart at the time of creation to all those beings whose aim was to restore the substantial realm that is Your object partner through absolute faith, love, and obedience. Those beings had to do this in place of Your creation at the beginning. We are now able to conduct the Enthronement of the King of Cosmic Unity and Peace upon this foundation, together with the foundation of the True Parents' advent on this earth, and the foundation of them welcoming, after the revolutions of indemnity, conscience, and heart, the world of liberation and complete freedom.
By acquiring the form of a renewed nation launched from each of their hometowns, let us stand in a position of uniting each clan of Korea and offer it to You, our Father. On that foundation of commencing on this earth a unified homeland in heaven and earth, we usher in an era of liberation and complete freedom by unifying the people with the Mongolian birthmark as the Mongolian birthmark blood kin. Now I sincerely pray and hope that, centered on the original Parents of cosmic unity, You will bless us further. Bless us so that the dominion centered on Your love can expand. Let it expand into the liberated and completely free world of the tranquil reign of peace, in which You can confidently grasp the authority of the Owner for eternity. May You freely govern and claim the heavenly world and physical world as one lineage through true love, true life and true lineage.
I sincerely pray and hope that You will permit the world of all creation and all humanity to praise Your victorious and supreme center with glory and joy. May we place all of this under Your dominion. May we advance with the glory of the Owner’s joy. May we stand for all eternity under Your authority as the Owner of love, centered on the heavenly way of one heart, one body and one mindset. All this I pray and report in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (February 25,2005)
1. Prayer at the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God
Today, on the thirteenth day after we welcomed the new millennium, we wish to conduct the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of True Heavenly Parents. The ancestors in heaven have received the Blessing, and the descendants on earth have become one in heart and essence. Together they have welcomed the age of the heart in the realm of the fourth Adam by going beyond the sorrowful heart of the historical age of indemnity. Now all things and existing beings in heaven and on earth can welcome the age in which they can open the gate to the kingdom of heaven where the new heaven and earth are connected.
As the God of all, You toiled through a history of bitter sorrow, enduring the history of shame caused by the false parents who destroyed marriage and opposed true love, true life and true lineage. Yet even though You are the Lord of Hosts, Father, Teacher and King, You remained on the path of indemnity and suffering until this day.
The True Parents came to the earth, took responsibility for all these things, including all the wrongs committed by the false parents, and established their authority based on the victory of the eight stages while yearning for liberation as they went through the historical course of indemnity. By doing so, they transferred to heaven everything from the false parents' activity, bringing it under the grace of the Blessing of love and connecting it to all nations and the entire cosmos through the Blessing ceremony, which changes the lineage on the highest standard of True Parents’ victorious authority, thereby laying a foundation for liberation.
We progressed through all realms of liberation—mind and body, husband and wife, father and son, the liberation of siblings, and the liberation of nations, demolishing all barriers and national borders, and unifying heaven and earth to create the kingdom of heaven, the liberated world of freedom that You envisioned at the origin of creation. We connected the true family, true tribe, true people, true nation, true world and the cosmos to the kingdom of heaven in heaven and on earth. We bound all this to the Owner, the great Creator who represents the authority of the victorious True Parents, the authority of the True Teacher, and the authority of the True King. Please freely accept this ceremony we offer to You.
All the angels in the heavenly army, all blessed families in the heavenly world, all blessed central families connected to the True Parents on earth, and the entire spirit world centered on the earth once again restored the right of the eldest son under the bond of brotherhood. Under these circumstances, the earth, standing in the position of eldest son, has welcomed the victorious realm of liberation, having overturned the entire fallen world from the individual level to the cosmos, centering on the privilege and authority of True Parents. The liberated True Parents, centering on the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the liberated True Children on earth, have united in heart and essence and are liberated through indemnity. You are the source, origin and essence of true love, and Your absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal will has the subject nature of love. Now we offer this joyful ceremony whereby True Parents enthrone You, Heavenly Father under the original standard.
On this liberated, victorious foundation where You can have a joyful heart forgetting all history, we hold this ceremony whereby You are enthroned and established in Your original position, celebrating and offering this all-transcendent, all-immanent, all-powerful and almighty ceremony of liberation. Now You can exercise Your sovereignty throughout the universe and in Your nation, centering on the realm of victory that enables us to be united with the ideal of love bound in the original heart of creation. Please accept this ceremony joyfully. We pray sincerely in the name of True Parents. Aju! Aju! Aju! (January 13,2001)
2. Declaration of the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves (.Ssang Hab Shib Seung II)
Beloved Heavenly Father, this day, May 5, of the fourth year of Cheon II Guk, has been designated as the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten Combining Two Halves. On this day, heaven and earth reverted, top and bottom reverted, left and right reverted and front and back reverted, enabling us to reclaim goodness from the origin of darkness. We now welcome the victorious time of the original ideal where we can attend the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. The Parents of Heaven and Earth are heaven and earth’s sun of high-noon settlement, whose brilliant rays of victory are never extinguished.
The motto of the Unification Church this year is “Proclamation of God’s Fatherland and the Era of the Peace Kingdom.” Due to the Fall, the evil age of Satan’s kingship filled with conflict came about instead of a kingdom of peace. The day of the final battle to wipe away this evil age and convert it to the age of the kingdom of peace centered on true love has arrived.
Beloved Heavenly Father, today the Era before the Coming of Heaven has given way to the Era after the Coming of Heaven. Heaven and earth have become one centering on the number thirteen, and the authority of Your throne has become the center of the earth and heaven. As of today, we welcome an era of change, a day of great victory enabling us to proclaim Your kingdom of love in the unified world and proclaim Your homeland at a place where the clan is expanded to the world through its relationship to Your true love, true life and true lineage.
As everything is in pairs, above and below have become one centering on love as above, middle and below; left and right have become one centering on love as left, center and right; front and back have become one centering on love as front, middle and back; and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have become one centering on love. As everything has become one, I proclaim the liberation of all this and the realm of complete freedom, which will be marked on May 13, forty months after the Enthronement Ceremony for God’s Kingship centering on the number thirteen. Due to this proclamation, we entered the age when we can be connected directly to Your throne, Father, and the day when the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, as the True Parent of the Cosmos, the True Parents of Heaven and Earth and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, will finally be able to find rest after obtaining the ideal of the family wherein You, as the incorporeal and substantial God, can settle centering on love as the God of personality.
Due to this, we now welcome the time when we can observe Ahn Shi II instead of the Sabbath. April and May have joined together centering on the Day of True Parents. Left and right hands have joined together to form ten and the day of the victory of the number ten, the hour and day of a free and liberated heaven and earth where all the days from day one to day ten can be controlled as Your days upon the foundation of a peaceful world, and the year when hour, day, month and year can be switched around. The two seasons of spring and summer have become paired in April and May of the fourth year of Cheon II Guk. This joining corrected the world that has been following a clock whose hands turned in the wrong direction, now to follow the clock whose hands turn in the original direction. Moreover, after the ideal settlement centering on the rules and principles of the created universe, we have obtained the greatest realm of victory that creates in this world the original standard through which You, Father, the God of the family ideal can settle down. This allowed all pairs to be combined to bring about the day of the victory of the number ten.
Today we declare the end of the Sabbath and designate this day as Ahn Shi II, establishing Your completed settlement and the day of obtaining righteousness through attendance. April and May have become united on this day, the first Ahn Shi II, which we greet in May, leaving April behind. Now the seasons of spring and summer continue, centering on You, and we have traveled from spring to summer. We then traveled 180 degrees through the autumn and on to the winter region. This gives us the original standard of four seasons—the heavenly spring, summer, autumn and winter. The age has come when we can be received into Your embrace according to the entire principle of the cosmos, where days and years pass naturally.
By establishing the day of joint victory, the day of the victory of the number ten, after resolving conflict among all things, we can now welcome this day when all beings can be governed in pairs within the realm of Your ownership in Your peace kingdom, the homeland of love where You can settle down in peace and receive attendance.
Through this, we now witness the transition from the Era before the Coming of Heaven to the Era after the Coming of Heaven, the day when earth and heaven can be reversed and when the earth that was above can come down and heaven that was at the bottom can go up. We can now be completely liberated and released into the world of the Era after the Coming of Heaven. This is the day we can welcome Ahn Shi II, where the family becomes united directly with Your throne and welcomes the liberated realm of righteousness through attendance and settlement centering on the God of personality and on the loving True Parent of the Cosmos, the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. The throne of all people on earth can be united from the smallest place to the largest.
This is the day for You that all the other days could remember and commemorate, and it is the day in which all other days can praise Your total authority from the levels of individual, family, tribe, nation, world and cosmos. This day was established by designating the original numbers that can protect the victory of liberation a thousand-fold, the victory where the original standard can come about in the midst of the world that expands through ascending to the ten-fold level centering on the basic numbers of one through eight, and where the smaller numbers can become a bigger plus by being absorbed into the higher ones.
Everything that was divided now stands on the foundation of Hab Seung Shib Seung II together with True Parents’ four direct children in the spirit world, together with the families of four great saints, together with all blessed families, together with twelve brothers and 120 brothers, and together with the 120 clans that Jesus had wished for. By this, all creation, in the presence of Heaven and under the name of True Parents, now welcomes Your homeland and peace kingdom, and everything exists inside Your realm of dominion on the occasion of this day of the victory of the number ten.
In the midst of all this, yesterday was the forty-fourth anniversary of True Parents’ holy marriage, while April 19 was the forty-fifth True Parents’ Day. On this occasion we tie everything together and offer You this day when everything is brought to a conclusion centering on the months of April and May and when all things that were divided are joined together to form one body so You can become the Owner of every day and hour and all the years in both heaven and earth, together with the beginning of the unified cosmos, centering on Your victorious number ten, the returning number.
In the unity of all blessed families and of the direct children both in heaven and on earth, we have attained this victorious day focusing on the returning number that’s at the center of a thousand and ten thousand numbers. Through this, we go beyond the end of all providence and all restoration through indemnity centering on the individual, family and tribe. We wish for this world to harbor eternally the age of the peaceful kingdom while attending You and the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind in the environment of the family, nation and cosmos where we ourselves can welcome and stay in the realm of the Blessing and everlasting liberation. With this, we sincerely, sincerely and sincerely report, offering all this on this Ssang Hap Shib Seung II (Day of the Victory of the Number Ten that Joins Two Fives) in the name of True Parents. Aju! Aju! Aju! (May 5,2004)
3. Prayer at the Cheon Jeong Gung Entrance Ceremony and Coronation of True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace in Heaven and on Earth
Beloved Father in heaven, under whose watchful gaze over heaven and earth we bear witness to this time when the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind enter this holy Cheon Jeong Palace! While attending You, the Owner of heaven who went through great pains until now since the beginning of the construction of these facilities, heavenly soldiers were mobilized and together with the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind on earth they devoted themselves with utmost sincerity in order to firmly establish You as the Owner of this palace of peace and love, which shall remain forever. Now the construction of this Cheon Jeong Palace has been completed.
Dear Heavenly Father, this place has been established and created joyfully so You may become King of kings centering on eternal love—Owner of owners and King of kings who oversees all affairs with His sovereignty, allowing this place to become the original palace of the ideal realm of the heavenly kingdom, where all existing beings and all people throughout the ages can receive Your love and embrace and can coexist and live together for eternity.
Now true families in the name of True Parents have freed themselves from the fallen world. They have cemented a bond of heavenly love and life under Your Blessing, and designated this holy place as the focal point around which the blood lineage of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind can take root on this earth. Please reside forever in this palace. Please return to the original heart You had at the start of the ideal world, envisioned at the time of creation, and establish an environment through which You alone can bring to natural subjugation everything that has been dominated by the bloodline rooted in the evil authority through the course of the sorrowful history that came about due to the Fall of the human ancestors, who in the realm of imperfection were oblivious to Your will, and during which time You pictured the original model of a perfected family of Adam unrelated to the Fall.
My Father, Owner of the cosmos, You had to endure the path of suffering through the eight stages of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos! In order to enlighten all of the fallen descendants who were oblivious that You are our Father, the Father of our families, the Father of our nation, of our world and of our heaven and earth, You sent the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind to this earth. You then developed, pioneered and awoke ten, a hundred and a thousand things, thereby laying the foundation for victorious sovereignty. Moreover, You sent the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind to this earth to solve everything that was fighting against You and aggravating the conflict of individual mind and body, the conflict of husband and wife, the conflict of father and son, the conflict of tribes, the conflict of nations and the conflict of the world. You pioneered all the uncharted environments in heaven and on earth, and fulfilled the realm of the liberation of individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos by going through the model standard and formula based on principle.
Upon this victorious foundation, and through this dedication ceremony of the Cheon Jeong Palace today, we offer this temple and palace to You Father. May the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the Parent of the Cosmos become united as one at this palace and guide us so the preparation to hold the coronation ceremony can be completed. At this place now, please allow the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind to wash away all traces and flaws of history on behalf of all human beings and welcome the heaven and earth of high-noon settlement and of release and liberation where no shadow is cast under the bright liberated sun of love, life and lineage. Please allow the grace of serving Heaven for eternity in the Cheon Jeong Palace on earth, and allow this Cheon Jeong Palace that we are offering to You to be bound to You eternally. Please allow everything that unfolds after all the events held in this place to march forward, advance and move onward to a glorious and prosperous kingdom of heaven and world of liberation and complete freedom.
On behalf of all humankind, and representing all the saints and faithful ancestors in heaven, we lay before You and offer You on a foundation of perfection the groundwork for the kingship of the Savior, Messiah, returning Lord and True Parents who wish to fulfill everything and clear everything away in the last hour. We pray that You attain the eternal authority of Owner, and become the Owner of all things with the joy of being liberated and completely free, and we pray that this will be more than enough to do away completely with the sorrowful history that began in Eden. We now sincerely, sincerely and sincerely present and offer all this to You, Father, so that True Parents can blossom as a flower and bear fruit in the realm of life of all things in the universe. It is our sincere hope that You may joyfully accept our offering and report. Aju! Aju! Aju! (June 13,2006)
4. True God's Day 2001 Midnight Prayer
Beloved Heavenly Father! We have just welcomed the New Year of 2001, which concludes the two thousand years of Christian history and begins the third millennium. Father, here under the watchful gaze of heaven and earth, the two-thousand-year history of Your Will has gone by, during which all things in the cosmos yearned for the creation of Your victorious kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven according to their relationship with Your love, Heavenly Father. Now we have gone through the age of indemnity and bitter sorrow, which has taken us beyond the First Israel, Second Israel and Third Israel. You promised the Messiah to the realm of the First Israel in order to open the path of attaining liberation and open the path of Your Will to establish True Parents on the earth. From the very day the Messiah was crucified because the people failed to serve the Messiah as the True Parents, Christianity formed the lost realm of Israel on the world level and fulfilled the founding of the Second Israel, centering on United States, a Christian nation, which can connect the center of the nation to the center of the world.
Heaven and earth, East and West, every people, every nation and every individual in every family were all divided in history. You worked to separate Cain and Abel on this earth in order to fulfill Your promise to bring the True Parents. You sought to fulfill Your Will of liberation through the works of unification, which were brought about by the victory of the Christian cultural realm after the Second World War. The bitter and sorrowful way of the cross materialized on earth due to the failure of Zechariah’s and Joseph’s families to fulfill their tribal messiah mission to become one with one another, which was the goal of Jesus’ thirty-three years of life. Because of this, Heaven was unable to obtain the foundation of a family that would have been the starting point for the ideal of a liberated heaven, which would not only have leapt but even soared, achieving victory over Rome. We know this historical event and failure that led Jesus to walk the sorrowful course of the cross.
Ever since that day, there was no way to liberate completely Your sorrowful heart as it meandered for two thousand years through the countless bloody incidents of history. No one understood Your anguished heart as the Father who endured for a thousand years, even two thousand years. No one understood Your heart as You witnessed the changes of a sorrowful history, watching Your children on earth nail their parent to the cross. No one knew Your Will to prepare new spring water of liberation in the midst of a world engulfed in a raging ocean of death. We were oblivious to the existence of Your Will and Your completely sorrowful heart, burdened under historical circumstances, having to restore through indemnity what was lost through one man. In this world where people waited for the Lord to return on the clouds, Christianity and all religions persisted in conflict and, having forgotten the unifying standard, drove each other toward the path of death.
The history of Cain and Abel that had been leading this history of conflict became the division of the physical and spiritual realms centering on the Second World War. Jesus went to the spirit world to fulfill his parental responsibility spiritually while forming a unified world centering on the Parent on the earth. Due to all this, True Parents were established as a foothold of substantial victory that can represent the perfection of the physical world through the standard created by the perfection of the spirit world. If Catholicism and Protestantism had united after the First World War, which had prepared the coming of True Parents, then united with the spiritual standard centering on Jesus and the Holy Spirit, inheriting it after erecting True Parents on the earth, we could have created a victorious foothold on the earth within seven years after the end of the Second World War. We would have restored You as the central being on earth and brought about Your liberation, which we yearn for today.
We could have marched beyond the peak of sorrow that came about because human beings failed to become perfect. Then together with the free authority of True Parents and their right to liberate You upon the foundation of having liberated the history of the individual, family, tribe, people and cosmos, True Parents could have restored all of Your lost sovereignty, the basis of love's authority, everything that was lost due to the false parent, and welcomed the age of having perfected their mission. All this could have been completed fifty years ago.
In this year we conclude the last two thousand years. This is now forty years since the beginning of the wilderness course that started with a sorrowful family that, after losing that opportunity, has now achieved liberation of the family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos in the year 2000, centering on the True Parent who has reached the age of eighty. We have achieved the liberation of Your homeland centering on the ideal of the cosmic liberation of heaven and earth, just as Moses did when he set out on his course to build the nation of Israel.
We have abolished paradise and hell in the spirit world, demolished all the barriers in the heavenly world and demolished all the barriers between heaven and hell centering on the realm of the eight stages of freedom—from the individual, family, tribe, people, nation to the world—thus paving the highway of liberation. We then indemnified the conditions to fulfill the wishes of all spirits who eagerly awaited and yearned for that day of Blessing from the Parents, Parents who came into the midst of the sorrowful spirits who reside everywhere from hell to paradise in the spirit world. By doing so, the liberated realm of the Blessing of both the spiritual and physical worlds was attained and established at the same time.
Now both worlds rooted in a single heart can subjugate Satan. They can cross over to the liberated world of freedom sitting atop the victorious authority of Your absolute love, absolute life and absolute faith bound in Your lineage. Beginning from March 21, 1999, when Satan surrendered, we hastened the reorganization of the spirit world and spent many busy days until the last day of the year 2000.
No one knew of Your sorrow until the liberated realm of heart of the fourth Adam was declared. This came after the sorrows of the Old Testament, the sorrows of the New Testament and the sorrows of the Completed Testament, sorrows that are finally relieved on this new day of the new year, 2001, this occasion of welcoming a liberated world at the start of the third millennium. Through this all, this busy child has hastened his steps in accordance with the Your command. This child has not fulfilled the way of a devoted son, loyal subject, saint and divine child enough. Even so please personally guide him, even though, as Heaven stands before him, he knows he risks being unworthy in Heaven's eyes.
On this glorious new beginning of the third millennium, please allow the Parents of Heaven and Earth and their children to become one in heart and essence together, not only with Your liberated realm that came about with the glorious victory opening the gate of the Completed Testament Age, but also with the liberated realm of True Parents. We are truly grateful for Your hard work of fulfilling and going beyond the conditions for perfection, the hard work of the calling, and of the responsibility to perfect Your Will that is in the subject position, the hard work that realizes Your desire for the world—Your Will that is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, and the hard work that has pioneered this path that could connect the realm of liberation both on earth and in heaven.
Father, Your children, the blessed families gathered here today, should know how fearsome this Blessing is they have received. No one knew that You became the God of a sorrowful heart who was utterly alone, with no one with whom to share Your circumstances while embracing a history of bitter sorrow for tens of millions of years after losing Your original Will of erecting the family of True Parents, the family envisioned and wished for as Your ideal for creation.
After having discovered Your Will at a young age, however, I followed a one-way path, regardless of whether people recognized me for it or not, overcoming hurdles to find myself today as having gone beyond the world's highest peak. By doing so, the earth now is connected to the spirit world, enabling us to transcend all nations and reach directly the liberation of earth. This day of family allows for the privileged blessing of liberation on a unified standard beyond the people, nations, religions and all denominations in the spirit world. This victorious position of authority cannot be opposed. It is complete both in heaven and on earth. We are truly grateful You have allowed us to welcome this new year and begin the third millennium on a day like this.
We proclaimed already that the day You can fulfill the liberation and perfection of Your wish and goal will come only twelve days after today. Please accept this heart that prays that all blessed families of the Unification family and the blessed families in the spirit world who are offering devotion for this purpose can become one in heart and essence, breaking down all barriers and going beyond the final one that brings down all the walls in this hell on earth, and that in this way can usher in the realization of a world under the liberated realm and victorious autonomy that spreads in all directions without anything blocking its path. We sincerely wish for You to allow this day to become the day on which we can commemorate a new beginning that will go down in history for a thousand years, the new beginning that starts the journey to the year 3000.
We brought everything to an end on the last day of the year 2000, which is December 31, and also a Sunday. May Heaven clearly draw the line so we can make a new beginning from Monday, this day in this new week in the new millennium. You have allowed us to welcome the age of blessing when we can establish victorious glory, victorious dignity and heaven’s authority at the outset of this liberated millennium. We are truly, truly grateful for the grace You have bestowed upon us.
Father! There are still many incomplete tasks left for the new millennium, and we now enter the age where Heaven must take responsibility for these tasks. Your beloved True Parents, these children, have not been able to accomplish their responsibility. Please forgive Your son, who is ashamed for everything left unfinished, for it must be accomplished while relying on and yearning for Heaven’s authority again.
My sincere heart has never changed— and it will never change in the future. I offer my pledge to You, together with the oath that we will humbly accept this path and that our heart of love to You as devoted children will never change. Please lead us to the way You want us to go. We have decided to dedicate the next ten years to offer all our devotion for that day of victory when we can praise the liberation of Your homeland and praise heaven on earth and in heaven through erecting the victorious authority of Your sovereignty on the earth. As the blessed families from all nations who are gathered here today make this determination, we sincerely, sincerely wish for You to accept it.
During the rest of this millennium, Father, we will prepare the realm of unification from the deepest part of hell on earth that began when heaven’s glory was despoiled, to the highest place, including in the spirit world. Then we will march, march and march forward to establish heaven on earth and in heaven, the heaven of the liberated realm of freedom where You, Father, can stand in the highest, most glorious position, reigning over all nations and the entire universe. We promise this to You in the name of True Parents, and we sincerely report this to You here from the position central to all families and the Will. We proclaim in the name of True Parents that this Will shall be fill- filled! Aju! Aju! Aju! (January 1,2001)
5. Prayer at the dedication of the Cheongshim Peace World Center
Loving Father, heaven and earth have solemnly erected the banner of one heart to blossom by focusing their heart on this place. In this hour, we must achieve oneness with You, the Creator of the universe in both essence and heart centered on the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. In order to recover the state of mind when You told Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden that they would die for eternity if they ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, True Parents have prepared for this moment while offering devotion in order to see the standard of one mind, one ideology and one purity blossom.
Ninety-three years have passed, and on this fifty-third True Parents’ Day, we have brought complete fruition in this grand place. You, the Heavenly Parent, cherished the ideal garden that was to be Eden's standard and ideal of creation centering on You, the absolute God before mind and body were divided. However, even before You could embark on the path toward this ideal, division occurred due to an unforeseen, impure and wrongful idea. The realm of a single generation has been completed through one heart. The great plaza that was originally planned together with the name of True Parents has been established in the original place where there was no false parent. Countless citizens of heaven and earth have come here where the flowers of their hearts have blossomed, and now we offer a full bow before You, who bears the authority of the supreme Creator together with the guardian of that authority, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
You have desired the one land of miracle that would serve as the symbol of victorious sovereignty. However, due to Eve’s mistake, an unforeseen night of sadness and sorrow resulted. From that day on, You withdrew the realm of day, and, like the new light of a firefly, You brightened the dark path in the realm of night, engulfed in darkness. True Parents completed and perfected the Will in the very place where the false parents posed as parents until the original light could shine as the central light in this vast world. You have stepped through and gone beyond the time of sorrowful heart, the thousands of years during which You yearned for and long dreamed of the original Eden but were unable to bequeath a single day of blessing. You now stand in the highest position of focusing on the mark of new victory, where Your blueprint, the Creator’s original blueprint can now be realized. Now we stand on a new mark of victory, on the focal point, at the highest position after having walked through and overcome the hours of bitter sorrow during which time You could not bequeath that blessed day of jubilation in the original garden of Eden that You gazed upon, the dream of history that spanned thousands of years.
In this place where the entire universe is watching, we have prepared and completed the formation of the dutiful son’s realm of oneness by erecting the model standard, allowing all our descendants to stay within that standard. This is the steppingstone upon which we can commemorate the day of True Parents’ victory budding like a flower rooted in the single-mindedness of hope. As we march toward the world of freedom and liberation, a liberated heaven and earth free from restraints, so all humankind can offer You praise of joy and happiness in front of this palace You designed at this new plaza today, we present to You today the Cheongshim Peace World Center as a plaza of joy and glory. We are gathered here today as people who will never forget the singular focal point of commemorating this completion and conclusion.
Let the sunlight shine on this bright, liberated central position of freedom and this bright heaven and earth where the numerous blessed families in the spirit world and their descendants on earth have the unified focus of serving their parents. Please let this place be loved by all people as the new plaza of education through which You can directly educate this world of darkness by the authority of light—from east, west, south and north, everywhere You go. We are now preparing for the days to celebrate completing the liberation of the Blessing and holy love while tying together our once divided mind and body. We are engrafted onto the beginning of the history that True Parents initiated. On this straight path that we take in accordance with this time, we should attend and unite toward the center of all four directions with one heart and one essence in the mind and body of our couple.
If we are to welcome within one year the day when the third Holy Wedding of True Parents will be completed, and then spend time with faithful children who can be raised in such a position, there must be one nation, one people and one king. We will have a liberated heart with which we can receive the cause of children while in the embrace of the absolute authority of the Creator and with which we can stand with the heart of a lofty warrior modeled after True Parents, even though we are lacking. With this, we will forget about all the sorrowful history that unfolded in front of You, Father. It is our earnest hope and prayer that the Holy Wedding that will be held in the future may be the period when we can light the incense inside the burner of Your ideal family, and sing songs of praise and glory, thankfully embraced in a single clan.
Father, please overlook the inadequacy of the devotions that were offered to bring us to this point, as we yearned for the name of True Parents. Father, the fruit of Heaven’s blood-red heart shall never fall to the earth but shall be remembered as ineradicable footprints. We are preparing to receive the Blessing on the glorious throne in the substantial realm, the throne of unity, completion and perfection where all our descendants can be united with Your heart by following these footprints. Father, please protect, guide and lead us until that day.
Gathered here are Your blessed children. Please shed the bright sunlight of peace on their hearts that long for the original homeland of their desire, the homeland that will come in the future. On that privileged day of victory, all living beings without exception can enter the fourth, original homeland of freedom and happiness in the heavenly world. We ask You that You harvest that day as the fruit of the flowers that blossom upon the substantial harmonization of hearts. Please protect and guide us until that day. We believe that You will accept us as we eternally align with that ideal.
I pray that the wish of the child who believes in You, the great Father, will be fulfilled. Please allow sunlight to shine on the bright heaven and earth of glory and protection, which is our final destination. Allow one pillar to rise from the center to eternity, so nothing is lacking in the perfection and completion of the educational ideology achieved through all existing things in the world and through the heart of a parent who loves heaven and loves people and loves all things. With this request, we offer this solemn occasion in front of You, the Father with the heart of True Parents. Please accept all this with a joyful heart.
Please let this become the eternal, unchanging occasion of protection when the Parents, like You, the Father, can hear the shouts of joy ring in their heart together with the sound of joyful cries from heaven and earth. Beloved Father, as we sincerely and honestly report and offer our wish for this place to become the holy kingdom of peace through the name of True Parents, please accept this. Thank You. Aju! (March 22,2012)
6. True God's Day 2005 Midnight Prayer
Beloved Heavenly Father, we have passed through the fourth year of Cheon 11 Guk and entered the fifth year. As Your history of restoration through indemnity moves toward its final destination, I know how difficult, arduous and full of pain and tears Your path has been as You sought the holy ground of Cheong- pyeong in Korea. Now this path is behind us and we have proclaimed the era of the cosmic peace kingdom, centering on the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace.
By attending You as the Parent and True Parents as the earthly Parents, a new point of the origin has been established that can unite the internal and external parents. This child knows well of Your lonely life course as You, Father, pioneered the environment and longed for the re-created garden based on ideal love while You deeply buried in Your heart the unending hope that stems from traversing the course of history required to go beyond the new point of origin.
Father, we are awestruck when we come to know about how You sent this unworthy child to the land of Korea and how, unknown to any regarding the relationships and the conditions surrounding them, in the background of thousands of years of history, You, the incorporeal owner in the subject partner position, walked a difficult path behind the scenes of history, suffering in order to start anew. From a position of having no form, You could finally acquire a form through incorporeal and corporeal counterparts.
Even though there have been many peoples, nations and families, countless men and women, only this child knows deeply of Your bitter anguish. There has been no one of this earth who could relate to You as Your partner with the deep heart of a son or daughter, expressing respect and affection to You. No one could relate with Your deep, wide and precious heart of love.
Your son did not know of Your sorrowful heart with which You had to seek both a man and woman. Satan also did not know of such things, which were beyond his limits. Only You knew of this one confusing borderline. In order to go beyond this line, You had to always continue on with the same heart on this endless path of bitter pain and anguish, passing through this infinite history and through every age as You sought Your son. This child knows well the path of tribulations You walked until You finally found the one path through which You could take rest in this land of Korea. You traversed vast lands and continents behind the scenes of a history that lasted seven thousand years, during which not a single person in heaven or on earth could recognize Your heavenly countenance.
The child who stands before You today may look shabby in appearance, but he knows all too well the path of sorrow of the defeated ones who lost their kingship as they lived in the shadow of the history of bitter anguish. I know too well how great was Your bitter anguish in not being able to pass on Your kingship to Your child, and ultimately in losing the king- ship itself.
When we look upon the vast populations that make up humankind—countless nations, individuals and families—we know that these all should have become lamps that blossom like the flowers of Your hope of love. That nation and world should have shone like the sun and moon and become a subject partner with a driving power that could move all the life forms of creation. As You lost these things, Father, and as You searched for Your son, You were alone, imprisoned in the shadow of a dark heart. You crossed long distances alone, longing for the son whom You would find in the Last Days that lay in the distance. That history of yearning was not merely a day or two; it has lasted for tens of thousands of years. And You have worked to lift up religions for four thousand years.
On this path, struggling to surmount this peak, we must pioneer all the difficult paths in front of the road Satan is taking, even as we wander through life- or-death situations that nobody on this earth would desire. We have to move beyond the appearance that is shameful in front of the original things of creation. We must cross the borderline to freedom and assume our own appearance. Now in this hour of bidding farewell to year four of Cheon II Guk, and welcoming year five, we can't simply be awestruck by Your heart, our Father, that so yearned for a son who could become the daylight and moonlight of the future, while reflecting on the history that was required to establish You as the Owner of all creation.
After achieving the coronation for the establishment of the kingship of peace, centering on the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace on the earth, we must now go beyond the realm of the people of the Mongolian birthmark to unite all human beings under the realm of the Mongolian people’s lineage. Without doing so, Adam’s ideal family, Adam’s ideal nation and Adam’s ideal heaven will be blanketed by the dark shadow of ruin, cast by those who are related to Satan’s lineage of Cain, the one who committed murder in Adam’s family.
We must welcome that world with the new, bright and clear morning light and have a loving heart, together with You, the Owner of heaven and earth.
This child once again must ask forgiveness at this time on behalf of our ancestors from the countless generations that inflicted wounds upon Your heart, which has longed for the liberated realm of Your Sabbath, where heaven and earth—from the extremely small mineral world to the plant, animal and human worlds and all the creation belonging to the pair system—can be harmonized within a realm of unity of love, and where our ancestors can labor, rejoice and live together with You.
There are no words to describe the suffering and tribulation on the path that came to You, Father, before You raised this child in a position responsible for heaven and earth, the suffering that happened because of the failure of religions and nations on earth to fulfill their responsibilities. I cannot forget about the earlier times when I had to struggle and worry about Your cross becoming heavier. In all those instances I had to shoulder these failures, as ever-greater weight was heaped on my shoulders.
Father! I knew at these times that behind Your deep heart there were circumstances deeper, higher and wider than this child could realize, but I know it brings unhappiness to try to know that world and that it would be sinful to know it. Thus I have endured quietly even though I was in the position to run to Your loving embrace, and call You Father. As such, I cannot forget the days when You helped me as I walked the path of perseverance, patience, suffering and persecution, the path laid out through the realm of life and death, the path that led to the day when Your deep, innermost shadow could be lifted.
Father! I can’t forget the joy of that day of the Enthronement Ceremony for the Kingship of God, which took place on January 13 in the first year of Cheon II Guk, prior to marking the fourth year of Cheon II Guk. This child who stood in shame in front of Heaven for not being able to bring a nation to offer that day, came to this land, the homeland, and spoke to these young and immature children about how great is the responsibility I was called to take on and that needs to be fulfilled within the next four years. I stand in a position where, even though I might not be able to believe in them, I must do so nevertheless. I had not reached the point, Father, where I could see them as sons and daughters who can stand with both hands raised before You, and pledge to take responsibility to complete and fulfill their given responsibility during the next four years.
This child who failed to transcend the source of the evil parent who planted the seed of sin has established a foundation. These children have to attend the Parents who shall raise a nation and reveal the great way of the heavenly principles, so that the sun and moon can unite, and heaven and earth can come together in the bright cosmos, and a family can emerge from the nest of love. My heart contorts as I experience how lonely, vexing, upsetting and bitter is the history of the ordeals that have arisen due to the failure to establish the position of an ideal loving couple that can carry on true love, true life and true lineage. Feeling this, I know how heart wrenching it has been for Heaven.
We have gone beyond the fourth year of Cheon II Guk and arrived at this position after establishing occasional conditional foundations because we were unable to find a solution to offer a nation, a religion from this earth, to liberate Your heart. We sincerely hope that You, Father, can forgive our shame of having struggled to this point. We come to You with a heart of concern as we look toward the path upon which we must begin our journey and contemplate the bridges we must cross, the tunnels we must pass through, and the world of oceans we must sail, even though we are a nation only in name. We have a locomotive, but have been unable connect the passenger cars.
Since we were born with an inevitable and special connection to Heaven, we need to make the impossible possible. We must turn hopeless situations into hopeful ones. We could not do this until now. Even so, You came to us as we sorrowfully struggled in that impossible situation, a situation that required You to enhance Your omnipotence further in order to resurrect the children who originally were in the position of death. We should have absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience in the face of the path You take. But we are unable to talk in a loud voice. We only can whisper and worry, fearing that we, as unfilial children, might bring shame upon You before Satan.
We must liberate the bright heaven and earth so we can bring all the ancestors who were disobedient to You throughout history to this place. After moving beyond the fourth millennium, they greeted the fifth millennium, the millennium in which they could welcome the Messiah. This is due to Your wish to send Your son and daughter as the Messiah into the age of the New Testament, which represented the Old Testament at the time of seeking the number five after losing the number four. The blood of countless Christians was spilled for two thousand years because Jesus came to the earth but left more work to be done for organizing heaven and earth. I know very well that while crying and suffering You pushed the heart of this son again and again for him to go this way. You endured the sorrowful sight of him being compelled to stand outside Your path of righteousness, bearing individual sacrifices along with tears of defeat shed at the family, tribal and national levels.
There has never been a devoted son on this earth who could fulfill the path of loyalty and filial piety. There has never been a patriot or a family of divine sons and daughters. These things that even You could not do, I had to fulfill. I had to follow this path, with this responsibility, into the sea of tears shed due to indescribable suffering, all the while regarding it as a wading pool where children swim every day. I had to walk these paths forgetting my struggles and strive to reach this point while focusing only on Your goals and desires, and on the sunlight You revealed. Now at this moment we surmount the peak, and welcome the fifth year.
We have to invite all the unfortunate people in the spirit world, all the ancestors in the spirit world, and even You to the earth on the foundation of the blessed families on earth, whom I proudly call my direct descendants. And then we should attend all of those who dwell in the spirit world. There was no family on earth that had become a family of filial piety, of patriots, saints or divine sons and daughters, and I have spent my entire life educating families. With this old body, yet young at heart, I still face the course of fulfilling my given responsibility to open the new gates to the heavenly world, along with the task of arranging all things in the earthly world. I will do this until the moment I collapse, in order to accomplish what they should have done.
Father! While I traversed such a course, I knew that Your heart that worried for me was a hundred, a thousand fold greater, but still I could not comfort Your sorrowful heart. Because of the wandering of Your heart, You could not rest even when rest was needed. You had to endure alone all the indignities inflicted upon You while at the forefront of pioneering efforts. You had to spend so much effort in order to fill this child with what he lacks. In front of this, Father, I make this report to You now, being united in mind and body and united with my wife, who is standing here with me.
I know very well that the very being who brought about the seemingly impossible conflict between Your mind and body was the same being who stained the name of True Parents. Therefore let our two bodies be transformed into one, let us become the bright Parents of the new morning that rises explosively before Your deep heart, as the sun and moon that shine beyond the darkness to bring the tide of the bright heaven and earth beginning this year. I proclaim these supremely important levels of responsibility so all the good and bad things in the spirit world can come to earth and bear fruit as good things. I am making a new determination to offer this before You.
Let the people from all over the world gathered here today attain one heart, one body and one essence with True Parents’ heart. On the foundation of liberation, freedom, tranquility and rest, let the Parents of Heaven and Earth be attended by families numbering from one to the tens of millions. Let these become families of sons and daughters of filial piety, families of patriots that go beyond the nation, families of saints that go beyond the world, and families of divine sons and daughters that go beyond the cosmos, consistently fulfilling the way of loyalty and filial piety. During this four-year period, bless us so that, with all our hearts, we can take a giant leap for the sake of a joyful occasion, as the world can freely guide and digest all things, and bring unfettered liberty and liberation to the realm of the Sabbath centered on Ahn Shi II, which Heaven can embrace.
In the ninth year of Cheon II Guk, following the year 2008, please become the Owner, Parent and Teacher for eternity, who, with their being no boundaries between the heavenly world and the earthly world, may freely travel to heaven from the earthly world along with those who came to earth. Please reign over these worlds while firmly commanding the throne of the world of the original palace, the free, liberated heaven and earth void of questions and doubt. We pray You will enjoy Your reign of peace for all eternity.
As I lay the foundation, let me invest my sincerity, even through this old and worn body, without fear for those days to come, without fear for the passing of the moons and suns. I pray for Your cooperation as long as I have strength to move on. Please have pity on the heart of this child who depends only on You. Please be with me throughout and guide me as I walk the path I must take.
Father, please bestow Your love on True Mother, who is standing here. She truly has gone through many hardships to this day. I know too well how great the power of Your call to Mother has been, as she prepared her standard as a filial daughter before You and as she made the preparations to attend our family. Still a responsibility remains for me that prevents me from giving guidance to her. Hence let me be able to help Mother to go beyond her 5 percent responsibility during the four remaining years. With my heart of gratitude before Heaven, and with Mother offering her thanks to Heaven, let us be like two burning incense sticks, like two candles lighting the darkness. Please protect us and guide us so we can perfect the way of the True Parents.
On this first day of a new beginning, and as we designate the motto for this year, please unite our couple as one body, and let us go forth with hope and joy on this path even though our bodies maybe pulled apart and wounded as we travel between the internal world of heaven and the external world of heaven. Bless us and guide us so we may reach the position of Your victory without collapsing on the way. On behalf of these two humble hearts of such unworthy people, this I sincerely, sincerely report and proclaim in the name of the True Parents. Aju! (January 1,2005)
7. True God's Day 2007 Midnight Prayer
Beloved Father, Lord of glory, everlasting Owner, source of the cosmos and of heaven and earth! The sixth year of Cheon II Guk, in which You exercised Your authority as the subject partner and as the victorious and glorious King, has passed. On this morning of January 1, the first day of the seventh year of Cheon II Guk, we usher in an era through which Your blessings can spread throughout all of heaven and earth and You, our God, can relate with the earth as You would have originally, and with the authority of the original Owner.
All the numbers of Ssang Hap Shib Seung that were under Satan's influence have been returned and restored to Heaven by designating Ssang Hap Shib Seung II, the Day of the Victory of the Number Ten that Joins Two Fives. You, the Absolute Being, now can occupy the center and relate with everything. You are the Absolute Being, who once was alone in a world without partnership. In the presence of all creation, You enjoyed absolute freedom and had a heart of love that was absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, expressing Your main attributes. Still, as You did not have a world that could be Your object partner of love, You were by Yourself and lonely. Father, we learned about these things through the Divine Principle.
You are an incorporeal being in whom the dual characteristics of inner nature and external form are in harmony. In order for You to stand in the position of the Owner who can represent Adam and be more than just the center of the physical world, You need to have within Yourself a reciprocal relationship that represents both male and female. Without this relationship, You could not initiate, exist and be in motion as the source of life in the present world and the entire universe. Harmony cannot be created on a straight line; inevitably the end-points will end up far apart. Yet, after centering on four points, five points, eight points and ten points after the three points, You could bring into existence a physical world and relationships of new created beings. We are aware that this was the great universe that was the hope of Your creation. In the meantime, there was a providential course of raising the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind as the true subject partner, as the owner and object partner on the earth.
In the garden of Eden, Heaven did not leave behind instructions for arranging the preservation of public security, for uniting the red blood cells with the white blood cells, and thereby creating a secured realm that could have protected the entire course of Adam and Eve until they were blessed and perfected. Adam and Eve were given the commandment to not eat of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but a security measure ensuring the outcome was never imposed and thus they fell, through an unthinkable process. Beginning from the day of the Fall, Heaven and the entire universe were disconnected.
The harmonious, united realm of Your dual characteristics was to manifest through the substantiation of origin-division-union action. In that substantial form, You were to have become the core of relationships and affinities in the realm
of the subject and object partners within and among all existing beings of creation, centering on the main attribute of true love exercised during creation. Through the unity of subject-object, above-below and front-back relationships that are absolute as well as unique, unique as well as unchanging and eternal, You assumed a physical form, centering on Your incorporeal dual characteristics, for the sake of adjusting the ecological environment for all created beings, centering on that single central core. Through this, the separated substantial realms of the father and mother could become as one, centering on Your new, ideal love.
Through the course of the history of recreation, whenever a generation among the countless generations since the first one passed, history would return to a single standard that could be united with Heaven. By developing and completely settling itself at that core that can be connected as far as the boundary line, the ideal starting point could emerge, bringing harmony and unity to the entire created world within the realm of Your love, life and lineage. After the completion of the Blessing of the first ancestors, the original individual entities of truth could have functioned in harmony and in partnership, representing the historical elements You have cultivated, representing the entire world to which You relate, representing all these things. It is the historical source, from You to the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind— Your manifestation in the flesh—and to every being of creation at that point of emergence.
The great universe moves like one living entity and is like the shoot from a single branch or tree springing from the true love root and origin. In this universe You can reside in the position of the great King who has dominion over the self determining heaven and earth of one mind and one body, and You are in the position of the Lord of glory.
The fact is we lost that Father. Within history and within the realm of Your heart, You who had to pass through the course of bitter pain called restoration through indemnity, You could embrace and forgive the world You relate to based on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience of our ancestors, as the subject partner and center representing all things. From the day when everything that longed for that ideal realm failed to become as one, the history of re-creation was repeated until now.
Your great endeavors for re-creation, from one to tens of billions of such efforts, had to be connected together. Ten should have led to eleven, to twenty- one, to a hundred and one, to a thousand and one, and to a hundred million and one. By doing so, we could become one with the unified realm, the entirety and all the details, along with the original, formative Origin of creation. We thank You for Your grace that persevered until now when the history of these endeavors allows the unity to arise and be restored through indemnity, perfecting the unified realm that returns to Heaven through the True Parents. We thank You for this grace.
Your heart has been filled with grief. A history of bitter sorrow ensued as You had to deal with an environment in which Satan was independently asserting his authority by separating, dividing and severing all ties between You and humanity, parent and child, husband and wife, older brother and younger brother and all realms of the ancestors, present and future. The age has come when this history of Your bitter sorrow must come to an end through True Parents. You experienced completely a history of failure spanning thousands of years from the first family, to the failure to restore the nation through Moses, to the repeated failures in Jesus’ time. You experienced this from the source of these mistakes to the end result of these mistakes. You sent the True Parents in the truest form to earth so the grace of liberation and complete freedom could prevail, allowing us to aim for a world of one heart, one body, one mindset, and one center with You, and to settle at Your center in unity and harmony. Then the light of life from You, our God of glory, could cover everything from beginning to end, thereby allowing us to enter a time of welcoming a new realm of resurrection for all living beings. We thank You for this grace.
There has never been a hometown, a homeland, a parent, a husband and wife, siblings, a true nation or a true people on this earth. Indemnity was paid for all this to be restored and established. All situations of sorrow greater than that of Adam were resolved by blessing numerous families representing hundreds of millions of families in the world, thus moving beyond the individual family that fell in the past. By doing so, You bequeathed to us the realm of family resurrection in an independent and individual realm of truth, so the beginning with new ancestors could be designated. Through this, we inherited the authority of Heaven’s glory and, at the same time, ushered in anew the seventh year of Cheon II Guk, in which Your authority as the Owner could be exercised over the center of heaven and earth and above the realm of unity that covers and makes use of everything. We inherited the force and authority over the universe, the world, and everything included in the acts by which we create again, produce again and complete again.
Your sovereignty now has been established on the earth. Cheon II Guk, which can become the peace kingdom of heaven, earth and the cosmos, has manifested itself. This standard that manifested itself is based on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, upon which all existence was created from beginning to end. Everything that was distorted by the false parents will be swept away and, with the authority of life of True Parents’ true love, resurrected anew. Each and every layer will be stripped away, each and every kernel and core coming from that inner single point, and the focus of the pulse that can breathe in and out the deep pulse of the universe, will expand from the source of the rotational movement to the great motions of the universe. We have entered a time when all of heaven and earth can move independently and still remain together, synchronized with the pulse of love.
In the meantime, You worked through Your providence to establish the lineage of Your life. On that foundation, You planted and nurtured the seed. The entire life of the True Parents was set according to the standard of indemnity through five stages—indemnity from the era of the individual to the era of the family, tribe, people and nation. In this way everything planted by the false parents throughout the historical eras until now could be indemnified. Everything planted by Satan’s lineage bore fruit on the national level and began from an imperfect state. This is similar to what happens with an imperfect egg that cannot become a fertilized egg. Therefore, the introduction of the sperm that was nurtured from the core of love that resides in You and encompasses tens of billions of years, which could have become the seed of the fertilized egg, began but did not reach an egg into which it could completely settle and produce the fruits that would allow True Parents’ lineage to be established.
The True Parent of the Cosmos and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind have perfected the authority of the substantial True Parents in this world. On the foundation of their blessing and love, they have many children and can hand over to them the twelve tribes, rallying all these together by the ideal authority that connects each group, clan and nation in the blessed world of 72 people and on to the 120 people in the third generation. In that position representing the world, the protected authority of Your victory has been received, as we say farewell to the sixth year of Cheon II Guk under that realm of liberation and complete freedom, making a new beginning under privileged rights that allow heaven and earth to be revived anew and grow, and to stand in a position that encompasses the realm of the object partner that is above and below, capable of bringing together the numbers 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, which can perfect Cheon II Guk.
In Your position as the Owner, everything within the realm of heaven and earth, with their rights of existence established in their original form, has been repatriated before that single standard, even if their number goes beyond ten to eleven, 100 million to 100 million and 1, and on to infinity. All the senses that breathed within the united realm of one mind, one body and one mindset are established and follow the circuit of the original standard, flowing like the blood pulsing in our veins and arteries so that we may be mobilized toward the liberated kingdom of heaven on earth.
There is something that must remain in the universe. In the reciprocal relationships centered on true love—in the left-right and front-back relationships— harmony and unity are created through giving and receiving with one’s partner. Through this, a world of one harmony, completely settled in Your original ideal, will be created on the earth and carried beyond the realm of liberation and complete freedom. As the nation at the center and core of the cosmic federation of Cheon II Guk, this will lead to the liberation of the homeland that will enable us to declare the complete liberation of all nations and the complete release of the entire universe. Furthermore, we can now designate and proclaim the day of declaration enabling the liberation of the cosmos and the center of the global realm of heart of the fourth Adam, to be brought together from this point and mobilized again.
The ancestors who were blessed should from this day on become as one, in harmony with their ancestors above them, with the world around them horizontally, and with their descendants vertically. The spirits in the spirit world should become one in harmony with the blessed families centering on the substantial Adam on earth. Through this, the positions of the elder brother and younger brother, child and father, and grandfather and grandson shall be reversed. On the foundation allowing for this new 360-degree transition, a new history, rotating clockwise from the right to the left, shall begin from the first day of the first month on behalf of all things. Through the link connecting the core of the world to the core of the cosmos, all this has been presented to this age, in which all blessings can be governed, and where You can exercise and assert Your autonomous authority based on one mind, one body, one mindset and one core. In True Parents’ name I grant the restoration of this new heaven and earth, enabling this transfer so that history can make a new beginning centering on the united realm based on the solidarity of all things.
Let the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind become one. Let everything, from the beginning of creation, which has been the desire of the mind and body, to the finally restored world, be turned around. The kingdom of the peaceful reign and liberation can begin and advance within the countless days of eternity returned to heaven and to the entire world from this single day, this beginning of eternity, which is beyond morning and evening, month after month, and year after year. In the new morning of the new year, today, we proclaim this to the entire universe and to all the realms of earth and heaven in the presence of the Parents of Heaven and Earth who have made this possible.
All existing beings of creation could manifest as a single being, a single, united entity of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience according to True Parents’ desire. Let all this be returned and brought in, including everything that was taken away from Heaven, by January 13, 2013. Until that day, let us pour out all our effort and devotion to urge and press for the liberation arising from the fulfillment of the goals proclaimed on this day. Let us advance into the time of the autonomous realm of freedom in which the fulfillment of the goals is holly realized. This I report fervently and earnestly in True Parents’ name! Aju! Aju! Aju!
Let the owner of the warm hearth where father and son can live together emerge! In gratitude, I pray that Heaven’s blessings may be with us forever. All this I pray in the name of the True Parents. Let everything be freed! Aju! (January 1,2007)
I have completed everything
Today, as I have returned the conclusion of the final perfection to You, Father, I know that up to this moment, I have offered my whole life to You. I am spending this time now to bring my life to its conclusion, to bring it to a close with utmost devotion, in accordance with Your Will. In order that we may return to the original garden of Eden, the garden with no trace of the Fall, and surmount everything that came to be connected to Adam’s portion of responsibility following the error committed by his betrothed, I, who have the authority to grant liberation and complete freedom to everything, declare that anyone who follows True Parents, be it someone in the fourth dimension, or be it someone who would otherwise go even to the fourteenth dimension of hell, will be adopted into the kingdom of heaven and registered in the fourth dimension. I declare that if, centering on the fourteen sons and daughters, the tribal messiahs are able to fulfill the calling of national representatives and restore the 387 nations [of the Abel UN and Cain UN], everything will be brought to a conclusion. I have accomplished everything for this. I have completed everything. Aju! (August 13,2012)
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